Sonic the Hedgehog
Last Activity:
Oct 31, 2020
Aug 18, 2008
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Jun 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
I used to live on Planet Mobius, but now I live on
Breaking Eggman's stuff

Sonic the Hedgehog

The Blue dude is back!!, 33, from I used to live on Planet Mobius, but now I live on

Sonic the Hedgehog was last seen:
Oct 31, 2020
    1. .:BookWorm:.
      'Kay, but just in care. *hugs* ^-^
    2. .:BookWorm:.
      OKay, but.. I'm still sorry just in case I did do something. D:
    3. melissar7Rikufan
      oh okay and cool..I m glad your okay^^
    4. .:BookWorm:.
      I'm sorry, I should've never said and instead say something that could've made you happy or something....

      I'm sorry. T^T
    5. .:BookWorm:.
      IT'S MY FAULT!

      *hugs tighty* >_< SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY! SORRY!
    6. .:BookWorm:.
      I can honestly say.... I don't know. xD

      I usually in bed by 10 if it's a school night, but i've been upset to sleep. =P

      Life bites... Hard. XP
    7. .:BookWorm:.
      Eh, listening to music, losing to people on Osu like the idiot I am and talking to a few friends in a chat-box.

      I'm suppose to be sleeping since it's 12:02 PM over here in Florida. =P

      What time is it for you?
    8. .:BookWorm:.
      Yay! *hugs back*

      I need to download more songs. More form Utada Hikaru, of coruse! ^.^

      Soooo.... Anything new? O=
    9. melissar7Rikufan
      So what is up Sonic?
    10. .:BookWorm:.
      My first DS broken because I let one of my use-to-be-friends borrow it when we were friends and she broke it. =/

      I have a new one now, but, like I said, I don't really use it.

      I'm taking screenshots of Osu. =3
      AND I FINALLY BEAT MY FRIEND AT A ROUND! It was a KH song too! <3

      I deserve a hug. ;D Lol. Just kidding. xD
    11. .:BookWorm:.
      Yeah, but I barely play it. xD

      I'm mostly seen playing zOMG, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Osu, Maple Story or online stuff. =3
    12. .:BookWorm:.
      I remember Sonic was the first video I've ever played. xD

      It was some Sonic Racers thingy for the first Play-Station.

      Ah, good times, good times. LOL.

      Umm... I need to buy more video games. O.o

      Know any good ones?
    13. .:BookWorm:.
      Yeah, I just found out today. xD

      I saw Knuckles on a poster! He had some helmet thingy on. I was like, "AWESOME!"

      So, I'm gonna try to get it, but first, I have to get a new Wii. =3
    14. .:BookWorm:.
      So [NEON] colorful! <3

      Now that I think about it, a friend of mines draw his own Sonic The Hedgehog comics. xD

      Oh, did you hear about the new Sonic Knight game thingy? xD

      Oh, found a picture of me in color. =D
    15. .:BookWorm:.

      I need to start tkaing pictures in color. xD
      I have like two in color... But I don't like them. O.o

      I'll try to look for one. =P
    16. .:BookWorm:.
      Aw, same as me. I listen to pretty much anything. xD

      I was to hate anything, but Rock, but I thought I was being an idiot at the time and started listening to other music. <3

    17. melissar7Rikufan
      So what have u been up to lately Sonic?
    18. melissar7Rikufan
      *takes cookies* Thanks Sonic
    19. .:BookWorm:.
      Yeah, It's a song called 'I don't wanna be in love' or something like that from Good Charloette (I know it's spelt wrong. O.o).

      It's not really suppose to mean anything, though. It's a little dance song thingy. xD

      So, yeah... WHat type of music do you listen to? O=
    20. melissar7Rikufan
      Oh ya about that it was that my parents got rid of the older internet but I just got online off of a way slower dial-up internet...that and Kh-vids is blocked at my school but yt is not blocked for teachers so thats why I have been on yt only during the week and I missed to Sonic *hugs back*
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  • About

    Jun 23, 1991 (Age: 33)
    I used to live on Planet Mobius, but now I live on
    Breaking Eggman's stuff
    Blue Supersonic Hedgehog

    Running, or relaxing


    Yahoo! Messenger:


    Sonic v.s Sonic