Last Activity:
Apr 20, 2011
Sep 16, 2007
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March 10


Gummi Ship Junkie

Atlas was last seen:
Apr 20, 2011
    1. Advent
      Hmmmm, sure, I'll fill out a character form, then we can work on the thread.
    2. Trigger
      I'm sure it's pretty hot.
    3. Advent
      I would say wait until tomorrow when we can both look over it. I won't be on for most of the morning, but come afternoon, I should be back.
    4. Advent
      Oh wow, that's pretty extensive I like it. I think we're just about ready to start the thread. I'll make a character in a little bit.
    5. Trigger
      i wanna high five a polar bear.
    6. Advent
      I like the plasmids idea so far. We'll elaborate on it more when the time comes for it.

      Hmmm... yea we would need to inform people in the first post that they can be removed from the RP if they can't keep up. Noobs would easily drive it into the ground. We can work out a test paragraph later today; if I wrote one now it would suck since I'm kinda dead tired.
    7. Advent
      Yea, definitely. It would be annoying and difficult to have an NPC Big Daddy partner. And yea, people can't just write, "And then Jack shot the Big Daddy and it died," they need to think of decent ways to lure them out and attack them strategically. We also need to figure out a decent way of obtaining ADAM and using it to enhance abilities.
    8. Advent
      That would be epic, I like the idea of you being Atlas. Maybe we could also allow people to play Big Daddies and Little Sisters at the same time, going around being Big Daddies and whatnot, though I'm not sure how deep their story lines could be.
    9. Advent
      That would be interesting. Would you want it to be Rapture pre- or post-splicer shitstorm? Either way, I'm interested.
    10. Advent
      Oh Jesus, I know what you mean. This site overall sucks at RP'ing with very few exceptions. I've only been in one, but I was told that I was pretty good. My posts were appropriately long, and, as you've probably noticed, my grammar is adequate. Did you want to set one up on KH-V?
    11. Advent
      Crap, I was hoping it wouldn't come to this. We need some kind of repellent. What repels noobs? I believe it was intelligence, but no matter how much we throw at him he seems to never want to back off...
    12. Styx
      You read me.
    13. Advent
      It's okay, I prefer the normal though. The diet is just... different, I don't know how to describe it.

      We need another shitstorm. lil woj was too fun and now I'm craving it.
    14. Advent
      Oh yes. I got a few friends of mine and Scarlet's to mind**** his profile with spam. It was glorious. I read most of yours, you are certainly quite the anti-woj.
    15. Advent
      Yes, I completely agree with this idea. With any luck, we can start up a decent KH-V meme.


      Troll very successful indeed.
    16. Advent
      Yes, I would be worried if I was you. You know how easy it is for thirteen-year-olds to acquire enough money to purchase a plane ticket, get the actual plane ticket, and use I.P. tracers to hunt down people from the internet. It's so plausible I'm practically shaking.

      I believe the shitstorm we conjured up damn well did the job, though. ****, that was fun.
    17. Advent
      He essentially just knocked over his own king. We win.
    18. Advent
      I know! This is the greatest win to hit KH-Vids since... wait, I don't think this site has had a win this big. We need to milk this one for every last lulzy post.
    19. Advent
      Holy ****, what he said to you made me lol in the most literal way possible. We've hit the newfag jackpot.
    20. Advent
      Oh yes, please do. It would be an honor to make him an hero with your assistance, /b/rother. Tonight, we dine upon noobs.
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    March 10




    I'm going to kill myself tomorrow.