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Feb 25, 2013
May 15, 2007
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South Park.
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NO WONT LET YOU, from South Park.

Asterisk was last seen:
Feb 25, 2013
    1. Firekeyblade
      Well.....Last has been gone for a least he hasn't posted....for a I'm not sure.....can't really do anything since I ahve to act like I don't know where the training room...(which if this were real would be true.)
    2. Firekeyblade
      So.....uh.....where exactly are you guys? >_>.....out of curiosity. (In Nobodies)
    3. water mage
      water mage
      Ok I was just making sure. I didn't want to upset you.
    4. fire mage
      fire mage
      Well then Xain is never going to meet Roxas then. Afterall nobodynerd 100 said that *TwilightNight* could have Roxas. And we need Roxas in this rpg.

      He has gotten over it, but there is nothing wrong with visiting. It still in the memories....
    5. fire mage
      fire mage
      Yeah if you like getting slapped by Larxene. lol I guess you guys like that. You guys are on the same side so how can it actually mean an actual challenge then? Sure you may challenge each other, but it has no real meaning and nothing to gain except respect. It could be boring in a way be locked in that castle with no freedom.

      Yep, he even returns to the place in the manga (the japanse ones). So he has a fondness for it.

      Probably not.
    6. fire mage
      fire mage
      I didn't go home and i am not going to so there. If I did then you guys would only have yourselves to fight about.

      It will always be in his mind because he did in fact live there and he has memories of it. Or who knows he may betray the other side. It depends on what happens.

      Yep, but lets hope that it isn't a the other way around. Then you guys will be crying. lol
    7. fire mage
      fire mage
      Yep..oh well. If there were more people on my side or if Xenmas had decided to fight you guys would of got your butts handled to you.

      Like I said it is partly my home too. But you wouldn't know because you weren't there. You only go by sources from the ones who were part of Xemnas organization.

      Oh that hurt....but they are still organization members. See this way would you rather be called hey you. Or blondie, red head, brunette etc. Or would you rather be called your name?
      Names identify a person.
    8. fire mage
      fire mage
      Oh that's right he only listens to Larxene. No, I am sure he is stronger just like Roxas. As he reminds me of him. Like I said it was a lucky shot. Well if it was the other way around you wouldn't think it was fair either.

      I wouldn't be too sure. I think he might be a little disappointed on how it was handled. You guys have the advantage because you have more people on your side than us.

      Yep I know, but he considers it his turf in a way as well. If you want to gang up on me then I guess you can expect me to be cheap as well.

      Sure, they did in the japanese version anway and the manga. I won't be left in the dark for long.
    9. fire mage
      fire mage
      I do accept that gravity is his power it just you could been a little bit more fair in a fight. You could of lessen it more. Having it full throttle like that, isn't even worth a fight. It makes him look bad because it was the cowards's way out of a victory. He is noob so I will let that go, but doesn't he ever want a challenge?

      It makes Marluxia's look bad like he recruited a bunch of amateurs who rely too much on their powers to win. It is cheap and I am sure you would see it the same way if it was the other way around.

      4 vs 1? If you guys came at me at once then wouldn't that be powerplaying?

      If Taxiko went after Axel then he better be careful of his fire. I don't really want to relie on the fire wall thing so please not be that unfair.l

      It is natural in a fight to know the others name that you are fighting. I have seen it so many times. Fights are suppose to be friendly in a way.
    10. fire mage
      fire mage
      Yeah you think you have won. Try again without the great force of gravity. I know that Xain is new though it will still make your organization look bad just from this. Teamwork or not it was cheap the way it happend and you guys didn't even mention your names which is what most opponents do. You had a big advantage I give you that, but you also royally pissed him off.
    11. fire mage
      fire mage
      I wouldn't want him to be the same as him. That wouldn't be any fun. Either way I am sure this other power Xain is alot of a disadvantage as well. I do wonder what kind of bullets you hit Axel with.
    12. fire mage
      fire mage
      Ok I will. You do know that not even Xigbar could of done that if he choose and he has guns and his element is gravity. Sora got a break I guess.
    13. fire mage
      fire mage
      Im sure you guys were. That is the beauty of rpgs anyone could change the outcome.
    14. fire mage
      fire mage
      He is not that way. From an experienced fighter he would accept yes, but not a new one. You can blame his pride and ego.
    15. fire mage
      fire mage
      Look again.....
    16. fire mage
      fire mage
      It's not over. You haven't won. Sorry but Axel is not going to let that happen.
    17. Firekeyblade
      No thank you. *shakes head* That you caused me great stress in the past. *pats head* T_T And I'd prefer it if you didn't.
    18. Firekeyblade
      Trying to see if you're still real. >_>.....*messes around with face then pokes you* Well....I expected a more dramatic reaction.....but.....meh. *shrugs* *pats head* :D You're still the same person.
    19. Firekeyblade
      >.>.......*pokes around you* *takes face and pulls cheeks*....hmmm.....>_>.....
    20. Firekeyblade
      >_> that a good thing or a bad thing? And just for the record I nearly had a heart attack when I saw your name.
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    South Park.
    Collecting my money, now pay up!
    Pwning noobs, Reading, Roleplaying, Video Games. My life is complete :P

