Last Activity:
Feb 25, 2013
May 15, 2007
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South Park.
Collecting my money, now pay up!


NO WONT LET YOU, from South Park.

Asterisk was last seen:
Feb 25, 2013
    1. Deathsight44
      dude, who would? dresses are a turn off >.>

      and ya, you have a point. but none the less ,I was entertained ^_^
    2. Deathsight44
      dude, u serious? (omg. I made a joke out of your name XD). But either way, what are you kidding me? Once kids hit 12 then thats when it all starts XD
      don't u ever pay attention in school? lol
    3. nobodynerd100
      yeah, with the situation I put you in, I think your doing Sora and Riku correctly.
    4. Deathsight44
      well isn't she 14 by then? I mean, technicly, I'm 15, so I have no problem with it, lol. sides, whats wrong with a pervy humour?
    5. Deathsight44
      lol, sorry dude. That was just my own humour slipping in, lol.

      and why is that? are u english? lol
    6. Deathsight44
      lol, its all good. Right now though I probably am experiencing the experience that most imbuciles would refer to as a healing of highness. No, i am obviously not high, but my headache has brought me to the point of acting very silly :3

      hence, the perverted comment in the thread ^_^
    7. Deathsight44
      i'll post back later. ish busy
    8. Deathsight44
      glad that ur day has been made then XD

      lol, and cmon dude, u have to admit, it was appropriate for the Loto thing :P
    9. Deathsight44
      I've got to just say man, I just spent the time to read your post in a full thing instead of just a skim (you know, since I hadn't actually been rping wit u yet), and I just godda say, have you ever considered writing? I mean, not for nothing, but the way you wrote it was definatly something that you don't notice too often in these forums, ya know? I mean, I'm just saying, its definatly something that would be good for you to do, lol

      and btw, sorry dude, but I had to do a LOTO on ya :P "Or perhaps.......kairi?"
    10. Deathsight44
      you would not by chance hold information on how it is that nobodies observe others that do not have cloaks, do you? and ik its a silly question, but I just never looked into it until i considered it just now
    11. Deathsight44
      can't do that, becuz my plans change more often then the mood of a woman =D
    12. Deathsight44
      lol, u are emant to be confused.
      allow me to put things this way....

      I really do not require kairi anymore at the moment. But I might require her later. Until then though, I am committed to an action which will lead to not only developement, but also the action of it being acknowledged that an unknown force has created 2 portals, lol (will be explained in due time of course)
    13. Deathsight44
      lmao, ya, ik. I make a good rich kid dont i XD

      lol, well ya, but now that I'm done with her, I was going to use this method to get rid of her. Its hard to explain, but I have already fulfilled my own interests. Onyx no longer requires her for his plans.
    14. Deathsight44
      slow as..........

      omg. I just face palmed myself. Literally, I just did it this very moment...... omg, is that blood from my nose? Is the fact that she is giving up the chance to run away through the strange portal behind her which will lead to her escape from the forceful strangers who are acting no better then Kidnappers? Perhaps so. Who knows D< *starts blowen **** up with a rocket launcher to take out anger*
    15. Deathsight44
      words are not nescasary for your thoughts. Hence, my original reasoning for preposing what I had been conversing with you about before. catch my drift?
    16. Deathsight44
      Go right ahead. I never said that this was the interesting part. After all, what good would my plans be if all the interesting parts happend at all times, right?
    17. Deathsight44
      lol, it does, doesn't it? Trust me though, you would be surprised. But let's get into that later, shall we?
    18. Deathsight44
      obviously, lol
    19. Deathsight44
      well quit haten cuz if u quit this thread cuz of them then I'll probably go on a rampage, lmao. I mean, not for nothen, but seriously, I feel as if it might be an accomplishment for u to finally see one of my evil plans in action XD
    20. Deathsight44
      such as?

      I mean, I can understand the minors, but anything specific that can be pointed out?
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  • About

    South Park.
    Collecting my money, now pay up!
    Pwning noobs, Reading, Roleplaying, Video Games. My life is complete :P

