Pure Beats~
Last Activity:
Apr 9, 2016
Nov 3, 2006
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January 22
Watching the sunset
Child of God

Pure Beats~

Chaser, from Watching the sunset

Pure Beats~ was last seen:
Apr 9, 2016
    1. Darkcloud
      rofl, no, I mean, what do you mean by 'I want to sound responsible for once'?
    2. Darkcloud
      S'okay; I'm doing a few myself.

      ??? What's that?
    3. Darkcloud
      You're excited; I can tell!

      Are you feeling any better?
    4. Darkcloud
      Better, at least, in comparison to the weekend earlier.
    5. Darkcloud
      YO! How's it going?
    6. twilit_shadow

      What I love about it is that it's all original animation done by someone else (well, okay, she said she traced over some. XD ).

      Omg! I coulda swore I told you!
      Go here! Now! funimation.com/ouran/
    7. twilit_shadow
      Ooooooh! You were totally prepared! XD

      I was thinking of going onto nicovideo.com (a japanese sight with a lot of original animation) but I forgot that you can't get on there without an account... DX
      I've got an Ouran "themed" video but it has D.Gray-Man characters in it...you wouldn't be interested, would you?
    8. twilit_shadow
      Seriously. I didn't have a clue what the song was at first, and then when it got going, a little light bulb went off in my head. Lol.

      Go ouran! I need to search around for some good ouran vids, come to think of it... *runs to youtube and other sites* XD
    9. twilit_shadow
      Hey chicka-chan! I adored that video you sent me. I haven't heard that song in a really long time, so I was sorta giggly when I heard it again. ^^
    10. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I don't want to be afraid
      I don't want to run away
      I don't want to be afraid and
      it's more than I can take
      I'm never gonna be the same
      I threw it all away
      I don't want to be afraid and
      Just Let Go.
    11. twilit_shadow
      I noticed. XD
      The second sentence, I mean. XDDD
    12. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      RED is awesome. I love them so much.

      I give it all to you
      Letting go of me
      Reaching as I fall
      I know it's already over now
    13. twilit_shadow
      Dangit! I keep forgetting that! *forehead/desk*

      Man...I know she told me that months ago...Ya see? This is what happens when I leave...*sigh*

      I'm over at the Kadaj thread, wanna join me?
    14. twilit_shadow
      Yeah seriously, it's so much more fun when there's more people. ^^
      Has he been on recently? I noticed DP keeps up his posts.
    15. twilit_shadow
      Yes indeedy. Stupid photobucket...
      Forget it, I'm heading to the Kadajian thread things. XD
    16. twilit_shadow
      Okay! XDDDD
      Gimme a sec, I'm trying to find this one icon, but photobucket's being mean... >.<
    17. twilit_shadow

      I see you too.
      *double poke*

      Wow, what in the world happened to this site? Everything changed! What happened to our Kadajian family?
    18. Darkcloud
      Good luck with yours.
    19. Forever Love
      Forever Love
      Good! I'm happy to hear that.
    20. P E A N U T
      P E A N U T
      I just saw a little bit of an episode tonight. It always makes me laugh =).
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  • About

    January 22
    Watching the sunset
    Child of God
    I'm believing in HIS miracles.

    Spreading the Gospel, Mission Trips

