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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Akua WaterDragonKing
    2. RayneWolvesbane
      You have the same picture as sCrimson. I suggest you get a different one (Curse of science rp)
    3. Shadow_Rocks
      Shut it don't make me get orochimaru.........
    4. Shadow_Rocks
      SHALLOW THE HEDGEHOG........I madez that one up............I draw.........though I need to make the head a bit smaller
    5. Shadow_Rocks
      Tell me who you iz nao
    6. nobodynerd100
      Onyx, needs to attended Xemnas's meeting in the WotN role-play.
    7. *TwilightNight*
      Well, we might get a whole new slew of people that only choose to go there *shrug*.

      And the threads are active, but just how many people are posting? Or have joined? It's been slow. And you make it sound like peeping tom in a bad way here. Everyone reads people's VMs. In some manner.

      And hey, no! D: I don't abandon, I just feel better and more...I don't know, just fingers move better. And also that I'm not getting easily distracted. You go to PMs fast though T-T.

      By the way, I'm thinking of going to the Suggestions section of the forum, and ask whether they can make the font bigger. I mean, it's bad enough that the forum is bright enough to cause blindess, but when you have to squint with these little words, that's a bit too much with the background. And also along with that, that in the RP Zone to have a section where you can place and can see closed "old threads". For example, like Rivals, and the original TH. When you see a RP thread disappear, it's not really gone. It's still somewhere in the forum hidden.

      I personally think that what they did to the RP Zone was a *** move for the easy way out, so I'm going to ahead so people can look back on the good times. Don't know how it will hurt.
    8. *TwilightNight*
      Yeah, I fixed it up for you. I was waiting to see when you would update it, lol xD. But yeah. Actually, I was thinking of moving the RP to the Crossover section. It seems to fit more there.

      And yeah, it's such low members for the Org., Marluxia's, that I had to invent one xP. Yet, I've been witnessing lately, that not many people are joining RPs as much when you make one, unlike before, where you got like a flood. Maybe is because it's the school year or something else, I don't know. I just noted a difference. For example, if Rivals was made, or if I put my TH right now in this moment, it wouldn't have succeeded as they did.

      You RARELY look at them, but you did comment on a few :P. Even if I do look at someone's page on the profile, especially if it has to do with RPs or concerning Serious, lawl, I don't really go into it or express my opinion, simply because it has nothing to do with me. I feel weird kind of putting myself into a conversation when it's technically between two people, because then I'm just heading in and joining, giving opinions, when not really asked to. Kind of reflecting real life that you wouldn't put force into a discussion. Though, I do appreciate if people defend my argument just for the sake of helping me out xD. Taww.

      And yeah, I meant to send that one respond. I was going to sent the other one, but that was when I was at school, had my mom pick me up, went to do some business, then I got home. It was 8 at night, and I needed to reply to the RPs to be awake since I go in at 9 in the morning on Wednesdays, and I needed to head in early. That's why I never sent the second one, though I will now :P.

      I don't know. I feel more comfortable replying to PMs and VMs when on the school computer. Have no idea why. Maybe because of the actula computers, and the keyboards...^^. Or cause maybe I have nothing to really do and it's very early.
    9. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Xaytlor and KuaXa are connected! Thats why he heard her when she screamed for help, but he doesn't recognize it.
    10. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      You know Xaytlor is nuetral...for now anyway
    11. Firekeyblade
      Luck apparently. -_-......
    12. Firekeyblade
      ........>_>.......most times I forget......
    13. Firekeyblade
      No chance. -_-....All my grades are so dismal......:cryinganime:
    14. Bareri-San
      trust me when I say this; I have had dozens of people tell me I have creepy eyes. Two of them said I had Naruto eyes xD
    15. Bareri-San
      my eyes are a blue-grey/grey-blue, they change colour every now and then
    16. Kekeira
      awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :P oh well, my goldfish already died.....
    17. Firekeyblade
      Sunshine and lollipos and rainbow and sunny skies (something something something...>_>)
    18. Asterisk
      hah..two hours later, and I see no OC :P.I'll post the intro later tonight hopefully.
    19. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Okay! Okay! Gosh you don't have to mean about it! >-<
      And what do you think of her?
    20. *TwilightNight*
      Oh, alright, I didn't notice it was with Xemnas, thought it was Marluxia's. I was kind of weirded out on having two electric types on his team, which is why I questioned it in the first place.

      And it has been decided xD. Marluxia as Norrington, lol. But, it fits. Anyway, we've kept in touch and it's already up [kind of rhymes, doesn't it? xP].

      And hey, he's not a forum peeping time! If you say this, then everyone here is peeping and curious about what others talk about in the VMs cause they can never help themselves xP [and that includes me]. Prove is when everybody got in the whole Akua thing between me and him >.>. And our conversation on Xemnas.
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

