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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Firekeyblade
      Yeah. When I'm dead.
    2. Deathsight44
      ya, my char is with xemnas. And though it may be awkward, it is like I said, I created it for specific purposes. I had already acknowledged that it may be awkward, but I figured that it would be will worth it considering his one major power which you do not have :P

      lol. As for the marluxia comment, I've already asked him to inform me once it has been decided, lol

      and ya, sorry. I might not even be able to remember what I was gonna say, but all I know is that it was REALLY good :P
    3. Firekeyblade
      Yesh......>_<'s just so hard......and so cruel.
    4. *TwilightNight*
      Key word: try =D. So, you're still the SQUISHY! Bwuahahaha! *squishies cheeks*

      And, alright, if you say so. It's just weird to have two people in the same elemental leverage in the same Org. Or wait, or is that character with Xemnas's side?

      As for the thread, now that we can discuss it here for Serious to read, I already told you about the side effects in the PM, remember? >.> Unless you have another thing to add to it, or had something better in mind that can help. Just read your recent, you might HAVE something once you are wide awake ;P. And as for Marluxia being Norrington, and having Seifer and the rest as his subordinates, since Serious, again, might be reading, I'll let him tell you and you can discuss it by VM, lol xD.
    5. *TwilightNight*
      But that doesn't stop you from being squishable :P. And I might be squishier, but you haven't claimed me as your squishy. And you won't [due to the extras], or something will be ripped off D<.

      *smiles sweetly*

      And I guess if you're so sure you'll find a good for Xemnas, be my guest. As for the electricity, the only one I could think that she does not have, other than nature element, is wired and sort of like electronics. Which I think she can do anyway if she ever touches a blow dryer. She has lightning, but she has elements of electricity, if her sparks say anything.

      As for the talks of thread, yeah ^^;. The summary is what we OVERALL have, concerning plot. If you have ideas, it's best to talk to Serious about it, cause now we all have even and leveled grounding.
    6. Asterisk
      Basically he's neutral.He feels that the Nameless only order him around and care little about who he is, and he thinks they only care about what he could do for them.He's sour, but he isn't planning on going against anyone.At this point, persuasion is a good tactic for him.
    7. Asterisk
      I also do not remember what was said behind my back..nor do I remember messaging you 3x about it..was it with Akua? XD
    8. Asterisk
      Well I don't have much to do so feel free to start it..otherwise everyone will sit around purpose lol.

      And I didn't really get what you said at the bottom..did you mean your more than thankful that Xeltic wasn't an enemy, yet your surprised he isn't because he doesn't like the Nameless?
    9. HellKitten
    10. Asterisk
      So when are you gonna start your plan?
    11. Firekeyblade
      But the thing is....I've been taking it for more than 8 years.....-_-
    12. Asterisk
      Be thankful he's not your enemy :P
    13. Asterisk
      Why does it matter to you anyway? he quit
    14. Firekeyblade
      Can't...form...coherent sentences...@_@ heh heh heh....because Chinese has to be a FOREIGN LANGUAGE! ABSOLUTELY NO SIMILARITIES WITH ENGLISH! HAHAHAHAHAHHAAA! @.@ Mehs. It was more of feeling the shame resonating from my teacher when I didn't do my assigned homework from her last tutoring session. As well as knowing that her view of me dropped. *Bows head in shame*
    15. Asterisk
      Basically he's a lone wolf now, doesn't plan on really helping anyone at the moment.
    16. Firekeyblade
      *sigh*.....every time I feel like I've defended my fronts well, another one opens and I get ambushed. -_- *pounds desk* Why does school have to be so cruel? *facedesks multiple times* WHY IS IT THAT I CAN'T UNDERSTAND CHINESE?! :yelling: :cryinganime: How's your defense?
    17. *TwilightNight*
      I already said: being human enough serves you as a squishy >3. SO YOU ARE A SQUISHY, DAMN IT!

      D: But they are not terrible. It's not like any song is going to be much different, considering that's the basic of rock, minus Viva La Vida. And if you think it will be easy trying to find a song, that also fits the character with the lyrics, well...that's your call :/. Lawl xD. And it seems you joined this new RP thread too :P. Why does your character have electricity though? I would think you would put something else that no one else has ever thought or heard of xD.
    18. Asterisk
      I know,I try ^^.
    19. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      What were yall talking about? A Rp? *Whats the name! :D*
    20. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      I see Serious was here *points down*
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    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

