Last Activity:
May 30, 2009
Feb 28, 2009
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Local Time:
3:10 AM
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Nov 9, 1992 (Age: 32)
Grand Ol' Union


Merlin's Housekeeper, 32, from Grand Ol' Union

Krateroi was last seen:
May 30, 2009
    1. Sora/Riku/Kairi
      You're Ziz from KHInsider right?
    2. Sora/Riku/Kairi
      Are you from KHI?
    3. ZackCrisisFFVII
      Lucky mine was supposed to end today at three but it now ends tommarow at 8:00 at night. So how is the Code Gesse RP going?
    4. ZackCrisisFFVII
      So when is your banned lifted? Mine was extended a day for some reason
    5. Xenjin
      Nothing much has happened... No-one has posted, because you asked that we'd wait for you.
      I have to go now. Talk to ya later.
    6. Xenjin
      Joined out of boredom.
    7. Xenjin
      Ah, that's bad.
      The Mods ban people a bit too easily... >__>
    8. Xenjin
      Hey, Ziz!
      By the way, why did you get banned from KHI? *is curious*
    9. ZackCrisisFFVII
      Oh well I might be able to join then cause I know quite a bit at Civil War and we are going over WWII in history class who are some good characters that you are gonna have in the RP and I am not gonna GODMOD this time. I promise.
    10. ZackCrisisFFVII
      15 Percent White (Mostly English)
      30 Percent Black
      20 Percent Native American
      21 Percent Mixed Race
      1 Percent Asian
      13 Percent Hispanic. Wait so is this what a Deomographic is.
    11. ZackCrisisFFVII
      It is cool it like how America would be ran in the 1800-1900 with the Parliment and having a Monarchy and all. What is Demographics?
    12. ZackCrisisFFVII
      Is that long message on your page your RP?
    13. Krateroi
      Code Geass: The Great War of the Lords

      I.] World

      1.) United Empire of America

      The United Empire of America, also known as the United American Empire or just Americana, was one of the world's most powerful economic and military superpowers for the past several centuries up until recent years. They are one of the largest political empires and or federations in the world along with the other four superpowers, not including the breakaway nation of the Confederation.


      The United Empire of America is a parlimentary constitutional monarchy in which the national unicarmel legislative body, also known as the House of Burgresses, handle much of the Empire's many affairs while the current line of Imperial Royals, the Washington-de Montfort family, serve the nation as its symbolic figureheads save for a few exceptions in its history. In place of the Emperor and His Imperial Consort, the Chancellor wields executive powers and hold so much influence over the House of Burgresses and royal family that he is the de facto head of government and state. The succession of the American throne is based upon the eldest child of the previous reigning sovereign although the Chancellor has great influence over who may that be whether he or she will be willing to agree to his or her interests. Bloodshed and violence within the government is the norm during such times with civil war often being the result.


      The population of the Empire is very well diverse as many different ethnic and religious dissident groups from all over the world had immigrated to the nation before the Great Patriotic War of Independence and afterward. Citzenry had been reserved to the white English-speaking population, who compose only a minority of the Imperial population except for the core coastal territories and held much of the power, until the reign of the current Emperor. The end of slavery which led to the great emancipation to the large African-descended population in the agricultural regions had extended the opporunity of many millions of civilians to obtain de jure American citzenship. This policy of equality among the citzenry has been planned to extend towards the other non-English speaking minorities in the other areas of America.
    14. ZackCrisisFFVII
      That is weird it didn't give me anything do have points?
    15. ZackCrisisFFVII
      so reps!?!?!?!?!?!?
    16. ZackCrisisFFVII
      No Lelouch what does that mean?
    17. ZackCrisisFFVII
      Ah Code Geese now I wish I was more into the show so I could join and have something to do here cause this place is way more focus on KH stuff KHI you could discuss other things and people respond to it.KHI is way more leaneant on rules than this place though here there is alot of filters.
    18. ZackCrisisFFVII
      Lets be friends dude I mean we gotta are you really gonna stay here I mean you can't just leave the Order of Roses that was a good RP idea.
    19. roxasrikusora
      No prob dood
    20. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      how long is the ban?
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  • About

    Nov 9, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Grand Ol' Union
    The Usual