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Feb 25, 2013
May 15, 2007
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South Park.
Collecting my money, now pay up!


NO WONT LET YOU, from South Park.

Asterisk was last seen:
Feb 25, 2013
    1. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      True enough...and definately would rather have them in your hands then in someone who just couldn't do them justice.
    2. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      Sounds good...noticed no one is too willing to join the navy lol.
    3. Last of the Organization
      Last of the Organization
      Well if you will have me as him, sure I can join. Thank you for the invitation.
    4. Deathsight44
      btw. I won't be posting until a certain point if that is ok
      or would u prefer that I post soon?

      See, I was hoping to make sure to reveiw PotC as well as Saix first, though I dont exsactly need to. it will simply better prepare me for the thread is all
    5. Deathsight44
      alrite, gotcha. I'm gonna go check it out right now
    6. Deathsight44
      excellent. just excellent :P

      how's the thing workens out anyways? U finally decide on who's gonna be leader? lol
    7. Deathsight44
      respond later. gtg now. respond to this so I'll remember to respond to u plz (ik, I'm to lazy to remember ;3)
    8. Deathsight44
      your telling me? Trust me, there are plenty of people who do. I know that very well :P

      ah, I see. As for after that happens though, how will things go after that? will it move onto the second part of the pirates legacy then?

      I see. in that case, there would be no chance of them wishing to obtain it for them own? (so I may be certain of my competition)
    9. Deathsight44
      ohhh, in that case, alrite. Sorry, it seemed so sudden that it appeared that u were aiming it towards me, lol. My bad I can understand what you are getting at though. Trust me, if I'm messen around with you then you'll be able to tell

      and I do not plan on doing anything close to that, lol. I can tell u right now, I HATE when people do that. it seems so.......corny.......

      Right then. As for where the treasure itself goes, how will that work? Like, does that have to specificly follow the order, of basicly Saix obtaining it first and such? (simply so that I may be certain of the pattern)

      and speaking of that, at some point, so that it may be known, I might have my OC die. I am not certain though

      but alrite then, I am quite certain that I have a good understanding of the matter

      and as for the navy? where do they stand? are they after it as well?
    10. Deathsight44
      I wasn't screwing around, I was being serious. From what I understand from twilight, she's usually just chillen out at home, so thats why I was asking. I'm being serious, if I was being sarcastic or anything, then I would put down (sarcasm). alrite? so chill

      as for that, of course. Though if I might ask, what do you mean by related to anyone? do u mean by blood relation?
      as for anything else though, I don't destroy major parts of the plot. Twilight should be familiar with my style, but I never destroy important plot things such as the black pearl.

      Now, to bring up anouther matter, since I should ask, are there any certain plot points which should be followed? I mean, I can understand everyone going after the treasure, but are there certain guidelines of how it works?

      and as for the saix post, I'll send u one later. I must say though, it'll be my first time. I WAS going to get some experience on anouther thread that I joined up as Saix, but apparently it hasn't started yet so.....
    11. Garxena
      For now, since no one's really taken them, they can be used by anyone.
    12. Deathsight44
      Twilight is never on time with these things. Most liekly she's....... hm. now that I think about what could she possibly be up to? o_O

      ic. so then, any knowledge that I need to know of the thread b4 u start things up?
    13. Deathsight44
      oh, of course I undestand

      Just to put a note in though, I used to have a flawless explanation to explain how such a thing would be possible. I just forgot it though after forgetting about it over time >.> but I'm just saying. It is as I said b4 in an earlier post that it is completely understandable
    14. Deathsight44
      lol, my charecter probably should be asian :P

      as I said, it is a work in progress. I got my insperation from this really weird old ruler that my grandpa has, but I can gaurentee that it would be a pretty bad as sword

      as for the explanation though, I can undestand why it would be confusing. I am actually trying different ways to explain it, but basicly, though I cannot explain all of the features in logical detail (yet), it is quite simple really....

      Normal mode
      Dual sword mode
      reverseblade/ double blade mode
      Numchuck mode
      Guilotine mode (thats when all of them break a part. its a part of a finisher mood which I take much pride in thinking up :P)
    15. Deathsight44
      ah, and I just read ur comment. As I said, if u do not approve of my charecters sword then it is perfectly alrite, since it is understandable due to the culture of the thread itself
    16. Deathsight44
      basicly, this is a sword which holds unique properties, compared to other swords.

      It starts out as quite a blind sword, which many could consider to be bigger then the usual.
      towards the center of it though, there should be a hilt of what is a hidden sword within the sword, which can be released at will of the user, which in doing so, could be changed to the style of using 2 swords at once
      from that point though, the main sword obviously has a gap, making it look as if there are 2 swords stuck together. By that point, he switches how he is holding the center sword, and can break the two swords in a sense, while keeping them attatched, so that way one of them falls and the hilt changes, so that way it is a double edged sword.
      From that point, it can move onto the point where, due to features built into one of the 2 blades on the double edged sword in which it would be possible to attatch the third sword, almost making it as if the person were to be using numchucks.......

      Though I cannot say that I have a complete explanation as of how the final stage would be doable, I'm still thinking it up.............but none the less, that is the sword which I am hoping to use.
      Your thoughts?
    17. Deathsight44
      hmmmm, pirate like........

      well you see, it IS a sword, but it is a sword with many features..........I'll explain in a minute, but it might take awhile to think up. This thing is something that I've been having my charecters use often, so I shall explain things to you in a moment.... though I'm not certain if it qualifies as completely pirate like or not. IT depends on how you veiw it I suppose
    18. Deathsight44
      I can understand that. I prefer not to actually use powers unless I have to when it comes to rps in the RP Arena section. Besides, I tend to focus more so on his weapon that he'll be using (and no, its not like its gonna have any powers or anything. It is a weapon of my own design)
    19. Deathsight44
      Lol, you can ask twilight, I tend to use abilities which really are not that impressive, due to my prefered rping fighting style.

      For instance, the ability which I just thought up. It is not a very abusive power. Why, as a matter a fact, it is quite simple in form. I was thinking that as for his power, it will be that he has the ability to explode whatever he touches.....

      Allow me to go into more specifics though. Basicly, his hands, if in the possesion of the medalians, are like explosives. Say he were to place his hand on a piece of the ship for example. Then, at his own will, he would be able to make that explode (the command of snapping his fingers, or perhaps a phrase would be the trigger). though if he were to touch a human being, then if he were to make an explosion, then it would not cause the person to explode, but it would be very similure to something blowing up on them.

      Though he will be wearing special gloves of course, made of a material, so that he may keep any accidents from occuring.

      So in other words, basicly its not even an element, like using fire and such. It is a close range ability, which means he would be relying more so on his own physical abilities in the matter.
    20. Deathsight44
      hmmm. allow me some time to get back to you on that one. To tell u the truth, I had not put much thought into that one, though that is a good question. I'll give u an answer after I'm able to think up one which most suits him, k
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    South Park.
    Collecting my money, now pay up!
    Pwning noobs, Reading, Roleplaying, Video Games. My life is complete :P

