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Jun 16, 2016
Apr 24, 2007
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Sep 27, 1989 (Age: 35)
Home Page:
Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down


Chaser, 35, from Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down

*TwilightNight* was last seen:
Jun 16, 2016
    1. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      Ah I see...well I wish you the best of luck with your work as well...we are both in college so we can relate to the junk we have to put up with ><

      True enough...however I am sorry to say I must put more business into it...which unfornately requires me to abandon KHV probably for the night...forgive me if things get too far behind but I will try to catch up once again on Monday. Take care TN *huggles*

      *looks at the messages, scrolls up and down* Hmm...either this is like a flip book (scroll book) and something is supposed to change...or you posted three times lol Ah I see...yeah it does act up sometimes.
    2. Asterisk
      ..Care to let it go now?

      Also ignore any messages I sent to you on AM when you went off >.>..now that I know, it doesn't have any meaning.
    3. Asterisk
      It wasn't falling flat,I kept quiet so I wouldn't stop you from posting.And I said 'you don't seem to get it' because you didn't seem to get what Vexen was saying.I re-used your quote because it seemed fitting until I kinda got what you meant after rereading..

      My first impression?..well if they were a friend I'd question them first.I didn't expect that from you to be honest.
    4. Asterisk
      Tensions weren't really high..and it basically was misinterpreted because I didn't have an attitude..probably shoulda put an lol at the end or something..
    5. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      Ugh...seems like we both are in trouble then...

      Ah ok...no I didn't sorry but thank you for pointing that out...sigh...so much on my mind...yeah...for right now he just wants Vixtra's I guess you could say side of the story...next post I will take care of the dusk...that is if this paper doesn't take me over for the rest of the night...

      And....you do realize you triple posted your message right? lol...
    6. Asterisk
      No, not the thread.You went off on me yesterday because I misinterpreted what you said...so what was up with that?..you just log off with no explanation.
    7. Asterisk
      so wtf is the problem..?
    8. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      *rubs temples* There...about caught up as I am going to get for now...now I must see if I can get any work done on this biography...
    9. Akua WaterDragonKing
    10. Firekeyblade
      *highfives* HELL YES, GIRL! Dragging Serious back! You the woman. :woohoo:
    11. fire mage
      fire mage
      In the game for a long time I believed that the tattoos were purple or black until I saw the screenshots.

      Interesting. The last episode yesteday is where Lite is in confinement, not to mention his father, and the girl The other guy L is waiting for Kiera to show up. After two weeks Lite sends his shinami away to kill the people and that is what I have seen so far. I don't how far it is in the series so I can't catch up to it. The episode is called Decision.
    12. water mage
      water mage
      I will respond tonight to the rpgs. Don't forget Into the Void. Right now I'm off to watch Lance Armstrong compete in my home turf and I wouldn't miss that for the world.
    13. HellKitten
      I'm only fast when I need to be...>.>*cough*


      D= My dad and step-mom were mocking me because I got sick the other day and I lost my voice this morning xD It just pisses me off that my dad keeps making me talk.
    14. Deathsight44
      and I just godda say, I'm reading a lot of what i missed, and I godda say, you just proved that my insperation has been lacking. I won't say why, but I mean, I really godda say, thanks =D
    15. Deathsight44
      lol, i know i deserve to get slapped for saying it, but I suppose that you seem to have that affect. Silly twilight. Always making things bigger then they have to be :P

      and yes u were. its so mean becuz ur insulting all of the stupid people out there, and I need to represent my people ya know :P

      oh cmon. either way, this does not prove that she cannot see current memories. Why, even if it is chains, she should easily be able to tell how those chains work and what memories they are connected to. I shall stand by this, and you should to, since the philosophy of leading Sora in revolves around the fact that she should be able to recieve this message :P

      Wait, no, makes me do it! You dun understand, lmao. I have a project that decides half of my grade. I mean, it would REALLY help if I knew what you were doing becuz the fact is, if I hand in something like what you are doing, then I mean, let's face facts, I help u, u help me, then we both get good grades =D

      ohhh. well ya, then english honors was probably a good choice then. But wait, secratary of the Psychology club? Alrite, I take it back. your not a goody two shoes. your a nerd XD
      and whats Psi Beta? o_O

      Lol. I dun get it. I mean, if ur a bad girl at heart, then why would be happy bouts how u are now? SO confusing ^_^ its not like u godda make it sound dramatic though :P

      actually, I wasn't thinking it until u said something. XDDDD
      oh wow, this is why I love being a perv. I'm so perverted that whenever I don't see something in a perverted way, its always common for people to end up making things worse by saying that I'm thinking it, which makes me think it =D

      aww, isn't that cute. "Do well and achieve" :P lol, I'm too much of a freelancer to be like that. I'll do collage, but I'll do it how I think it should be done, and I don't care about others oppinions, cuz I just wanna do what's best for me (I'll listen, but doesnt mean I ahve to do it :P)

      nah, its not that I don't have plans, its just that u took away my insperation for the thread, lmao. see, I hate to put it like this, but fact is, being the leader has never done it for me. I work better on my own accord, causing trouble amongst large groups of people and then watching them squabble amongst themselves (rp wise of course) by creating situations of confusion (which I have been developing). In BYC though, I'm taking a break, becuz I dun want it to affect me, ya know? :P

      lol. well either way, I'll try and find somethen. Trust me, depending on who you are with, it can be fun, but its not something that you might wanna spend a lot of time with, unless your in one of those REALLY good ones. Course though, I'm excellent when it comes to hiding and sniping people out. They never see meh coming :P
    16. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      Very...interesting...I am curious to see where this will lead...if I were Namine I would be very wary of getting too close to Xain...

      But on a brighter note...seems the WoN thread has finally hit it off pretty good...BYC seems somewhat slow...and Pirates looks like it might be on some sort of block?...
    17. fire mage
      fire mage
      That cool. It is hard for me to find avatars of kh at all. Even if I use Google.

      Yep I have been watching it on Adult Swim for 2 weeks so far. It sucks that it comes on at Midnight.....It is more mental battles than physical? Wow I had a feeling, but I have only seen 2 episodes where it shows that Lite regrudgingly had one of the monsters erase the girls mind or something because she was being tortured by L's group having her strapped onto a board or something. This series is very dark, but interesting though I havne't figured what those actual demon monsters play a role in it yet. The ones that hang around Lite and the girl.
    18. fire mage
      fire mage
      Oh i forgot. I liked how you put deathnot in your avatar. I have been watching this series trying to figure what it is all about. I just know having your name in it is a bad thing.
    19. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      I'm taking your old spot In Xemnas' Organization. :D
    20. Advent
      Then leave.
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  • About

    Sep 27, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Home Page:
    Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down


    "Bet you don't know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors...


    ...And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest."