May 29, 2008
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Feb 22, 1994 (Age: 31)
    1. Deathsight44
      so then that must make u 17 I think......which makes you........an old lady XDDD

      and so what if I am impatient. Patience is a virtue, but its definatly not one of my virtues. ur just hating ^_^
    2. Deathsight44
      wait, what is this? I read the thing from famous. But still, it was ur b-day? o_O (I'm turnen into a nosey son of a ***** XD)

      and sides, whats ur account name anyways :P
    3. Daenerys Targaryen
      Daenerys Targaryen
      happy birthday even if now it is not anymore haha.
      sorry for not being on ):
      i am up to the henne mines part to find mjrn (SPL?)
      i am not going in yet until i am up to lvl.35 on all my characters because i like to be ahead lots of levels haha
    4. Deathsight44
      idk how MSN works, but here. my email adress is pavmike44@yahoo.com
      my username thingy on there is deathsight44

      I was forced against my will to download it >.>
      but ya, so there :P
    5. Deathsight44
      Whats a Harriet?

      becuz, if I take over the world the nI can do whatever I want. then that way rebellions can start up, and then I get to have the fun of crushing them =D

      lol, well u should know urself. I mean, u do know that he's black, right?
    6. Deathsight44
      if it is men, then I can gaurentee, heads shall roll. (wow, that sounds VERY wrong in some peoples minds). Besides, your loss then. For soon my army shall take over the world >3

      ya, ik. When he is black, I thought his music was really good. After his brain got set on fire and all that stuff and he turned white, he just got some serious mental issues. Its a shame really, ya know?
    7. Deathsight44
      either way its not pleasent right now! its just aint right TT_TT

      Psh, plz. And how exsactly to u plan to get these naked women of which u speak? XD

      I had no idea. he must be one hell of a creep to be that famous O_O
    8. Deathsight44
      thats true, but thats only for reasons which I don't think I'll say, since I'm pretty sure that its obvious XDD

      so what. Then instead I'll attack you with an army of Mike's. So how's that :P

      well ya but I thought only americans knew about him. I didn;t nkow that sea mammels knew bouts him to ><
    9. Deathsight44
      well my elders can go and........wait, crap, can't do that. surgery >< I curse the day I got surgery TT_TT

      You'd better not feel bad, or else I'll send an army of midgets after u :P

      how do u know who that guy is anyways? XD
    10. Deathsight44
      Lol. Ya, thats it. I'm an alpha male. There for, I do not like bein with girls that are more experienced inl ife then me :P

      well, if u say so. But even if ur not fragile, I'll still watch it, k? I'd rather not bring up stuffs thats gonna make peoples feel bad :P

      oh plz, ur a year older then me aren't you? Who are you to be calling me young? lol

      Wow. I'd tell u just how wrong u are, but that would require A LOT of typing and I'm too lazy to do it. I can gaurentee you though, when it comes to my luck, then every person I know says that I have the worst XD

      wow candy. u not being a complete perv is like michael jackson having a nose :P
    11. Deathsight44
      lol, wow, really? Sorry, but I eat dinner around this time, so ha. silly sea mammel :P

      well I mean, idk, its ok then if its a few years older. But not for me. Idk, its just sorta...... idk how to describe it. I just dun like hte feeling :P

      oh wow, really? umm, sorry. Nah, I think I should've kept quiet on that one now that u mention it, lol. I'll be sure to watch myself from now on, k? My bad :sweatdrop:

      umm, and hey, besides, thats just me, thats all! I'm not saying that it can't work out better with other long distance relationships! Its just the way it is with me becuz I've got terrible luck with women, thats all. So don't mind me, alrite? Its just me, it doesn't count for anyone else, alrite? ^_^

      Lmao. the fact that u are even saying that to me made me lol so loud that my cat freaked out and ran away XD
    12. Deathsight44
      and there goes my lunch :P

      and this is exsactly why the dude should be older or the same age as the chick. keeps things from getting freaky :P

      why? they taste like mushy yucky stuffs XP

      lol. well its a bit more complicated then that. But I do take distance to be a huge part of relationships when it comes down to it. Call me a wuss for it, but I don't feel right about getting into a relationship with a girl unless I know I can be there whenever she needs me, ya know? If I can't even be close enough to support her, then I'd rather she be happy with someone else then be sad with me, ya know? (ik, I'm dramatic, lmfao.).

      No, pervs that hide it are creeps, lol. Take me on the other hand though. I'm a perv and very open about it. I accept my pervy nature with pride =D

      and yes, I realize that u are a perv, lol. But thats why ur so much fun to talk ta XD
    13. Deathsight44
      Lol, you have no idea. I'm against going out with girls that are older then me. Dunt know why, but I feel awkard going out with a girl thats older then me that I'm taller then. So no old ladies thank you ^_^

      Cabbage? But cabbage taste terrible D<

      Lol, you'd be surprised. Most girls I end up fallen for always seem to somehow have complications (namely the fact that they are always somehow friends with the last and live across the river from me. Its hard to explain but most of my friends live on the other side of hte Hudson River, if u know what that is :P)

      woah, I talk A LOT O_O but either way, the pervs that hide it are the ones u want to watch out for. Cuz its either they are creeps, stalkers, or butt sniffers. So the ones that hide it are the ones u godda worry bouts :P
    14. Deathsight44
      there's so many things wrong with what you just said that its not even funny :P

      Very strange O_o how did it taste <.< >.>

      Lmao, nah, I didn't mean the online part. I meant the relationship part, lol. I mean, I'm just sayen, let me tell ya, its not easy getten a girl when ur a perv thats looking for a serious relationship XD (the strangest combo you'll EVER see.)

      Of course it would be awsome. I'm the one thats helping u. everything I do is awsome ^_^
    15. Deathsight44
      ahck. pervy old lady XD

      Wow. and you did this why? I mean ,even on a dare, you ahve to admit, that is just plain wrong O_O

      Thats messed up. Just cuz ur money is worth more then mine doesn't mean that its better D<

      eh, I guess ur right *sigh*. Lol. I'm jelous of u both :P

      oh ya, and also, I'll get more info on what I know tommorow. Even if u don't understand it, John should be able to. Its something that you godda buy at a store, but its basicly sposed to let u talk to someone for an hour straight for just a dollar. Idk if there is any catches to it though since my dad always does it. But I'll ask, alrite?
    16. Xaale
      I'm still online :'D
    17. Deathsight44
      Well ya, but only little old ladies say that :P

      you ate a penny? Thats just......disgusting. I was talking about the food, not the object O_O

      thats becuz your money currency is terrible >< I'm going to speak with John of such matters. since he is a fellow new yorker, he might know

      Oh, well I know that the guy is real. Idk, I'm not exsactly a fan of relationships where people have never actually met first. Just doesn't seem right to me. But, I'm not going to critisize since that would make me a bad friend :P
    18. Advent
      Because of the phone bill? D:

      Why yes, yes it is. But we get most of our discussion done on MSN anyway. :3
    19. Deathsight44
      dear? you call people dear? lol

      Sterling? I ate sterling b4. It tasted delicious =D

      well fine then. DO you have any stores where u live where u can by something for just 1 sterling? or whatever u call it? lol

      Wow. Lol, well doesn't sound like the most romantic way for 2 people to meet, but either way. you guys HAVE actually seen eachother face to face though, right?
    20. Advent
      I missed you too, cariad. <3

      xD Awww, why?
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    Feb 22, 1994 (Age: 31)

