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Feb 25, 2013
May 15, 2007
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South Park.
Collecting my money, now pay up!


NO WONT LET YOU, from South Park.

Asterisk was last seen:
Feb 25, 2013
    1. Deathsight44
      well I won't give up on it. none the less though, it is slowly dieing....

      thank god for WOTN right? :P
    2. Firekeyblade
      Well it's not just her. What about all the other teenagers?
    3. Deathsight44
      well she has her reasons to tell u the truth. at this point though, I believe that the thread is losing its interest. its not like any charecters who usually stir things up have been active for practicly a whole month *cough*
    4. Firekeyblade
      I see. I'm surprised you didn't say anything about her character wearing a t-shirt. ^_^ But seriuosly though...>_>....we're all kind of just waiting for something to happen to somehow get on Axel's crew.'ve kind of just realized this. >_> Crew is filled with majority teenagers and children in general. That's why I'm tempted to up the age of my character a bit(....>_>...without the maturity to go with it).
    5. Deathsight44
      Trust me, BYC wasn't worth the stay. As for War of the Nobodies, it was something which I can say, now that we talk on a more conversive level, I would appreciate more, lol. Idk, I'm just sayen, it has more promise, lol
    6. Deathsight44
      either way, the thread's falling a part. War of the Nobodies will provide much more entertainment though, I can assure u. Now that I can work under conditions which are much more suitable, lol

      especially since u might actually find my ideals slightly more entertaining, lol
    7. Firekeyblade
      ?......even Kitten? What about Hail? No problems with him? Or even me? Or are we all on your watch list? :D
    8. Deathsight44
      ya, it shouldn't be that big a deal. I mean, after all, it's just kairi, right? lol
    9. Deathsight44
      and sry for not keepen things interesting in BYC. I'm just EXTREMELY uninspired. I mean, idk. Just thought I'd say somethen after ur last post.
    10. Deathsight44
      so then doesn't that mean u have 4 charecters at the moment? why, what prevents her from taking kairi as her 4th?

      ya, i do, lol. alrite, just maken sure. I dun wanna be neglecting it or anything, ya know?
      also, what are Saix's powers supposed to be? Not for nothing, but it occured to me quite some time ago. Doesn't his powers revolve around the use of his weapon due to his blunt nature?
    11. Deathsight44
      Well she has larxene and namine. You have Sora, riku, and micky. that means that she can still take one more :3

      and as for the womanizer thing....... <.< >.> well since when is there a problem with that? XD

      and is sumthen interesten goin on on pirates? I might not be posten on there yet, but I hear that there is some powerplaying going on :P
    12. Firekeyblade
      Yeah.....I figured his post was going to have problems with it. It seemed kind of iffy to me. :D Ah well......I'm guessing you're going to guard Crimson Pearl with your life against users like that?
    13. Firekeyblade
      Noobs powerplaying annoying you? >_>
    14. Deathsight44
      lol, ya, I don't like to pause. Pauses are a sign of weakness since someone has no need to do said action unless it is for the last word, lol

      I would, but the problem is I need to find out if Roxas (insert the 1000 numbers here) is still rping there or not. She has only posted 2 times b4, so it is hard to tell
    15. Deathsight44
      you'd be surprised. one of the reasons why the both of us talk so much lately is cuz of that XD

      and sounds, it sounds evil, doesn't it? Like a smart kind of evil. Lol, so ya, it helps with the accent :P (I dun have an accent, but I can make an accent to make me sound evil-er ^_^

      lol, seriously though, what do u think I'm plannen on doin? I'm just interested XD
    16. Deathsight44
      not really. as a matter a fact, that is what the usual cause is. Please, allow me to ask, what is it that you think the purpose of me doing said action is for?
    17. *TwilightNight*
      Blah. I didn't notice until you told me, really ^^;.

      But anyway, I'm off to eat some fast food before class begins cause I'm hungry. See ya tomorrow, if you can't get on.
    18. *TwilightNight*
      Pyro and me only text message xD. And it's hard to keep in contact with her lately, so she's more...accesible that way, I suppose. Gonna attempt to rekindle it today by MSN.

      Didn't you know you had King Mickey, you working with Deathsight traitor you >3. And checked. Don't think I'll be able to respond now though.
    19. *TwilightNight*
      Unfortunately, yes *le sigh*. French is next. Stupid French.
    20. *TwilightNight*
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    South Park.
    Collecting my money, now pay up!
    Pwning noobs, Reading, Roleplaying, Video Games. My life is complete :P

