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Nov 20, 2014
May 31, 2008
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Rieze Maxia


私はポテトだ。, from Rieze Maxia


S H A R I N G  I S  C A R I N G Aug 21, 2014

Bareri-San was last seen:
Nov 20, 2014
    1. Scott Pilgrim
      Scott Pilgrim
      Yes. Why do you ask?
    2. Deathsight44
      holy crap, really? You look just like my little cousin XDDDDD

      lol. i spelt my wrong :P *pokes*
    3. Scattered_Dream
      Naruuuutoooo >o< I love it tooo
    4. Shiki
      Would love it if you would log on o.x
    5. RayneWolvesbane
      Naruto!!! *fan girl scream.*
    6. Rainbow~Monkey
      well, actually i get a lot of those and i didnt report them.....
    7. Deathsight44
      its all good. I should've replied on ur thread anyways. I'll reply later though, k? :3

      lol, who's the chick in ur album thingy? :P
    8. T A F F Y シ
    9. Deathsight44
      yosh! *bites on neck* whats good :P
    10. Arch
      Everything makes you hungry. XDDD
    11. Dexnail
      hey if you go into my album i got emo grape in it you should check it out
    12. Dexnail
      alright hopefully you dont get in trouble :)
    13. Dexnail
      ello whatse uppe
    14. TheMagicalMisterMistoffelees
      Ah yes. The near mythological Australian schools. How could I forget?
    15. Destiny's Force
      Destiny's Force
      Depends on how interested I am in the book and how much free time I've got. With my schedule open, I was able to finish any Harry Potter book (800+ in one of the books) in 18 hours straight. :D

      And if I don't have the time, it takes me probably two to six days minimum.
    16. Destiny's Force
      Destiny's Force
      Well, something you've probably already figured out with Shakespeare is that he just LOVES using tragic heroes in his plays. There are only very few works that don't involve the hero, his wife, brother, father, sister, aunt, the weird neighbor, the cook, Chuck Norris and everyone else getting killed in the end. :p

      I guess when you have to set up something and you finally get to the climax where everyone must fight or be killed, it becomes harder to write events when you have more characters to worry about. That's kinda where I'm stuck at in "Wedding."
    17. Destiny's Force
      Destiny's Force


      I didn't do it. :sweat:

      Believe me, you'll be seeing Romeo and Juliet multiple times throughout your academic career. "Star-crossed lovers" and all that.

      And if you want something tedious, try reading Milton's "Paradise Lost." It's 12 volumes about Adam and Eve through Satan's perspective and makes the Lord of the Rings series seem like a graphic novel. :dead:
    18. Destiny's Force
      Destiny's Force
      Ugh. No offense, but I've had my fill of Shakespeare for awhile. As an English major, I was required to take a Shakespeare class either for the early or the late works.

      I had to read "Hamlet," "Othello," "King Lear," Measure for Measure," "Macbeth," and "The Tempest." Then I had to get into a group and do a group presentation (in other words, we had to actually act out our own interpretation, complete with costumes, props and a script) for our final. I chose to do "The Tempest" because it was one of the few plays of Shakespeare's works that didn't end with everybody dying in the end. (Everyone lives :D)

      Well, good luck with your studying. Oh, and don't mind me about the Shakespeare thing. It's just my personal opinion since I was forcefully bombarded. :lol:
    19. Destiny's Force
      Destiny's Force
      Unfortunately, you don't always get that option in college. You're allowed a bit more freedom, but at the same time, you're expected to have the responsibility and mindset to get everything done on time (Because technically, you're a young adult by then).

      It all depends on the teacher, the teacher's teaching style, subject, time frame, etc.
    20. Destiny's Force
      Destiny's Force
      I usually use EditPad Lite. It's freeware that's kinda like Notepad or Wordpad, but it has a few more tools. I can't stand using Word when writing it because any font or style changes you do won't carry over into your post. I say write it down first, edit it later.

      I'm at my university's dorm room right now. My roommate's already sleeping. Fortunately for me, when I chose my classes, I gave myself Wednesdays off so I could catch up if necessary. I mean, I'd like to use the day to go off and explore, but homework takes priority. :sideways:
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