Last Activity:
Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Varnor
      ... They have already converted to our way of life Muha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    2. Juicy
      Id be out of school now anyway, its 4pm here =P

      But no, Im on half term so we have the week off school 8D
      Same as you =P
    3. Varnor
      I just did :P
    4. Juicy
      You're a "polite pervert" =P
    5. Varnor
      right... the only problem is we aren't that stupid, that and you can't use the same trick twice its to obvious
    6. Varnor
      Eh you can't if you do that we stop selling you ammo and parts to your nukes, that and air defence technology
    7. Varnor
      If you say so...
    8. *TwilightNight*
      We have to sign up. It's mandatory for grading T-T.

      I don't think Naminé can see Sora's memories, if not, just has memories of him. And if Sora was able to do that, it will be much easier, and most of the things in CoM would have been avoided. I personally think it's one way, especially as Naminé can move around the "links" of his memories that are located within his Heart, not that they can connect it in messages. Naminé can bring Sora messages, but that would be in turns of giving him false memories, and it will kind of screw with his mind, however minimal.

      Well, it's hard for me to connect one. There's Advertisements, the Consumer, Fitting In, Feminism, the War, though some are not that interesting, view of the United States, the Church and State, Darwinism, Gay Marriage, simple Marriage, University, Student Rights, Racial profiling, and blah. I decided to use some reading in the section of Church and State, and Darwin. One is, "The Wall That Never Was" [lawl], is basic religion and politics, morals, whatnot, you know the debate between church and state, and "Does Darwinism Devalue Human Life?". Have no idea how to really connect the two, but that's all I could think of. Especially if I'm suppose to have the readings I choose by tomorrow. And I'm already nervous thinking about it. I'm glad I'm doing it now to get it over with and out of my hair.

      My grades in High school weren't that horrible, you know D:. I just got As, Bs, and Cs. Maybe rare Ds sometimes. And I go to a community college, to save money >.>. Then I'm transferring.

      Alright, I'll talk about it in PM tomorrow, since it's free time all day. Shame, though, that it was a downgrade. I wouldn't mind going to the one at your mall, though. It just depends on how we get there. ZOMG! The subway! :P
    9. Juicy
    10. Asterisk
      Depends on if they show interest to stop :P..which they likely will.
    11. Asterisk
      Like..North,way north.Near Canada..check your map :P..we've got the Great Lakes bish.
    12. Juicy

      I guess I forgive you then. ^^"

      perverse and rude language? That doesnt sound like you at all! 0:3
      You.. you... *brings out knife* whats that about my shortness? >;3
    13. Asterisk
    14. Asterisk
      I talk to her on AIM so its all good really :P
    15. Juicy
      Thats like saying why does anyone bother with any other language xD

      Hey! Im not THAT silly =P
      Because its true ^^ you boys are still dwarfs when we are fully grown >3
      Shhhh before I come over there and chop off your legs >;3
    16. Asterisk
      She *****es about them like..all the time :P..well not all the time but she does complain about long PMs to respond to.
    17. Asterisk
      I know,I talk to her..she's got plenty of posting to do.
    18. Asterisk
      I know he doesn't use 'Ansem' will need to cut in sometimes..and King Mickey may need to make an appearance.

      And lawl..Scarlet makes women 'maturing' faster than men sound like a bad thing.I disagree lmao
    19. Juicy
      Whales =/= Wales =P

      Never mind xD Im just being blonde xD

      No no, girls usually stop at 15, because we mature before you men =P
      Im not short! ;o
      The average girl is 5"3 so there =P
    20. Asterisk
      I didn't say you'd fight's a warning for anyone attempting to go at them :P..and mind games can also be a little boring too :P

      but anyway looking forward to what you'll bring to the table.
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

