Last Activity:
Oct 10, 2011
Apr 25, 2008
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12:49 PM
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Living my life.


~*~Never Surrender~*~, from Stranded.

P E A N U T was last seen:
Oct 10, 2011
    1. Sakura101
      me 2! :D i also like noctis and stella as a couple! they look soo adorable together! :D
    2. Sakura101
      me 2! i also like aerith and cloud! cloud is sooo cute! :D
    3. Sakura101
      hi hi! ur av is adorable! namine is soo cute! :D and tofa is soo cool!
    4. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Uh-huh. When it comes to timing stuff, and estimation of time, I'm good at it. ;D

      Gotta go. She's here. See you later!
    5. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Mmhm. =)

      Because the varsity game starts at 7:30, and usually lasts around 2 hours, and it takes about half hour to get from my town to that town, I should be home a little after 10 or so my time. ;D
    6. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Okay, cool. I've got a few minutes, I'm pretty sure, so... yeah. =)
    7. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      It's not just because of you. A part of me just doesn't want to go. xDD

      x3 Well, I think it's kind of late for that, actually... My friend is coming to pick me up right about now, so... And since she lives out in the country, it'll take her about 15 minutes to get here. So we still have some time for posting before I go. ;D
    8. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      You sure? Thinking about it, I wouldn't mind canceling my plans. xDD
    9. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      I'm sorry. =(

      Alright. I'm kinda upset at my own decision as well...I want to go to the game, but I want to stay home and RP as well. =/
    10. Forever Love
      Forever Love

      Yeah, but I do have some...bad news. I decided to go to a basketball game tonight, because it's a Regional game and supposed to be really good, so I wanted to go watch. Thing is...I'm leaving in about 30 - 45 minutes. =/ I should be back around 10 o' clockish here...just in case we can get back to RPing tonight...=/
    11. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      I think it was to jump-start our 3 day weekend, since we get Mt. Pulaski Day off here.

      I guess because nothing interesting has happened other than that... *shrug* I dunno.
    12. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Nothing really. Got out of school early, but that's about it. =/
    13. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Hai. What's up?
    14. Sakura101
      hi hi! how r u? :D
    15. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Mmhm. =)

      A couple more posts and we'll get going. ;D
    16. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      I agree with that. I feel the same way. =) Not that Sora and Kairi aren't interesting or anything, it's just that Roxas and Namine have a...bigger situation.
    17. Forever Love
      Forever Love

      Okay, so we're starting to get closer to the time gap. 8D Once we're done with Sora and Kairi, I'll start it off with Roxas waking up, 'kay?
    18. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      *sigh* Yup. Ah well, at least it's working fine now. =)
    19. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      I have a small attention span sometimes. xD Mmhm. It is. Especially when you have high speed internet...There's a reason why "high speed" is in the name. >__>
    20. Forever Love
      Forever Love

      Sorry about the long wait on the reply. My mom was pushing me to look something up about the band O.A.R. because she said they were hilarious when she watched videos of them or something. I tried, but told her I would just look at it later because I got too impatient when the page wouldn't load. xDD