Last Activity:
Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      So do you like Xaytlor ? (If you don't know what I'm talking about go to (BYC) )
    2. Bareri-San
      lol xDDD
    3. Asterisk
      Sure, go ahead, but you should probably set up your OC in a post, then do what you want within boundaries.Also I'll let you know when the seige on Port Royal needs to start ^^'
    4. fire mage
      fire mage
      That is a cool OC character for BYC.
    5. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      What an anagram for Taylor? With a "X" in it?
    6. Deathsight44
    7. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      And so...Xaries leaves The Nameless....Oh by the way I'm making a Profile also :P It's gonna be a girl too.....She's from KuaXa's Past but she doesn't know about her past.
    8. Asterisk
      And ask your buds .^^'
    9. Asterisk
      all righty its up,go ahead and post the OC when your ready.
    10. Asterisk
      You'll see, it'll be up soon.
    11. Bareri-San
      what? The photo in the album 'Mai Album'?

      That's me xD
    12. Firekeyblade
      -_- You're so optimistic.
    13. Asterisk
      Respond to me when you get back :P
    14. HellKitten
      Maybe you should look at the top of your computer more often.
    15. Asterisk
      Well the Gold will be given to the Navy afterwards so no one really keeps the the second installment we'll see about powers, but in the third I know for sure we'll have them near the end.

      And I doubt it..Navy gets enough power in the third installment so they won't really need it..At Worlds End baby xD
    16. HellKitten
      Doesn't my profile picture say enough?
    17. HellKitten
      Oh, I know what you mean, I am on the lazy side today too. Oh my God, I really bit down my nails today, but then again, I don't really care.
    18. Asterisk
      Nah, you don't deserve to be yelled at..I know some who do :P

      And the order, yeah, except Axel is only going to steal it near the end and give it to the crew..I MAY make it earlier but I'd rather it be for the finale.Saix won't use it until near the end when the Navy arrive.

      And speaking of the navy, they only want to save Namine, they don't care for the treasure at all.But ,seeing the threat it causes, they might send it into the depths ^^.
    19. Asterisk
      no no no, I mean that's something you should know.Don't screw with me.It wasn't aimed at you, but it's something everyone needs to know.

      Yeah, like blood relation to Roxas or Axel.

      And most plot points need to be followed..Axel and Roxas are going to follow the basic storyline of saving Elizabeth/Namine and all.And you should know that the main characters don't die..OC's yes, but not the main ones.

      But the only people that know how to get to the Isla de Muerta are Axel and Saix at the moment since they've already gotten there,any other crew wouldn't know unless they somehow followed them..which is kinda difficult to pull off but yeah,.
    20. HellKitten
      My *****-senses are tingling. Argument?

      Maybe. Sometime later I think.
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

