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Feb 22, 1994 (Age: 31)
    1. Advent
      I approve of this idea. B|


      *Cuddles* x3

      How are you? <3
    2. Advent
      OMGOMGOMG Hai. :3


      Good morning/afternoon. x3
    3. Deathsight44
      already did tell them to stay out of it, so sorry.
      and quite frankly, I've been trying to stop the conversation >.>

      but ya, I'll tell them to back off for good. I would prefer it though if john kept clear of me as well. It really would be a shame if things got all messed up becuz of this whole thing, and me and him NEVER have gotten along. So that's why I'm asking.

      but ya, from here, I just don't plan on responding to him, so things will come to an end here for sure, alrite?
    4. Deathsight44
      srry for bothering u, but for the sake of ending this thing between me and ur bf, let me ask u. are u alrite with me acting perverted around you?
      and I am specificly asking just so I know whether or not it takes things too far or not. right after this, the whole thing is over, but I'm specificly asking so that way i know whether or not I am aloud to talk like that.
      (ANd ya, ik it sounds ******ed for me to ask, but either way)
    5. Deathsight44
      Fine whatever. Either way, sorry. Since I consider u a cool person, then I'll drop it, but only cuz I dun wanna start something which will bother a friend. But only reason I'm sorry is for starting this whole thing up. ttyl I guess since I'd rather talk when I'm in a better mood...
    6. Deathsight44
      not for nothen, but I'm gonna apologize since obviously ur bf was offended by my last comment, and idk if u were, so if it was taken the wrong way, then I apologize. I didn't mean for it to be emplied by how ur bf took it

      just to make things clear, I am only apologizing to u incase I started something. As for your boyfriend, I have no reason to apologize. so for that, I am sorry.
    7. Deathsight44
      idk. All i know is that you have a scary boyfriend, lol. Lol, after all, how badly your ass can get kicked is always the one depending factor of just where the line is XDDD

      lol, oh really? you think so? But don't you think that that response was a little too serious? XD

      I live in ny to! =D

      and wait, so then allow me to make sure that I'm understanding this right. So then you both are going out, but it is long distance, correct? (sry john, but I wanna hear it from her mouth to)

      and thinking b4 speaking was never my strong point (hence the constant reason why girls parents always seem to have an unquenching hate for me). Lol, either way, I'm still in utter shock, lmao.
    8. Advent
      Hehe, well the first time I heard it was on "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air," so I just use it. 8D

      Oh God... yea, that's probably best. They'll REALLY hate me then. @_@ Mine would probably be wary at first, but they would accept it eventually. They're good in that sense. 8D

      I meant to convert the video. xD

      @ Deathsight

      Kindly think before you speak (near incomprehensibly, might I add). I live in New York, so it's a long-distance relationship. How is it scary that I know martial arts?
    9. Deathsight44
      what? How in gods name do you get into a relationship with someone like that? Thats just scary O_O

      in that case, 4get it before you find something out

      but he cant be messing with me. he's too serious for that :P

      wait, john, YOUR her bf? o_O *jaw drops in shock*
      *stairs in shock for a few moments in absolute shock and awe* hahaha. In other words, he lives in the Sea Mammel country as well XDDDD
    10. Arch
      No neglected! No!
    11. Advent
      xD Yes, and it was my epic L hat too. D= My cousin Emily goes, "What's the L stand for?" And before I can answer Dan goes, "Loser." So, without any witty comeback to return with, I simply slapped him upside the head.

      Hehe, hopefully they don't tell my parents. I would prefer to be the one to tell them. xD

      That you did. I'm very proud of you. >D

      xD What program did you use? :3
    12. Advent
      *Looks at Deathsight's comment*

      That would be me, kind sir. Eleven years of judo, jujitsu, and kendo, at your service. 8D
    13. Advent
      It was okay, though my family was kinda ******-baggy to meh. My aunt was a ***** and was like, "No, take off your hat." And I'm all like, "Nyuuuuuuu mah hair is ass right now." And she's all like, "I don't care." And I was like, "Nyuuuuuuuuu." Then I took it off. Yea, deep stuff. And Dan and Joe talked about us again, though I don't think they completely know yet. @_@

      How have you been, honey? x3
    14. Deathsight44
      lol, wait, is your boyfriend a strong dude or a skinny dude, cuz if he's skinny then I'll be alrite XD

      Hmmm, now where have I heard u being called a wuss b4 :P
      unless u just said that on coincidence. if so, then I have a perfectly rational reason for why I said that XD

      and tell serious to stop being so mean to meh TT_TT\
      its not my fault that I have a 2nd brain XD
    15. Arch
      I don't have sofas. Dx I have "love beds". xDx Off. D8<
    16. Advent
      Oh nyuuuuu, poor cariad. D=


      *Tooth huggle*...?


    17. Arch
      *Noms* B|
    18. Advent
      Well I'm here now. =3


      I won't let go if you don't. x3
    19. Deathsight44
      alrite, in that case, if I ever get close, then warn me, ok? I mean, not for nothen, but if some dude was acten all liek that with my gf (not that I've ever had a gf >.>), I'd definatly be pissed XD

      its like an optical illusion, ya know? Every time u look at something, then u can see the illusion that it is making. Except in this case, isntead of seeing an optical illusion, your thinking about something that your not supposed to be thinking about XDDDD

      but then how does tickling hurt? You confuse me O_O
    20. Deathsight44
      lol, seriosuly though, now u gots me feeling all bad and stuff. XD

      well ya, but every time u hear someone say "Still though", now your gonna ahve no choice but to remember the word XD lol, seriously, try it on ur friends. It works every time XD

      lauphing doesn't hurt to, does it? XD
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    Feb 22, 1994 (Age: 31)

