Forever Love
Last Activity:
Jan 1, 2014
Jul 18, 2007
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Shaping my life.

Forever Love

Life Without Limits, from Shaping my life.

Forever Love was last seen:
Jan 1, 2014
    1. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Well, it's my idea, so I really don't mind having 3 characters. I actually feel kinda bad with you only having one...but since I already have Brian and Jeff..=/
    2. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Let's hope I don't get kicked off now; that would be horrible. D8
    3. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Yes it is. ;D
    4. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Alrighty. =)
    5. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Medicine would probably work better, since Namine actually needs that.
    6. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Right. I forgot about that part. xDD
    7. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      This ought to be interesting. x3
    8. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      That would fit in well.
    9. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Okay, that sounds let the best course of action. ^^
    10. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      That was actually another part of the idea I forgot about. Maybe Jeff comes with Roxas to the house and warns Brian then. And then while things are cooled off slightly, Brian orders Roxas to meet him outside so they can settle things in a fight.
    11. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      That could work. Maybe Brian gets a jump on things and he gets in the first attack (like you said), and then Roxas can quickly retaliate. And then they can somehow get outside...
    12. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Or maybe when Roxas comes, he just lets Namine go, since he really wants to fight Roxas.
    13. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Hm...I'm not really sure. Maybe Namine tries to get away, but he pulls her back by her hair and then threatens her, holding a knife by her throat? And then maybe Roxas could come in at that point.

      Random ideas, I know. x3
    14. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Okay, sounds good. =) But I do have one question. I've worked out two little scenerios in my head, and I'm not sure which one would be best. Brian breaking in and just staying by Namine without hurting her, waiting for Roxas, or him roughing her up a little to make a statement.
    15. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      You know, that thought came to my mind right before I read that. x3. I think that could work out well.
    16. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      We could go with that idea. I'm fine with it either way. =)
    17. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I wasn't planning on a huge aftermath thing...but I haven't thought much about what will happen when Roxas and Brian meet. What do you think should happen?
    18. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Yeah, these mini ideas are very entertaining when they actually work out. :3
    19. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      Glad you like it. :3

      All my ideas are really wrapped around that one. Though I do have a few mini-ideas in there that'll naturally come up during the RP (if we go with the idea) x3
    20. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      So, you like the idea? Or was that a gasp as in "Oh my goodness, this idea is so dumb and I hate it." xP
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    Shaping my life.
    Music, writing, reading. IHeartCreativity. :3

