Sep 30, 2007
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January 3
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why orange Feb 13, 2017

    1. Sakura101
      i'm doin good! i made an album of my drawings! if u like u can check it out! tell me what u think of them, ok? :D
    2. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      *begins to burn from the lazer effects from the slashing Obi-Wan did to me*Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!*keeps groaning and says to Obi-Wan*IIIIIIIIIIIIII Haaaaaaattttteeee yoooooouuuuuu!!!!*dies from burning,lays on the ground.......dead*

      Remember PT.....I am now dead...but may the force be with you.....always.....*speaks through your mind*
    3. Sakura101
      hi hi! how r u? :D
    4. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      *Obi-Wan deflects the pencil back to you then I try to slash him with usig quick moves,but he cuts my legs,and the arm I still have left off,then he throws me out of the way to the side*Rrrrrrrroaaaaaaaaah!!*groans in agony*So much pain!!
    5. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Right!!*takes fighting stance and charges Obi-Meanie and lightsaber start swinging and clashing*

      Obi-Wan:Do you and your friend think you can kill me?You have no chance.I'm too strong for you.
    6. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      So...we do this together...are you ready buddy?*

      Obi-Wan:Anakin,I can't believe you did this.I'm going to straighten you,and your funny friend out now.*Obi-Wan draws his lightsaber*
    7. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      A glowing pencil.....that will do what?What good is it?Against a lightsaber.Good lord.*gets out my own lightsaber and holds it in front of that jedi scum Obi-Wan*Don't make me kill you my old master!
    8. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Ok then.How can you help?What weapon skills do you have against a lightsaber?Or do you have your own lightsaber?
    9. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      No problem!!*eats cookie*Yummy as usual!*looks around and sees Obi-Wan trying to start something*OMFG!!It's Obi-Wan....what should I do?Kill him? Or Fight him in a epic way.......??
    10. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Same here.Mine was bad too.I'm helping people with problems.When I have my own to deal with ya know?A friend might kill herself,and people are getting picked on.Madness at my school.It gets worse and worse.God dammit....anyway...have a strawberry.This should make your day a bit brighter.*gives strawberry*
    11. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Hey PT my buddy.I missed you!What's up?*huggles*
    12. lil woj
      lil woj
      Hey stop wha?
    13. Finale
      oh okay...
    14. Finale
      i dont know what your talking about
    15. T A F F Y シ
      T A F F Y シ
      How are you Poppy?
    16. Finale
      you iz going tp juvey? 3=
    17. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      You too buddy.XD:glomp:See ya tomorrow.
    18. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      But I don't wanna go.I'd rather be here all night........doing almost nothing.
    19. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      No problem PT.*holds a Sonic thumbs up*Damn..I have to go soon.I f**kin hate school to no end!
    20. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Man your one happy trooper.You always seem in a jolly good mood.I like that about you.
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    January 3
    Home Page:

    【 ♥ BASICS 】​
    Skype: LittleJayneyCakes Tumblr: teenaqe-vow.tumblr.com Twitter: Twitter.com/LittleJayney

    【 ♥ PERSONALITY 】​

    I'm painfully shy, affectionate, sarcastic, and a massive dosage of emotions and derp. I over use emoticons so people don't think I'm upset or being blunt. I get my feelings hurt easily, but don't hold things against people very often.

    【 ♥ FAVORITES 】​

    Ib (Game), Disney, Vocaloids; Kagamines, Gumi, SeeU, IA. THE INTERNET. Black Rock Shooter, InuYasha, Clannad, Miyazaki Films, S'mores, Macaroni and Cheese, Gum, Crystal Kay, BEAOTRICHEEE, Miyamoto Shuichi, Purple things, Kagerou Project, Tumblr ... etc. ASK ME.

    【 ♥ HOBBIES 】​

    Anime! THE INTERNET. Music. Composing, writing, choruses. Singing. Voice-acting...Anything creative. Role playing, drawing, graphic and video editing. All of the wonderful stuff. I sing on YT a lot. I'll most likely never be /big/ but, alas. I love doing it.





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