fire mage
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Mar 5, 2015
Jan 29, 2008
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The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
student delayed....

fire mage

Hollow Bastion Committee, from The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town

fire mage was last seen:
Mar 5, 2015
    1. Asterisk
      Well good luck with that one.LOL
    2. Asterisk
      You know...he can't exactly make up for it after getting dragged away by Xemnas..which was PRICELESS.Me and Twilight were dying xDD
    3. Asterisk
      Yeah,too bad Axel can't just accept a loss.
    4. Asterisk
      The battle is over.We won.Axel was taken home like his mom picked him up from embarrassing.

    5. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      I know that too >_<
    6. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Good. I was just checking
      I know! KuaXa is ready to watch them get owned! :D
    7. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Hey Fire, you okay now?
    8. Magick
      Posty posty posty please! I miss Axel! He's sexy....
    9. *TwilightNight*
      Ooooh, really? >3 He will? Anyway, I'll think about posting or not. I'm not in the mood, and it's gotten worse now since I'm having allergies. But I'll see after a small rest later on. Got no school tomorrow, so it works for me.
    10. water mage
      water mage
      Sure he will. He's tried almost everything so far. Axel is just bound and determined to get his way. As for the getting help from the boss, it seemed to fit the role of Demmy. After all he not as stubborn as Axel who gets his ass handed to him. =D.He knows when to get away when the situation looks bleak. Call it smart for in a way not cowardly. You'll see what I have in mind.
    11. *TwilightNight*
      Well, my friend aren't really happy right now, so it's hard >.<. As for Axel, since he battles Larxene, I have to do something with what water mage had Demyx do first. But for the bullets, you can let them hit...cause I don't think they are actually bullets. Maybe those like Xigbar's. So they can be taken out. It's all up to you, really...I doubt it maters after everything that went on. And Larxene won't attack with what I'm having her do...

      The battle is kind of over anyway since Xemnas is coming....
    12. *TwilightNight*
      I am close to them, and I do talk to them, we chat, plot, and everything, but even I can't stop what they feel, or what they think. I can say it, but they have to act it. If they don't do so,'s whatever the decision. I let this go for the sanity, but as said, can't speak for the others :/.
    13. Deathsight44
      I'll consider deleting them, but I doubt I will for personal reasons.

      as for Vixtra, he got out of the castle quiet some time ago. He portalled. At the time though, I posted that he had been observing the fight from afar, call it an intro.
    14. *TwilightNight*
      THAT...will probably be true about Serious, so I don't know. And yes, I read the reply in War. However, for me having the others respect the rules? I can speak and act for myself, but, really, I cannot speak for others. I cannot have them respect the rules. That's something you have to understand. Trying is one thing, but making/forcing is another. They have their free will, and I could tell them all they want, but in the end, it's their choice. If that's a problem....then, I can't solve everything.

      If everything goes smoothly from now on, then it's something we need not to worry over.
    15. *TwilightNight*
      Then for the bullets, you have to talk to Serious. Which I don't even know how that's going to go. And it's better not to, in my opinion, it all depends. But at least you know now. Sorry to hear that she's crying about this, considering this is not really worth it in the end for it, and as for the rest, as I said, I'm not Serious [ignore the pun here >.>]. I can't change him, nor can I tell him how to be or what to do if he doesn't want to. I don't have that much power.

      And I don't think it's me you should be worrying about letting the OOC posts be deleted...granted, I only got one,
    16. *TwilightNight*
      I think that what happened was, that by this point, people began to speak out, and it got thrown on that one thread. I have spoken to your sister many times on the same matter privately and in PM, and the result seems useless. Criticizing is one thing, and she has had it, but she also doesn't take it into account, so there's no solution. This isn't the first time, and unless we finally find a conclusion, it won't be the last. I'm more prone to be passive, but now, it's just not me anymore. And from now on, I'm going to stay away from all this. That doesn't mean it's going to be the end, however. So something has to be reached with the rest. The intention wasn't to make her upset, but to listen.

      Form what I know, Serious was simply planting the gravity on them so they have a hard time, not putting them in the ground, anything about that, is to him. And again, has done nothing wrong. It's not him. There is nothing wrong with standing up to Larxene, but there is something wrong when he's beating her up, and she can't do anything, because a chance isn't given, and she has Demyx run away right after. That's when the line is drawn. The point of battling isn't to summarize, of bring attacks to everyone and then leave and bring Xemnas, which means never giving us a chance to counter attack. All she really needed was to concentrate on Taxkio and Xain, and Demyx's situation with being at gun and shuriken point.

      All we can do is move on, and I don't know what happens from here...
    17. *TwilightNight*
      I have no problem with you, and your Axel. You're doing fine, actually, in terms of battle. You don't have to go and defend yourself, so I'm not going to respond to that. The thing that is wrong is that your sister did all this in one single post, and trust me, that is power playing, then going forward to do this, have Demyx have him do that, have geysers, surfing, puddles, and targeting each and everyone one of them as if he's some powerful motor roll, and not giving a chance for anyone to do anything. Would you like if it was Axel that Demyx is doing all that the way he's doing to Larxene? Barely giving her a chance to recover and/or fight back? Let alone being disgraceful enough to hit her chest and butt like the real man he is? Yeah. And that isn't cheap? Xain's power is Gravity, and thus, he's going to use it. Just like Axel does sneak attacks when hiding in his fire wall. All he's doing is making it harder to move, not placing you down on the ground. THAT would be power playing. But your sister is breaking all the rules of that, and having Demyx do all that he did without having a hard time. Not to mention have Demyx run before any of us can apply tenfold the consequences for what he did to get away as soon as possible.

      Would you honestly like this if this was you in this situation? I doubt it.

      There is one thing with being passive, and I know your sister is going through some stuff, but when something likes this happen, we can't stay down and take it, and let it get away just because we have to sympathize. I have massive stress too because of all this. You think this is fun for me every time? o.o No. Not at all. It's not great RPing anymore for me either. And it needs to be spoken outloud, especially if it bothers everyone else. If it's that big of a deal, it has to be solved, and has to be addressed. And that includes everything finally coming out. It might seen like we're going to gang up on her, yet, is it too much to ask for her to listen? Look back? Hear us out? Even TwilightBlader was confused, and I have nothing to do with him >.>.
    18. *TwilightNight*
      I don't think these are normal bullets.
    19. fire mage
      fire mage
      I won't say that then. I just thought that they were spirits that kind of thing would go through them? *shrugs shoulders*
    20. *TwilightNight*
      Oh, okay. However, the cloak isn't magic to that point where it stops bullets from harming anyone >.>. That is farfetched. It protects you from disappearing into darkness, and keeps you undetected in the Dark Corridors, otherwise, it's just a piece of cloth.

      So don't be surprised if you get called out on it. And it's not going to be from me.
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    The World That Never Was/ Twlight Town
    student delayed....
    I am very shy

    martial arts, video games, rpg, bike riding, anime , horror films, techno/alternative music, art



    Axel the Flurry of Dancing Flames

    Number VIII of Organization XIII