Last Activity:
Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Asterisk
      Dude..YOUR playing Vixtra.And your also playing an enemy lol
    2. Asterisk
      I guess, depends on the character you play.xDDD
    3. Asterisk
      lol...your assuming your getting away with it now xD
    4. Juicy
      I could never call him in the first place, it was just texts >_>

      Of course.. theres always msn ^^

      No, you have to install it sorry =P But its worth it and its really fast =P plus much more people on here have it. 8D
    5. Asterisk
      Yeah, I suggest you do. And you can do it later if you use rping when you don't want to.
    6. Asterisk
      Yep,entirely free..I'll probably hop on Xbox Live if you don't post in the next half hour.Added you.
    7. Juicy
      Well, I had unlimited texts, so I assumed it would be okay... well, it was worth the risk while we still could >__>

      No, they dont know Im qith John =P Good god, they would probably disown me for it. xD

      Aww come on, you need to get msn. Its much, much better and you can talk to me then =P
    8. Asterisk
      Give me your AIM dude xD..also, posted.
    9. Juicy
      meh.. my parents got my phone bill today and its £50 over the limit so theyre pretty mad >_> plus it means I cant text John anymore :/

      Hehe, I wont ask anymore then =P Just a relief, eh?

      Hmm..that depends... do you have msn? B|
    10. Juicy
      Im bored and sad D:
      and I saw you were online so I thought "awesome" xD

      Hows the injury? =P
    11. *TwilightNight*
      I know, I know. I might as well get to replying before PMing anything right now, o else, I'll get distracted again.

      Lost inspiration for BYC? *songs jingle* Cause I keep winning, winning, winning. I keep winning! :P *sticks tongue out* I'm planning to give you a break though. I dare say I think I defeated you in that RP. Don't take it too hard, by the way xP.

      Ouch o.o. Alright then. I figured as much, though. Poor thing that can't be a perv no more D:.
    12. *TwilightNight*
      Thanks -_-. Depends on time.

      YESH! It helped! And WTF is with that vid? xDDD I wonder what you were searching for on YT...o:.
    13. *TwilightNight*
      Only because I have yet to answer to hat big one in the VM xD. Which I will do soon if I'm not tired of replying to the RPs by that late time.

      Yay! HOORAY FOR *TN*'S MAGICAL POWDERS! :3 What about BYC? I mean, overall, even when you're better, what is it going to be?
    14. *TwilightNight*

      Alright *gives TN magic powder to feel better*
    15. *TwilightNight*
      *peeks in conversation* Death, why don't you go through:

      AIM Express.

      No download required, though you do have to make a account :P.
    16. Asterisk
      Wrong guy..hey,gonna post again or no?
    17. Asterisk
      lol I'm flattered, but no, not me. ^^
    18. Asterisk
    19. Asterisk
      I think Juniors are taking ACT's.

      As for AIM, there is an invisible mode on there.
    20. Asterisk
      lol yeah,possibly.No school for me tomorrow so I'm good.
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

