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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Varnor
      eh I can blow up ever tying i want. people said it was impssiple to screw up your computer with linux and look what i did ^^

      It depends at some schools they cover everything and others they cover nothing at all
    2. Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      Senbonzakura Kageoshi
      hey dude how are you?
    3. Juicy
      I dont know any spanish, we dont have to learn it here =P
      I like to stick to my french and german instead xD

      I only got out of bed a few hours ago; im having a bit of a lazy day 8D
      hows life?
    4. Varnor
      *pushes red button and blows up the whole US*

      yeah and the best part the state pays for most of our education so its not to expensive to be a student
    5. Maka Albarn
      Maka Albarn
      XD I made a character to interact with yours on the Curse of Science Rp. I don't like people feeling left out. :D
    6. Juicy
      Heh heh, I have no idea what that says =P
      only the moshi moshi :3
    7. Varnor
      *Throws scissors into Deathsigths foreheadand runs forth and steals the chocolate*

      something like that after vidergående its pretty much up to you, i can chose to have a year of or try some one year studies at some schools ore continue on towards what you people would call collage. or university for that matter
    8. Juicy
      Kyaaaaa! :B
    9. Varnor
      Draws out another katana "I WANT CHOCLATE!!!!!!"

      no we have something called videregående it last from the year you turn 16 to the summer the year you turn 19. its more like highschool really
    10. Varnor
      CHOCOLATE!!!!! *runs forward slashing like crasy*

      ((sure need to get back from school first))
    11. Varnor
      ITS MINE, *Grabes katana and starts hacking*
    12. Asterisk
      Needless to say mostly,I could tell. xD
    13. Varnor
      Yeeeeiii Chocolate ^^
    14. *TwilightNight*
      But you see, I have to use the readings from the book we are given [the text book, basically]. There's something about politics, but also about gay marriages, about girls growing up, war. Maybe I can do something on racial profiling...*sigh* It would have been better if I didn't have to lead the discussion and ask questions. LOL xDD. I just found a reading called "The Wall Never Was" xDD. Sorry, KH too much. Perhaps...I can do something about our view of America. And other countries. I'm freaking out about this!

      And how is Sora going to contact Naminé? You can't exactly pull anything out of left field that really wasn't shown it can be done, you know.

      Okay, and I suppose we can help each other out. If you ask me, I would go with the subject of whether human beings are originally good people or bad people. It's kind of what we were talking about in the PM on Larxene :P, nurture vs. nature, in some form, and it's bound to get some heads rolling. I wish they had something like this in the book, nurture vs. nature D:.

      Maybe you should be my personal writing machine. I'll sent you every day to my class and you write notes for me :P.

      The thread got locked. I told you when I posted it for you to see xP.
    15. *TwilightNight*
      Lol xD. Well, it's going to get there. I'm going to be incredibly busy preparing this week to lead a group discussion for next week. Two texts that you find a connection with, and put it into a class discussion led by me. I have NO idea where to even begin, or what type of questions to ask. Perhaps I'll try a debate...

      And you're not missing much on Pirates. If you know the movie, you're good xD. And WoN is okay, don't mind.

      As for that. NO. I can't rest. I can't fail. I can't. I'm going to pass this Honors English even if it kills me and brain cells. That will look perfect for my record, and I'M NOT GOING TO SCREW IT UP :P. Seriously. In high school, I didn't give a damn, but now I have to pass a class. Any ideas on what could make a nice group discussion? I was thinking war, but I don't know if it has much potential debating...

      As for the guys...-_-.

      And hey! When I'm typing, I sort of to that to! Like my hands follow what my brain is saying or thinking. But I do got it memorize, the keyboard I mean, to some level, considering how much time I spent on the computer. I just wish I could close my eyes, and remember the whole class lecture xP. That would be so awesome for me, that you have no idea.

      And well, I already made it in my suggestions thread, but she placed it off that I'm the one complaining because I'm losing my sight or something. I just came out of glasses. Is it that hard to think perhaps that small words and forum brightness to this level won't cause anyone here to go potentially blind?
    16. Kekeira
      what do u want me to help you out wit?
    17. Varnor
      I'm inn DOWN WITH THE... oh yes, INTERNETT
    18. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Yes,it is a good thing.Haha!
    19. lil woj
    20. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Haha!Sorry dude.*gives you a cake*
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

