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Jun 16, 2016
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Sep 27, 1989 (Age: 35)
Home Page:
Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down


Chaser, 35, from Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down

*TwilightNight* was last seen:
Jun 16, 2016
    1. Deathsight44
      I'll check it out later when I feel a bit more inspired. I feel uninspired to do stuffs right now so I'll check it out later, alrite? :P
    2. Asterisk
      Yeah, figured...I'm gonna be rping with myself in War for a while xD.
    3. Asterisk
      Hah..looks like another day you can take it easy ^^
    4. Deathsight44
      I meant to say asian-central.com/anime alrite? :P
    5. Deathsight44
      wait no, it might be better if u read this. Go to asian-central.com from there, click on signup, and just make the account. there should be a post by my account there. from there, just click on my picture, and it'll go to my account. click 'chat with this user' or whatever, and then after that, it should take u to the main chat thing. from there, just add me to your friends list, alrite? :P

      then we talk tommorow after I get back from surgery. so wish me luck ^_^
    6. Firekeyblade
      Question......was the AP World History exam hard?.....>_>....or...was the course difficult?
    7. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      Ooo really...although if I remember correctly I actually believe I don't require anymore for my current major as well...however I could be changing...and indeed...there is no homework in my current English class...only quizzes and papers due one after the other.

      Hmm true enough...how like tonight...I must say I actually find it ironic that sometimes I find more people on, on nights such as this rather then on the weekends...well I hope you were able to finish your work up quickly and effectively TN. Hmm talking you say...well I noticed you were busy but if not too much sure I would be happy to talk when I can *huggles*.

      Hmm...eh...its not really much of a bother rather than more of a humorous occasion that I must say did give me somewhat of a laugh.
    8. Asterisk
      I'm sorry you had to deal with all that..in truth I likely could have gotten on later..but I barely had the energy to sit up. ^^'
    9. water mage
      water mage
      Thank you. =D
    10. fire mage
      fire mage
      sure thing. I edited it. Is the post okay now? Well off to bed.
    11. fire mage
      fire mage
      That sounds fine to me. The idea I had orignally was he was going to check out the castle anyway and see what are the differences. It was my intention, I just didn't want to exploit it. The assassin was a guide to him much to say. I'll edit my post, but it may be rushed and I wil fix it tomorrow. As it is 1 am right now.

      Next time I will ask you if I can do certain things from now on.
    12. water mage
      water mage
      Ok this needs to be said. I agree with my sister, but I'm tired of all this drama. I don't need it in my life. I'm going through so much more then any of you can understand or even care to. *TwilightNight* you know this and I trust you on that. Yes I'm being moody, but I have a right to be damn it! I may not answer tomorrow depending on what happens. I don't know what the result is going to be. I could be hospitalized and it freaks the hell out of me, but it's something I have to do and that's enough said. It's how I feel and sorry if any of you take this the wrong way, but don't take it personally. I've felt I've done nothing wrong and still there always seems to be a issue. I should not have to walk on eggs with anyone especially those that need to let things go more. There always seems to be some stupid problem that could be resolved. Let's try some communication without threats and put downs and learn to work together instead of against each other. I'm willing to if you guys are ok?
    13. fire mage
      fire mage
      I guess you didn't explain it that well because it is a nobody castle. Shield or no shield. Xenmas sent them, its not fault that Onyx was able to get in. I was trying to compromise in some way.

      Are you kididng me? How am I suppose to know what you are thinking.? I can't....Yes I know that Marluxia has security, but he is not perfect. He mainly wants to protect Namine rather than his own castle. I have seen it in his posts. He keeps her away from his own members. He has to be a tad sloppy or else there would be no way to get in the castle. I am not going to read minds.

      Nobodies have different energy like you did explain as Xenmas in BYC. I thought it was the same concept even in this rpg and I didn't think it affected lower ones. Sorry, but to me it wasn't explained that well besides the fact that you didn't say anything about rival organization members not being able to get in. Just a shield. Axel was once in that castle so he would be able to find a weakness.

      I doubt any of those members would want to fight him since your 'friend' stays clear away from me and my sister. So how am I suppose to interact if no one answers me?

      Xenmas sent Axel and Demyx and Onyx on a mission to Castle Oblivion and he wouldn't be sending them on a wild goose chase for nothing. If he didn't think they were able to get in he would of not sent them. They used a different portal through The Nothingness Gathers room.

      You can't quit over a misunderstandment. Sorry, but it wasn't explained that well to us. It just isn't fair. LOTO wouldn't want you to quit......and neither do I or my sister. We can compromise just tell us how. I wasn't trying to ruin Larxene's fun with Riku and Sora and I won't. I keep to myself. I mean you guys are easily interacting because there are more members in Marluxa's group than in Xemnas's. There is just me, my sister and Deathsight and now Akuawaterdragon. I want everyone to interact and they should have the right without anyone feeling left out or neglected or quiting over a misunderstandment. Please reconsider. How can I fix this without anyone quittting?
    14. fire mage
      fire mage
      Okay let me explain this first. How can you create a shield like that? I thought only Xenmas had that kind of power? He is more powerful than the other nobodies. Marluxia has the power of nature. I don't think he would have the kind of ability. Nah scratch that it is a rpg and it is his castle so I understand that he is paranoid. Besides you guys also mentioned that the door was the only way in the castle. I don't remember a shield on it or else no body would be able to get in. Normal nobodies? Oh you mean the dusks? Well you guys had them in the castle already so I don't think it mattered.

      I was trying to think of some alternative get in without making it obvious like attempting to break in by using power and getting forced back on my butt. We want to have some interaction here not just be standing around and waiting.

      The assassins is the obvious choice since they are higher than the dusks and more intelligent than them. Axel is their master and he controls them so he can manipulate them to open the door by slithering under it. Their special ability is to sneak across the ground and in rooms and floors unsuspectedly without much notice. They are extremely fast and quick like ninja. I have watched their movements many times in the game KH 2 during the scenes Axel plans a role using them when Roxas was in Twilight Town, Mansion, and the underground lab area so I know what I am talking about. I have studied them to know what they are capable of doing this method in sneaking besides exploding on contact and attacking their prey sneakly.

      Next time I will inform you if I have to make sure what I do is okay. I didn't really see a problem with it. So i used of what abilities they had.

      You do know that Axel relies on dusks and Assassins in the game and even the manga. They are like his personal retrievers in a way.

      I wanted to use it, They are the perfect way for him to use without being detected by the other nobodies. He is not going to give himself a way after all he is hooded. I think it was pretty clever that I came up with this kind of idea. It is better than appearing right in like some people would of done.
      Just so you know the creepers are the lowest nobody and the dusks are the second lowest. I have studied this all well.

      The mind? Well I don't know. So I assume Axel would know since he once lived and learned his way placed in Castle Oblivion.
    15. fire mage
      fire mage
      What? Why are you out?
    16. water mage
      water mage
      Do you think you can give HellKitten a response for Build Your Cages. I have a lot on my mind right now. Hopefully you understand. D=
    17. Deathsight44
      sorry to burst your bubble twilight, but after a month of waiting (and ya, I actually got to the point where I decided to see just how long its been. Boredum does u wonders XD), you just dont seem to have that interest that u used to have ^_^

      hmmm, agreed........oh well. atleast it will give me anouther reason to compete against you in a battle of wits. Har har har >D

      what mess? I'm not against his orginization at all. As a matter a fact, I was merely doing what I was asked to do :P
      and no, I am not saying that he can send her messages. I am merely saying that even though he cannot, the fact that he has the memory of it would mean that Namine would see this developement as well. So quit struggling on this matter and agree with me b4 all of kh-vids must get involved :P

      due to the fact that I had no idea of what I was doing, I literally signed myself up to do EXSACTLY what your doing. Yes, that is right, I literally got myself into this mess :P
      but basicly, I need to do what your doing (gather up A LOT of scources though, internet, newspapers, ect), and then I have to take a whole bunch of different subjects and turn it into the ultimate debate, except I'd be taking the side of how religion is some what blinding us. In other words, I'm basicly doing the same as what you are doing research wise (atleast I think I am), and then I'm writing a paper, showing how I would support the darwinism side :P
      and alrite, but if I'm going to help, I literally would need like a full idea of what your doing, not just a brief thing, ya know? It might even help if we had an easier way to chat...

      but you sound like such a NERD! As a matter a fact, I was wondering twilight, can you give me some chess lessons? XD

      that makes sense then I guess. But do you ever wish that you could've been more so of a bad girl then? You know, like really just let loose? :P

      lol, its not always like that. Idk twilight, I think that your the one thinking perverted thoughts this time :P lol, ohhhhh, I see now. so thats what your into XDDDDDDDDD

      wow, that sounds like a pain in the ass to tell u the truth. how do u deal with it all and still find the time to go on your make-out raids? :P

      hmm. well laser tag isn't exsactly like tag, but either way, fine then, if thats how it is then we'll go and play some laser tag, alrite? My treat :P (for me. cuz I can't pay for both. not if it is in ny XD)
    18. Asterisk
      Mention Axel and Demyx and stuff so they know to ignore them xD But seriously I'd prefer you do, since there are now three people I despise in that roleplay.
    19. water mage
      water mage
      I finally responded to Organization XIII's Revenge and it sure was a long post. Everything had to be said and as you know already that day awaits after tomorrow so I wanted to get that out in the open almost like his last words. *shruggs and runs away crying*
    20. Asterisk
      About twenty five minutes or more,depends.
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    Sep 27, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Home Page:
    Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down


    "Bet you don't know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors...


    ...And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest."