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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Asterisk
      What's up bud?..
    2. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Do you like Zelda? :D
    3. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      I have a question for you...
    4. Asterisk
      I'd explain but if it ever happened you'd never really be excited about it.Let's just say it involves Riku and darkness..and family of an Organization member xD
    5. Asterisk
      Hah,sorry to hear xD.But dude I just thought of the most epic scenario last night regarding Xain,Larxene,Sora and Riku while listening to 'Dairy of Jane' god it was so epic xD.
    6. Asterisk
      This is your chance man,show me your intelligence xD
    7. Asterisk
      No comment back, eh? Amirite?
    8. Kekeira
      how can u possible eat me? I'm a huge werewolf! xD Besides that, I'm still holding ur arm :]
    9. *TwilightNight*
      What kind of inspiration? The one that's been missing in BYC since I've been victorious so far? :P I'm about to start purposedly losing then, cause the fun gets out. It's almost time for, what was it, Toxyn to speak, however. After this meeting, and when Xemnas whips Marluxia for not waiting until he said so to leave, it will come. If you don't like using the leader, you'll have your other character soon [among the new one you added in...howeber, it makes me hesitant]. I have to release him for we all have something to do anyway >.>.

      But you don't know those people *.*. And who knows, they might actually be really stupid...

      It does not prove, but it doesn't disprove it either. All she's done so far in the game is just rechain and reconnect past memories. Not what is happening currently. Or else she could have easily screwed his memories about what Larxene said, or what she did if it was "recent". And no one will really find out as long as she keeps Sora moving forward. It's hard to say how Naminé works, but it isn't like that from what I've seen. Sora's the puppet, and she's the pupeteer. Not the other way around. If anything, she's the only who can send messages to him [and she guided him to come to CO, as she was lonely, which turned out to be a mistake], because she has the power. Sora doesn't have a connection to mess with her in that level. It's a one way street. If you weren't so blatantly against Marluxia's Organization, I might've helped on that regard, but now I have to fix the mess you made xP.

      And ohhhhhhh, alright then. Okay. Well, you know what I'm doing due to my explanations of it, lol, and I'm going to read through the texts today, or maybe tomorrow, to see what questions I can make out of the two, and how to put them together [I think the one I'm scared of is The Wall That Never Was, as it's a long one >.>]. So if you're helping, it's got to be soon. What is is it exactly that you're doing?

      Not a nerd >/. Psychology is my chosen career, so connections, are connections. And it looks good xD. And Psi Beta is one of those Honor Societies, this one, Psychology too. I am so serious, that not even Serious's name could express how serious I am on getting my PhD.

      And I meant by bad girl, that...I haven't been able to live the life of it, so I don't know what I'm missing. I could be one, but with the way I am, it stays locked. Don't know if that makes sense...

      And come on! You're telling me you did not think anything perverted by it? o.o I mean, in the PM you did, and I didn't say anything. should be the same here.

      Awwws, I made a inspirational quote xD. And that's the thing. Doing good it's what's best for me, which is why I feel I have to suceed. Wasting your money and paying for classes you fail isn't exactly something you strive for, you know? This is more serious. It's not like high school where you get text books and everything, unfortunately.

      I just think I will like Laser tag. Sounds fun. Pop out and shoot. I like tag, so this wouldn't make a difference, and I'm willing to try. I don't have to be good :P. As long as it's in a reasonable amount of money, that is.
    10. Asterisk
      Because you always hide stuff and you've yet to proof your intelligence against her.
    11. Asterisk
      ..Too bad she's been kicking your ass in everything so far:P
    12. Asterisk
      ..Do you need a plan for everything? Why not just wing it XDDD
    13. Asterisk
      Actually its kinda *******-ish to pull,especially when people really have lost their moms.

      And you haven't even seen the whole plan yet, so don't count Larxene out xD
    14. Asterisk
      I knew it you ******* xDDD and Larxene sold you out.
    15. Asterisk
      ...*Guilt*...Assuming your not lying,I'm sorry I said that
    16. Asterisk
      ....No,your mother! xDDD
    17. Asterisk
      So that's how it it on.
    18. Asterisk
      Why does everything work out for you,without repercussions? Man that's annoying xDDD.

      Also..why help Riku when there isn't anything to gain?
    19. Asterisk
      ..You know,if you give him power,he can kill you with it easily, not to mention Ansem's Heartless could defeat an Org. member in one hit while possessing his body.So if you want to risk it, go ahead, but he still won't be following you. xD

      And as for Xain..he's loyal to Marluxia,he just didn't like the fact that he seemed to bully Namine.The girl was scared, even a happy guy like Xain had to help her out.
    20. Asterisk
      Riku dominates xDDD..but I still need him to work out his fear of darkness before I can really use him to his full power.

      And thanks for the thoughts about Xain, you don't see many people like him around. xD
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

