O_o I'm being juggled! *Shot* You're the best big sister in the sea, on land, and in space 8D Holy hell, that sounds excatly like my mother. You sure they aren't married? *Headshot* Norton Anti-Virus...I don't think I have that, I have Mcafee or however it's spelled. You're dad's nuts, that's it. Just like my mom o.o OF COURSE! <3 Oshi- I'm using caps ;_; I lose the lowercase internet D: You have the flu? O_o How bad is/was it? Glad it's getting better ><
*Hugs moar* That proves your the best big sister in teh worldz! DX She's been like that ever since our pervious comp crashed and we don't know why o.o Oh now you win the Capital Internet x3 Pretty good, a bit jumpy again xD You?
I'm so sorry Onee-chan! ;_; But my mom is really ticking me off >_> But luckily if she doesn't catch me on here for a while she'll stop breathing down my neck. I gotta sneaky sneak more often D: Plus Tota is just...so...fun TT^TT ONEE-CHAN HELP ME! D8 *Hugs*
*drys tears the instant you said that*You hate me.....well,then you must die!!!!XD *gets out my ligthsaber of awsomeness*