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Sep 27, 1989 (Age: 35)
Home Page:
Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down


Chaser, 35, from Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down

*TwilightNight* was last seen:
Jun 16, 2016
    1. water mage
      water mage
      That's why I'm waiting for the novels and just because of the line he says in the game "You shouldn't judge anyone by appearance" makes me think there is something hidden within him that he doesn't show. Parts of that are shown through his bitterness to the other members and I would of never thought that he would talk back to them or even yell at them like the part when Saix disappeared and he then yelled at him once he had already gone. Also in the final mix version of Kingdom Hearts II, there is a part where he talks to Sora and the way he handles himself is one of a show off, a snob or smartass. So with seeing so many different things and discovering more in the novels I keep thinking of these thoughts and his character overall. Perhaps there is something he is hiding from the others. There has to be more to Demyx then meets the eye. I mean the guy can fight in the game and the damage is deadly and serious with all of that force and there is a part where his fists glows purplish blue and he strikes Sora with it before hurting him with the sitar. Of course tha is in slow motion so more things that I didn't notice about Demyx keep appearing all the time. There is something unique which is why besides him being all friendly and cool is why I love his character so much. There is a lot of deciet about him and he only reveals what he wants others to see revealed about him. That's what I get. Do you see what I'm saying?
    2. water mage
      water mage
      Ok, but that's why I was hestiant to put in my post and I wanted to connect it somehow with the rage of him and his memories of when he was human because personally Demyx does come off as bipolar (from being happy and excited to confused to sad to angry and deadly and to fearful one after another just like a string of emotions) His somebody *I wish I knew his actual name* could of of been bipolar which explains the split personaility. I relate it kind of like the movie Me, Myself and Irene with Jim Carrey who has this split personaility where one side is nice and sweet and the other a complete violent ass. Ofc course these are with facts of Demyx by the novel and mostly the game before he fights Sora and gets all serious with narrowed eyes and calls him traitor. That was completly a 180 of his personaility.

      But anyway I'll post something different and keep that post I want to put in when the opportuty presents itself pertaining to the storyline for she can't stay in the shield forever. *shurggs* Would that be fine?
    3. water mage
      water mage
      I just hit preview of the topic of War of Nobodies and I realize my post is not needed right now or will have to change once Larxene is out of the shield once you approve of it of course. I'm kinna stuck on this one and trying to figure out how Demyx would respond if he was struck like that by Larxene especially with his other personailty and all. By the way, turkish delight has agreed to translate all Demyx parts for me in the novels so I'll be able to better understand his character and post accordindly witout making him appear to be such a wimp and that he can fight back if he has to. In return she payed me to buy these Kingdom Hearts II Novels and Com and Kingdom Hearts II short stories and she will translate them once she recieves them in 2- 9 days.
    4. water mage
      water mage
      I'm going to send you a message by pm of what I was going to post in War of Nobodies, but I want to know if it is all right with you or if you think I need to change it and give me ideas of how to change it, but get the idea across. Also did you get my pm about the other rpgs especially Organization XIII's Revenge?
    5. Firekeyblade
      Do you need heeeeellllllllp? :P
    6. water mage
      water mage
      I feel like I'm going to explode or go crazy! Have you ever been involved in a rpg that keeps going back and forth? The posts keep coming and there is no end in sight. I must of been posting for over an hour without stopping. *LOL*
    7. fire mage
      fire mage
      I know, but in a way he feels it is part of his memory and wants to go there for old times. Besides I am not planning to burn it down or anything or even put trackings on it. Just misses it.
      judging by the manga he seems to have a connection to it. I mean after his fight with Roxas he went there looking for a new cloak, just because it was ripped and it didn't want anyone to see it I guess. Still he has memories of it. I am sure he probably liked being in command at the time because he was depended on by Larxene in the manga.

      Though now she broke ties, but it doesn't mean that he has. He does still have respect for her, just when Demyx gets involved Axel feels threatened I guess by him pressuring him to deal with her. So it is the pride issue that lets on.

      Yes, I do I want to meet Xengla who I am sure is really bored right now. It doesn't have to be to fight, but someone he could talk to since she has the element of fire.
    8. water mage
      water mage
      Ok thanks for telling me. I responded to Build Your Cages and now I'm going to go to bed. I can't believe it's almost 4:30 am your time. I need to get some sleep and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
    9. water mage
      water mage
      That's why I have her have the limitations and the dark power *bad luck and curses* is only for a temporarily basics like that of the character's age or for half a day or even a few minutes depending on how powerful the curse or dark power is so there should not be any problems and heaven forbid any drama.
    10. fire mage
      fire mage
      I don't see the point with a shield unless there is some kind of special item in there or something. I mean its CO nothing has changed. Its still the same place.....Come on it was his territory once. So he won't stop thinking about it.

      Yes Roxas would be a good distraction for him. Axel wouldn't go home he would just probably go to Twilight Town since it is like his haven in a way.

      like who? I can't get in CO remember.

      Yeah, but you guys planned that.
    11. fire mage
      fire mage
      Sora and the others never fought outside of castle oblivion, but inside. Realistically there isn't really much room, but either way everyone does pay attention to it which is good.

      It is still cowardly putting a shield on Castle Oblivion as it makes one feel like they have something to hide. Axel wants to meet Xengla sometime and he can't if she is inside the castle. He knows that there is someone with that element and he is curious.

      Now if I do go home I will bored out of my mind why you guys have all the fun........
    12. TwilightBlader
      no worries my new guy isn't going to be attacking anybody. All he wants is info
    13. nobodynerd100
      Forgot to mention if you want to you can be Roxas in the War role play.
    14. water mage
      water mage
      True, but I see him as wanting to be in the spot light and wanted others to notice him. He's like my five month old kittten, Angel who is a male flame point siamese and he's always doing things to get attention. When he meows it translates as "Notice me". Anyway I like the idea that you have an OC for War of Nobodies and I'm going to have one too, but I'm going to ask nobodynerd100 first. I will give you a hint the character is a girl and it makes things interesting. Well since you have one I felt what the hell this will be fun. Details will show up soon maybe today so be on the lookout. She's going to give Larxene a run for her money. LOL

      Also fire mage is upset that the user who plays Xemnas made Axel go in the portal before she even got a chance to respond so she went with it nicely. As for the battle it wasn't finished and that's why she wants a rematch for that reason sometime in the near future.
    15. fire mage
      fire mage
      I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that you are doing better. Yeah I know i feel sorry for them, but I can't have them go spraying now as they have already been yowling especially the flame point siamese.

      I bet only Marluxia is the one who knows how to get in since it is his castle now. However he may have to compromise now because I found our actual enviroment because I was curious myself to figure exactly how much fighting space we actually have. It shocked me by looking at an picture of the surrounds of the castle where it a few inches though in the middle, but stranded towards a ledge and the path is somewhat winedy trencherous and jagged not to mention very narrow. With this as a reality check I couldn't believe we were actualy fighting on such small space as it is amazing how alot of us can manever so well. It gives us of each side a disadvantage. lol. I even mangaged to find a picture of the place. So realistically it proposes a problem where we have the characters. And I wished that I was able to bring it to your attention sooner before we had the characters out and about.....*sighs* I justed couldn't find that picture on time.

      Here is what we are dealing with

      Just scrool down through halfway until you get to Chapter 2:
      Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and Re: Chain of Memories


      That is the main reason why I prefered to fight inside the castle because there is so much room and you don't have to worry about falling off. and get bouced off the shield. The place is standing 13 stories high and 12 stories underground - So it seems more reasonable fighting ground with many rooms that anyone can get lost in including levels. So maybe LOTO should know about this and just keep intruders or whoever is fighting in a different part of the castle so he is not interrupted by them.
      It makes sense to me as now I am rethinking of the whole placement thing now. So what is your opinion about this now that you actually seen this dilima?
    16. Firekeyblade
      :D.......*shrugs*....I...guess there are a lot of backroads that still have ice on them? And apparently if one school is unreachable then all the schools are closed. :D
    17. Firekeyblade
      Well....I ahd no school for 3 days...>_>...but it looks like there will be school tomorrow.
    18. nobodynerd100
      Ok, thanks for telling me. I'll throw that in with my next post.
    19. Firekeyblade
      Hurrah! :D...And yes! WE GOTS SNOW! :D
    20. Firekeyblade
      ......so......>_>......everything sorted out yet?
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    Sep 27, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Home Page:
    Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down


    "Bet you don't know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors...


    ...And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest."