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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Firekeyblade
      .......locked up?....(oh wait) I meant how she first checkmated you. Something about an invasion.
    2. Asterisk
      Yeah, she is kind of obsessed with him..too bad the character limit is so low..I'd give Donald and Goofy a shot..but that would seriously push my skills to the limit..on the plus side,I'd have plenty of power xD
    3. Asterisk
      oh yeah,forgot about LOTO..that makes four..Twilightblader's got grammar issues and punctuation is frequently missing.He's a good Xemnas though.

      And..Foofy..I think it nearly has been a week, but if Twilight can't play Roxas, I don't want anyone else to..otherwise Sora may suddenly not give a **** about him anymore.I HATE roleplaying with noobs.
    4. Firekeyblade
      That's what you said last time...>_>.......and then somehow Night devastated your plan and you never recovered.......and I still don't know how that happened. *ponders*
    5. Firekeyblade
      *ponders* I don't know about this.....>_>....anything interesting happen so far?
    6. Firekeyblade
      .....I see.....>_>'re okay now right? And I'll think about it. I looked at that thread one time didn't seem right for me at the moment.
    7. Asterisk
      If your an enemy of one organization, then Kairi would likely get caught in a crossfire with you visiting her.

      And yeah, keep your little persuasion techniques in rp because I can honestly find so many reasons around them its not even funny. I said,noob.If Twilight played her we wouldn't have that crap..and we need a new Roxas..which I would like Twilight to control..she's like the only good person in that rp..You and me excluded :P
    8. Firekeyblade
      *just looked at surgery thread* Okay....just wtf happened? Hm? I want answers, pal. >_>
    9. Asterisk
      Either way, They believe you DID tried putting them against Marluxia's group.Your word won't mean anything anymore, especially since you had something to do with her capture.Attempt or not, you still went to her, putting her in danger.

      And of course she came willingly,a ****** is playing her.
    10. Asterisk
      Well since your organization was the one that took Kairi,and since Larxene actually helped Sora and Riku, they'll likely be after you first.

      Then again..I don't want to deal with three pests in that group so I'll think on it.
    11. Kekeira
      .....riiight. *gives you brownies secretly filled with arsenic*
    12. Asterisk
      Well it was only a demonstration :P

      Final=Riku, Master=Mickey..but it won't be used too often though.Limit is initial so he doesn't need anyone.And he won't >.>

      Also you always claim things work for you,but they won't.I'm pretty sure your just bluffing about half the things you say.
    13. Kekeira
      oh yeah huh....... :stupid:
    14. Kekeira
      lol, you cheated. :P *bites you on neck, delivering werewolf blood into your veins* you're going to die now...xD.

      as for the other one....Blarg. see, I said it, blarg.
    15. Asterisk
      How is it useful?You can't use them lol..and Valor required Goofy to be gone,Wisdom required Donald to be gone,Master required both, and Final needed Roxas.

      I may make it so Riku is with Final, and Master is with Mickey.
    16. Kekeira
      Blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg, blarg,
      :stupid:, srry I was bored
    17. Kekeira
      lolz *bites down on arm harder* muhahahaha
    18. Asterisk
      Yeah, sleights..but Sora gets Limit Form which'll fit nicely.

      Can't use any others without Donald or Goofy..unless I mix that around.
    19. Asterisk
      Oh,I'm sorry about the mole, but at least its removed and your safe again.

      and no worries..this gives Sora the opportunity to learn KHII magic as well as get those clothes xD..and Riku gets something as well.
    20. Asterisk
      Whoa,I didn't know you were getting it..Why did you need it?

      And I'm fine.Waiting to see your next move as always.
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

