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Feb 25, 2013
May 15, 2007
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South Park.
Collecting my money, now pay up!


NO WONT LET YOU, from South Park.

Asterisk was last seen:
Feb 25, 2013
    1. water mage
      water mage
      Yeah, but she sees the kindness in his eyes and knowing that Xeltic is going to the extreme she is counting on him to do or say something. If not she can recover remember?
    2. water mage
      water mage
      Yeah but she's not going to die. She has guts doesn't she?
    3. water mage
      water mage
      Because of his power? Otherwise depending on what side she is in her hair and outfit is different so the others wouldn't be able to tell I don't think. Hopefully Taxkio won't hit on her since he seems to be the pretty boy type.
    4. water mage
      water mage
      So when Xeltic was observing Verxonica from a distance did he see her in her blue gown or her black and purple cloak? For what I read, you said the girl in blue so that must mean to me he saw her in her blue gown and with her hair being blue meaning her sweet self right?
    5. fire mage
      fire mage
      So Xeltic is in War Of Nobodies too? Hmm how interesting lol
    6. lil woj
    7. Kites
      Would you like me to get on?
    8. fire mage
      fire mage
      Just answering back since these things were on my mind.
      Nope I have not meant Xengla yet.

      Yep, you were winning, and would have won anyway by these means.. No actually I did have some kind of plan, but it doesn't manner now. Oh well a rematch could be in the future.

      It wasn't fair considering we were getting ganged up on. It was mainly me and watermage, but Demyx's mistake was he just had to go find Xemnas so that right there......guranteed your win when I was pulled away from the fight though I was in the portal, but did not go home.....I let it go because I didn't want to upset people or cause problems. Then I would of been the bad guy in that respect. I avoided it.

      I am very open minded and I didn't mean it that way by saying his power was cheap since it is extremely powerful. It was the way Larxene had depended on it......but like I said not your fault.
      Vexen nearly exposed Roxas existance to Sora and that would of ruined their plan. I'm sure if he didn't mention it then Axel might have granted him mercy. Yes, I know it was cheap, but it's the way Axel works. He is the executioner.

      Yes, I know my fault there, but it would have created a problem if I had. After all we have more people interacting now and I didn't want to be the one responsible for people being upset. I try to include people so they don't get bored. That is why the fights are still going outside CO.
    9. Crumpet
      OMG your GateKeeper again xD
    10. fire mage
      fire mage
      I had something planned, it was to meet Marluxia's organization but it didn't happen because of the stupid fight.

      No, Demyx was the one who told Xenmas and before I even had a chance to respond as my character the person playing Xemnas had already thrown me in the portal. So that is where I say I didn't have a choice and I went along with it because it said I was already in the portal.

      That is the reason you won because of someone controlling my character. There I said it.

      You are going to flame me because of that?

      And that is why I came back because I expected a better fair fight. That is what happened.

      No I am very openminded, but you are the one getting offensive because that is the way my character sees her right now. It has nothing to do with Xain, so please don't take it personal. I know people can change, but I am only going by what I knew about her. You can call it a grudge he has for her. I don't mean to take anything out on you I am just upset with my character being controlled and then you guys annoucning it as a victory because of Xemas pulling him into the portal.
    11. fire mage
      fire mage
      Think of it as the other way around, next time and then you would be complaining. It was rigged.....

      No, that was Demyx's fault not mine.

      No, Larxene started it with her rude comments.....but of course you would take her side as you are only learning from someone who has become powerhungry and attempt to try to be nice to you. That you can't help I guess.
    12. fire mage
      fire mage
      Sorry not going to happen, not with the really cheap fight you guys pulled. I bet that was planned as well. Besides I have orders by Xemnas. No I didn't want to fight at first, but Larxene was the one who brought me to it. Her fault she provoked me. I was hoping it was going to be some kind of reunion, but you guys made sure it wasn't.
    13. fire mage
      fire mage
      Uh huh, but you character is a noob and wouldn't know better. Either way I will find a way in. I don't see what the big deal is, to keep me out though. You can have interaction all right, but do you think I really want to fight the whole time. hmm
    14. fire mage
      fire mage
    15. DigitalAtlas
      yeah I found it hilarious that you actually understood xD that was pretty impressive
    16. DigitalAtlas
      Nah I was making a quick screenshot and was in a party chat so yeah sorry but I was in a hurry
    17. Firekeyblade
      Cool. Be there soon.
    18. water mage
      water mage
      Yes he did because he wasn't thinking and his mind was focused on something else and he doesn't have a bathroom door for Axel burned it down. Instead there was a white sheet being used like a door, but it fell off the door frame and is on the floor.
    19. Kites
      My Internet acted up, completely stopped working.
    20. Firekeyblade
      Firekeyblade Twilight High Angel's gaming in the cafeteria so if you want to approach feel free.
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    South Park.
    Collecting my money, now pay up!
    Pwning noobs, Reading, Roleplaying, Video Games. My life is complete :P

