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Jun 16, 2016
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Sep 27, 1989 (Age: 35)
Home Page:
Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down


Chaser, 35, from Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down

*TwilightNight* was last seen:
Jun 16, 2016
    1. water mage
      water mage
      Ok thanks for your opinion. I apprecitate your advice. I've asked a lot of people and I believe I will go with that song since it's unique and it fits him. Plus it's different which is what I was going for. By the way nobodynerd100 made a rpg called War of the Nobodies and he is looking for people to join. He asked me to refer people to it and I defintely thought of Last of the Organization for Marluxia and you for Larxene. Here is the link to it.
    2. Deathsight44
      yosh =3

      technicly Dustix never had any party in that, lol. But the reason is in Dustix's history :P

      but yes, it is war now. Hate to say it, but I'm afraid I was pushed to my limits, lol. I'm sorry twilight, but due to the long awaiting of my own activities and the constant interference, I have decided to do what I must so set our orginizations on level playing grounds ^_^

      Well idk. U should know, u got em XDDDDDDDDD (i luv bein a perv :P) Well u are squishier then me so ha :P

      where are they in her profile? I dun sees em O_O

      well idk. In the end its her choice. I just would have prefered if she had said something instead of just leaving without a word >.>
    3. Deathsight44
      oh, well I DID post where they were numerous times. as for the castle though, it is as I said, too lazy to continue it. I had much more important things to do

      true. after all, due to certain points, serious has helped inspire me to learn that I shouldn't be as light hearted as I have been. As a matter a fact, he has helped convince me to think on a much harsher, more complicated level of thinking, to the point in which while as Toxyn, I will attempt to work with you, but as Dustix, I'm afraid that I'll have to do what I can on a massive scale to win this war. in a sense, u might say that Serious helped me to get serious :P

      ok, there is only one thing about a human being that ik that is squishy, and besides those, I doubt that I even have those, so there for, I can conclude that I certainly am not a squishy :P

      fine fine fine, lol. just gimme a few minutes to find them :P

      ya, ik what ur saying. Pity she left though. a true loss for the rp zone >.>
    4. HellKitten
      "Pretty flowers always have thorns."

      M'kay. Fix'd.

      Oh my God! I went sledding with some kids from my school(5-8 grade snow trip optional) and on the way back we got on the bus(not a school bus it was much better) and my friends Zach, Jon, and I were sitting in the three seats in the back and some fifth graders took them so we were arguing about it and then we had to go back outside for a picture and we raced back in the bus and my other 8th grade friend Brian blocked the aisle and so did I while Zach, Jon, and Alex got the back seats and then we got in trouble. Before that the little fifth grader punk called me and my friend Brian(who is like friggin' Axel skinny) and I Fat ******s and Zach and the others a *** too, then they snitched on us and said that we were pushing them and bullying them and got US in trouble! My friends and I were singing it off though, I started it, I was like, "We can dance if we want to-we can leave your friends behind! 'Cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance then they're no friends of mine!" and then we stopped and I was just singing Mindless Self Indulgence the way back(we got back at 7 PM as supposed to 5:30) and we were also throwing Chuck Norris jokes back-and-forth to each other.
      We went to Shawnee Mountain and well...I would have to say...It was AWESOME! The guy spun me down the mountain so fast that when I got to the bottom I was laughing too much to move and I tried standing and couldn't. xD
      I don't think I care about not being part of the cast for the play anymore! :3
    5. Deathsight44
      lol. well at the moment they are in the voids. deep deep deep into one of the many voids which i can claim as toxyns thank you very much :P (kitty never had any objections towards the very begining towards the laws of them, so there :P)

      as for that, the castle is gone. it is no more :P

      u underestimate me. Just becuz I prefer to use my mind does not mean I cannot use brawn. one who simply depends on mental abilities after all will not last very long in an actual fight :P

      so then u dont mind if I can rest my arm on ur head as if u were an arm rest since ur so short? :3

      oh, but I do. plz, do tell :3

      yes :P (wow, I can only picture ur reaction to that comment XD)
    6. fire mage
      fire mage
      Yeah I feel that Dustix should have about the same kind of power thing like Xenmas since afterall it can't be one sided now can it? They are both leaders of their own organizations so it is logical.

      Also whatever happened to Saix?
    7. water mage
      water mage
      Hey *TwilightNight*

      I have this song, but I didn't want to upload it and then download so I found it on you tube. I'm thinking of this song for Demyx for Build Your Cages. I wanted to find something besides the usual sitar song.
      It's from Dragonforce and its called Reasons to Live. I just felt Demyx is all about survival, he's vulnerable, replies on others to help him some. He doesn't think about himself as much, he sees the good in everyone and he does have a lot of deception about himself thinking he has feelings etc.
      What do you think?
    8. keyblademaster_wannabe+
      hey whats up twilight princess
    9. HellKitten
      Any chance he did I'd shoot him myself. Now if he even says anything to me I always reply with, "What the **** do you want?" I hate him now xD

      Wait, I got the whole movie now! *victory dance*

      I think I did...? I'll check when I get back later tonight.

      No. No more.

      I can't sing. Well, I don't know. I just don't. It's not Brianna. Yeah, maybe high school will be better. She gave out parts today and I didn't get any, good riddance too. I'm a Lady in the play, but I'm going to try and stay in the back. Away from everyone. I hate being around people on top of that and everyone is going to be on a tiny stage, so you couldn't really place me on there anyways.
    10. Deathsight44
      so then basicly Xeltic is a pmsing chick? XDDDDD (burn :P)

      oh ya, I 4got bouts that. Ya, I got lazy, so its gone now that no one else is in there. I like my current idea better. Idk, I really got lazy of the whole idea. but becuz of that you should be greatful. trust me :P

      Well I know that you can't do that, but I'm simply proving a point, thats all. Xemnas isn't the only leader, and there for, that means that there has to be a charecter to match his own powers, correct? :P

      Keep this up and then I'll have to make it so that way the next time I have to give u a hug, you'll ended up getting lifted off of the floor. and I'm sure that u, the 19 year old, doesnt want anyone to see the 15 year old hugging her in mid-air XD

      That motherly instinct could always just be a cover up. FOr all u know, u just want a younger guy but ur tricking urself into not really knowing it :P

      oh cmon! ik that u posted them, I'm just too lazy to look. but fine, if ur gonna cry then I GUESS that I'll have to do it on my own >.> *grumbles*
    11. Asterisk
      Well excuuuuuuuuuuse me Twilight, I'm trying to back you up on this.I clearly agree with what you think.
    12. *TwilightNight*
      ...why the hell are you all responding to this? >.>

      It seems next time I got to take it over PM.
    13. water mage
      water mage
      I don't blame you guys for being bored Deathsight44, Akua Waterdragonking and Serious. I would hate it if Xemnas threw Demyx in the void of no return. *LOL*That was one of the reasons why I had Demyx run away for the second time so there would be more interaction with the nameless going after him or something, but I also didn't want Demyx to be killed off by Xemnas which was why he returned like he did after coming up with the realization of what was going to happen to him. I'm trying to make everyone happy. Right now he is bathing, getting his power back from the water so to speak.
    14. Asterisk

      Yeah but it wasn't exactly stated in the bio.You DID say you could make new abilities with both Water and Light..but with that said, it does seem like you could get out of anything since ALL abilities were not defined.You could make ANYTHING up by just thinking of an excuse involving your powers.

      In a way..that kinda is power-playing..and sorry Twilight, threw my thoughts out there.xD
    15. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      NO! No, No, No! I don't play that way. I did that because KuaXa, Dusxit, Xengle, and maybe Xaries, are the only ones left of the Nameless! (Ravix, Toyxn are locked up so...yeah) While you have 10 or more Members! What am I suppose to do?
      Besides, I can create Water clones like Demyx! I just added color with my Light!
    16. Deathsight44
      Oh well, it is not as if it matters. after all, depending on what would have happend, I am quite certain that it may have worked more so against u :P

      Ya, I probably will make more. Especially with Xeltics recent betrayal and me not knowing what Xaries will do. but I still like to think that Xeltic is a member of the orginization, for reasons of my own ^_^

      I can understand. You would wish that things could be more specific. I mean, idk, its harder for me to realize, since Icould take a simple power such as, for example, being able to use portals (to a more so extreme of course or what not), and turn it into something pretty deadly :P

      do not worry for that challange. Once things begin moving again, then it'll start working out better :P

      but I'm bigger then you! How does that make me a puppy ~_~

      ha, you admitted it! U think he's cute. I win :P

      lol, where do I go to listen to them again? XD
    17. Asterisk
      They were in the Hall of Melodies..also,Xaldin won't really comply so that's just a heads up.He'll show respect but he'll still want to fight Xeltic..also the cowardice shown by KuaXa and Xemnas interfering made the fight so un-epic =(

      But anyway, let's talk tomorrow since you're heading to class really soon. ^^ Kingdom Caribbean must be finished xD
    18. Deathsight44
      Well now, I realize that and all, but for starters, Kuaxa did escape ur clutches, did he not? o_O

      and besides that though, as for the company, it bores me. Especially since I have come to the realization that it is becoming slightly unfair for my own side since it would appear that u have many more members on hand while my side has so few. I may have to consider making 2 other charecters, merely for the purpose of filling the gap of population.... and I really didnt want to, but I am judging that I may have to >.>

      true, but as long as it stays within their limitations, I am ok with it. Besides, the advantage is that u still do not have an understanding for Dustix's powers, which makes things more so in my favor :P

      lol, as for the fangirl thing, I was just jk around. If anything though it aint like I am still in touch with any of meh fangirls. I just wanted to see if you'd fall for it if I did something like that XD you know how I am, always curious to test ones actions to tell just how far they might go. You know, it helps to know the actions of ur rival when u are facing them in a battle of wits :P (BYC)

      sure thing, whatever u say then. I believe you :P *sarcasm*

      lol. what can I say, I am a naturally lazy person. I'll check out ur songs later by tonite, alrite? so calm urself :P
    19. Asterisk
      Aww..gayness man!Also what do you mean by headquarters for Xal and Lex?..they're in the castle still..and I won't post until tomorrow either since people still *****ed over the rate of posts..once per day.

      But seriously, where do they need to go if their in the castle?

      P.S..still figuring out how the machine will work. xD
    20. Asterisk
      Aww..well when do you get home?
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    Sep 27, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Home Page:
    Don't argue with idiots. They will bring you down


    "Bet you don't know why the sun sets red. You see, light is made up of lots of colors...


    ...And out of all those colors, red is the one that travels the farthest."