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Dec 26, 2011
Nov 28, 2008
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April 2
Home Page:
Trolling Shizu-chan
That one ******bag who loves the huamn race.


Kingdom Keeper, from Trolling Shizu-chan

Zeonark was last seen:
Dec 26, 2011
    1. .:BookWorm:.

      I'm doing Caramelldansen...

      I just finished it and I got a D. @_@

      What's your username? O=
    2. Kiburedo
      Yup. Anyway, I'm done for the night. Talk to you later.
    3. Kiburedo
      Not bad. Gotta go to bed soon though. You?
    4. .:BookWorm:.
      Try to add me quick since I have to go.

      I have school tomarrow and it's 1:34 over here. O_O
    5. Kites
      I think I might've said that to him one time. *shot*

      I think it's utter coolslaw! We have utter epicness on our side, OVER 9000 POWAH!!!!
      Hehe thank you Otouto, OH U! 8D

      *grabs a seat* Well, it's just this huge situation with Renegade, Xaren, and a bunch of other people involved...it's compllicated.
      Me too, getting twenty-eight shots in the past week kills a person. *dies*
      Yug-Gi-Oh 8D Ohhh I remember liking Yu-Gi-Oh, ahh the memories...what made you start to like it again?

      Well, everything here is good, I don't have school tomorrow because it's a professional day for teachers (: I'm pretty happy about that^^
    6. .:BookWorm:.
      Lol. Did you already download it? O=

      Or joined? if you did join, add me. My name's xXShatteredxDreamsXx

      I think I'm being stalked on OSU. o-O
    7. .:BookWorm:.
    8. Kites
      Well my dad isn't lightening up on the security either...parents are crazy 8D

      Phail? You? Those two words shouldn't even be in the same sentence when describing you, I'm afraid you've just hit the self-destruct button on the world.
      World: ;_;
      Thank you for the comment though. I guess your big sister looks pretty spiffy, huh? (:

      I could be better, it's been a long day, I'm better now that I'm talking to you.
      How are you?
    9. Kiburedo
      You heard correctly.
    10. .:BookWorm:.
      It's so crazy we died before 2 seconds past...

      And I'm not joking. O_O

      Here's a video of OSU that my friend did:
    11. Kites
      Zeooooooo :glomp: D: I hope your mom gets a grip soon with the computer Otouto, I'm starting to misss you too much.

      Did you see my new picture in my album? ^^ I decided to post one.
    12. .:BookWorm:.
      LOL! XD

      I'm gonna challenge him to Level INSANE with the saong, 'Through the fire anf Flames'

    13. .:BookWorm:.
      Can't you ask your mom if it's okay to download it?

      It's not even that big because it's just about keeping up with the beats' in a music. I can take screenshots and show them to you if you want. =3
    14. .:BookWorm:.
      Sorry, there isn't. T.T Sorry.

      The only thing you can do without download is joing and chatting in the forums, but there's nothing special in the forums. =P

      Yeah, it was Britanys' 'Womanizer' song... Level Hard. I was awesome at it! =D He was like, "NO MORE BRITANY!" xD
    15. .:BookWorm:.
      Yeah, it's easy. You just have to, first join, then download it and then go to Beatmaps, seach a song, download that and start playing. It's awesome and easy. =D

      Me and my friend are going against each other... He got mad because I beat him at a Britany Spears song. XD

      Could you join? =3
    16. .:BookWorm:.
    17. .:BookWorm:.
      Oi! >o<

      I still can't think of any good songs for the KH Trailer. >_<

      Got any ideas? D:
    18. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~
      lol btw why does my post count look as if its dropping?
    19. .:BookWorm:.
      Lol. Yeah, it was going to be Cloud or Aerith first, but then I remembered that Leon and Yuffie were the ones to explain it to Sora, so I just did it for Soras' Daughter, Mara.

      I got Nanami from a KH fanfiction. Except, the Nanami girl was Soras' and Kairis' daughter. xD

      Well, there's really only about 4 people in the Rp and nothing really happened yet, so I think you can still join... Scattered_Dream would really appreciate it. Also, Any-Bodies are people that can transform themselves into anything/anything. =D

      I'm thinking about making my first Rp on here. It'll be a Valentimes Dance, but I'm still thinking about it.

      When I first saw Tear like that I was like, "Wtf? xD That thing destroyed a forest how could she think it's cute?"
    20. .:BookWorm:.
      Yes, she's currently learning about the Keyblade now Since she got stuck in a portal and sent to Radiant Garden. Leon is telling her everything. xD

      The thing is, my character picture looks just like Namina and her name happens to be Nanami. xD

      Yeah, there's a bit action in there..... It's Kingdom Heats.. Gotta beat down those Heartless and new organization called 'Any-bodies' (I made that up!) xD

      Tear scares me... I'm not joing, she's like all serious on second and the new she's all, "*gasp* So Kawaii!" Thanks to that annoying, flying, digimon thingy. O-o
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    April 2
    Home Page:
    Trolling Shizu-chan
    That one ******bag who loves the huamn race.
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    "Chief Of Oshu: Date Masamune... Pressing on!"
    -Credit to Droid4Productions