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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Deathsight44
      I wasn't screwing around, I was being serious. From what I understand from twilight, she's usually just chillen out at home, so thats why I was asking. I'm being serious, if I was being sarcastic or anything, then I would put down (sarcasm). alrite? so chill

      as for that, of course. Though if I might ask, what do you mean by related to anyone? do u mean by blood relation?
      as for anything else though, I don't destroy major parts of the plot. Twilight should be familiar with my style, but I never destroy important plot things such as the black pearl.

      Now, to bring up anouther matter, since I should ask, are there any certain plot points which should be followed? I mean, I can understand everyone going after the treasure, but are there certain guidelines of how it works?

      and as for the saix post, I'll send u one later. I must say though, it'll be my first time. I WAS going to get some experience on anouther thread that I joined up as Saix, but apparently it hasn't started yet so.....
    2. HellKitten
      I do, but when I see it-all the new posts-I want to bite off my arm so I won't be able to post. :/The only reason I haven't was because I'm still one of those Spam Whore wanna-be Gods.
    3. Asterisk
      Don't screw with me, because I don't play around.There are members who have yet to understand me >.>..thank god Twilight does.

      I'd also like it if you didn't do anything to change the story suddenly becoming related to someone.Or destroying the Black Pearl out of nowhere.

      I'd also like a rp example..I know I've seen you rp but I kinda wanna see how you do as Saix/ it?
    4. HellKitten
      I was busy too. I went on a snow trip and then I had to work and wasn't feeling good and on top of that-Assassin's Creed had me distracted.
    5. Asterisk
      All right, cool!If Twilight actually gets on today we can open it up..she said she'd do it at 12 but NOOOOOOOOOO its four hours later >.>
    6. Deathsight44
      oh, of course I undestand

      Just to put a note in though, I used to have a flawless explanation to explain how such a thing would be possible. I just forgot it though after forgetting about it over time >.> but I'm just saying. It is as I said b4 in an earlier post that it is completely understandable
    7. Asterisk
      Jeez..uh..I can't agree with all of that..all I can agree on is Dual Swords.Let's try and keep realism shall we? ^^

      I'm sure you understand.
    8. HellKitten
      I like it. :3 A lot of songs are ******ed but still good, I mean srsly:

      Oh my Gooooooddddddddddddddd! I do not want to read the posts I missed in BYC! *tries to bite off arm*
    9. HellKitten
      Since when did this song become popular?
      Watch in two weeks it's gonna be all over you tube.
    10. Asterisk
      I think your character should be asian because that is some serious swordsman **** lol..

      But I think that's a little much, I can agree with the hidden sword and have you have two.I don't see how you can pull it from the sword unless they were, splitting the hilt can have the swords split, that makes sense.

      Your explanation was really confusing.
    11. HellKitten
    12. Asterisk
      Okay, so you know, I didn't plan on a really unique pirate with a big sword or anything. I wanted everyone to be casual..and normally equipped..nothing special unless you've got the Medallions.
    13. Asterisk
      Has to be pirate-like..and no, I don't mean in a one piece fashion.It was to work for that timeline.So nothing like Scythes or Chakram's yet..I'm saving that for the third installment if we get that far xD
    14. Asterisk
      I can see where that could be abused though..just watch yourself with it,and remember, the more you use it, the worse your character becomes.Meaning the down sides to having a medallion's power.
    15. Asterisk
      Okay..but me and Twilight gotta approve of it..we're really cautious about it..all the power-playing and god modding people could do >.>
    16. Asterisk
      Hey,if your character gets a medallion..IF..what power will he have?
    17. Asterisk
      I don't know what I mean, you figure it out. lol.
    18. Asterisk
      I said 'WAY nosy THAN ME' so you can't include me.You've got one right though.
    19. Asterisk
      There are two people on your 'Recent Visitor list'.Those two >.> are right there.
    20. Asterisk
      You spelled Tom wrong..and I can't believe you think that,really.I know people WAY more nosy than me in that rp.
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    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

