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May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Good Morning Deathy! :D
    2. Asterisk
      Undetectable b*tch! How do you like them keyblades, muthersucker?Yeah!We are the gods of that rp,and there's nothing you can do to win!


      What's that?

      still think you can win?

      Are you serious? you can handle it?

      You can't handle any of this!Me and Twilight will make you CRY to your MOTHER.YOU SHOULD GIVE UP NOW,THERES NO WAY YOU CAN WIN IT BRO!I am going to burn your toast,I will spit in your cereal, I will take candy from you as if you were a baby!come at us with all you've got, don't hold back or you'll be DESTROYED!!I AM SO SERIOUS ABOUT THIS ROLEPLAY,YOU SHOULD SEE MY SERIOUS FACE RIGHT NOW!



      And invisible text is not around >.>

      You B*tch!
    3. *TwilightNight*
      If you say so :P.

      But, no, you don't win. Because I called you my SQUISHY first, and even with those extras, you're still a squishy.

      And yeah, but I figured that some were good in both. Well one or two really, yet, the point stands D:.
    4. water mage
      water mage
      Ok. I asked Serious also. Do you know anyone else I can ask that you know? nobodynerd100 wants to spread the word of his new rpg.
    5. *TwilightNight*
      Fine, fine. It's just that there's a bunch of stuff I barely can keep up with in the RP recently. Next week I might be slow, since I have a essay to work on.

      *sigh* And I know those things are more squishable...>.>. But they are more of a extra bonus for females. Everyone is still squishy, and so are humans, or else no one would be able to squeeze others as they do to the point where they block their windpipes :P. So I win, you lose.

      I guess it doesn't matter, but it affected my RP.All we really need is a Larxene to move it forward.

      And...DDDDDx. Really? Oh, come on, why? What else will be able to fit? o.o I mostly thought about his life as Xehanort, his interactions what he feels on certain situations, what he became, and all that stuff. I'm picking this more on lyrics, than music.
    6. water mage
      water mage
    7. *TwilightNight*
      Really now? *raises eyebrow* History? I suppose that will hold the reason up. And it's w ar now for what I pulled? xD And, Xemnas has been having delays and interferences too, actually, so it's not like they are in different positions.

      And OMG. I cant believe you! D: That does not make a squishy! Cuteness and being able to be squeezed though. Any human is squeezable.

      As for the videos, just click on the "View Conversation" under Hellkitten on my profile, and scroll all the way down the replies. You'll find them there :P. They are the last post.

      And that's exactly my problem. She just leaves without a word too. She told me she wants to keep her characters, but she doesn't even give a good reason about why she is going to leave and abandons everything. I don't even know whether to take that her internet is shady and bad excuse.
    8. Deathsight44
      yosh =3

      technicly Dustix never had any party in that, lol. But the reason is in Dustix's history :P

      but yes, it is war now. Hate to say it, but I'm afraid I was pushed to my limits, lol. I'm sorry twilight, but due to the long awaiting of my own activities and the constant interference, I have decided to do what I must so set our orginizations on level playing grounds ^_^

      Well idk. U should know, u got em XDDDDDDDDD (i luv bein a perv :P) Well u are squishier then me so ha :P

      where are they in her profile? I dun sees em O_O

      well idk. In the end its her choice. I just would have prefered if she had said something instead of just leaving without a word >.>
    9. *TwilightNight*
      I know xD, but no one said what happened to it, so they just got into this void thing.

      And yeah, I was reading it :P. But, I think you did get the point I was trying to make about the mind not always needing massive power to succeed, which some take for granted. For example, say you have a element. While it has its limits, you can still be resourceful with it all the same. But, is it really a war, though? We don't exactly know why is it the two groups are fighting for yet, actually ^^;. Xemnas is just hunting them down because they invaded their castle first.

      Oh yeah? And what is it about a human being that is squishy and that you don't have? =P You're still a SQUISHY.

      And...finally. I do need another opinion, or else I will have to go with the most obvious Viva La Vida xD.

      Loss? Maybe. But I'm pissed at her anyway. We ask her to come back, and she couldn't find it within herself to at least sacrifice 1-5 post a day for the ones who she knows needs her?
    10. *TwilightNight*
      Well, I was just asking, because no one ever posted anything about the castle destroyed and all, or moving over to another place. Maybe I missed it :P. But, there we go. I was wondering where they all were.

      And I'm not saying that. You can your brawns, like Axel [who also depends more on sneakiness, even when he's not the strongest], like any Org. member, but I meant that your true power and ability is your manipulative mind. Xemnas might be good at thinking, but trust me, it's not really on the same level as your characters can be [looks who's playing him Xemnas anyway xD].

      And no, no arm rest >/. You're a SQUISHY. You're not allowed to. All you do is stand there and look cute, and you get squished and huggled.

      And my reaction?


      As for the Nymph thing, yeah, we were dependent on her, only because she played a crucial character [and she was one of the few, or lack of, people that could play Larxene well]. What bothers me is that she was needed, and she never bothered to give a damn and stay, even when asked. She came back, but left right away. It's like, be straight up. Do you want to keep to RP or not?

      ...I'm a bit bitter ^^.
    11. Asterisk
      I think Rivals was dying off anyway,Carbuncle didn't keep up with it anymore.
    12. Asterisk
      Well I think its kinda better with her gone, for a new generation, really.People clung to her too much and relied on her for roleplays.I think its time for the new generation to build up their skills and not rely on one such as Nymph.

      She was good,yep.
    13. Asterisk
      I'm not exactly sure..I think she used to be in Rivals but I can't really recall.I remember a time when she used to be..a little nooby..around that time I'd probably say I was intermediate or close to.

      They grow up so fast >.<
    14. *TwilightNight*
      Lol xD. Not really, just...rebellious? That he does what he feels like. And I wouldn't call it PMSing, more like bipolarism xD. Yet, that's not what I meant either. But wait, where exactly are your Nameless members if the castle is gone? Is it gone? Because as I said, it should've fallen by now or something. I mean, it could have been stopped. It was never referred to.

      And yeah, I suppose, with the leader format. However, I would think that your power was basically the mind, so I guess brawns always do work best over brains. Or at least, you can't merely depend on your plans anymore :P. I was thinking that you will be the CoM Axel type where he positioned and played the game without really having to do much in terms of fighting, whether he was weaker in power or not.

      And I don't care if you're taller than me, can throw me in the air, or lift me up! >/ You're still my SQUISHY, garramit, and you will always be =3. *squishes cheeks*

      And trust me, I know if I was into Roxas, or younger men, it would be along the same lines as I feel about Axel. It is not the same. And the reason for that, my friend, you don't want to know >3.

      *sniffles* But all I ask is for you to click a freaking link in Hellkitten's profile, and read the lyrics or see the video T-T. Is that so hard?

    15. Asterisk
      Glad I'm not the only one who sees it, problem is getting her to post, she's got a busy schedule and I hate to bother her about it.
    16. Asterisk
      I actually meant the rivalry between the XIII and Nameless but okay lol.

      And as for Xaries, she actually has some sort of feeling in her posts.You know how SOME people,and I won't give the names of him Or her, but they don't really have feeling to it. xD
    17. fire mage
      fire mage
      Maybe Toxyn should of been the leader for the Nameless. Since he is your main character.
    18. Asterisk
      I know, which is why I said Toxyn was your guy.The entire rivalry seemed one-sided in the beginning anyway..
    19. Asterisk
      What did I just explain last night?Don't put something on someones page when it doesn't involve them, or they can't answer it.

      But to answer anyway -_-..she actually puts herself through her character and expresses herself in a way most people in the nameless don't.Akua is mindless, for instance, and Xaries is heavy on emotions.

      This is why she's interesting...done..sorry for that Death -_-
    20. fire mage
      fire mage
      Huh. Say what ? What is so fasinating about throwing potions around? *scatches head in thought*

      Sorry......but it does involve you both since you guys are from the nameless.
      Okay I have a question how the hell is someone supposed to fight another character without power playing?
      The thing is you can't because if you have to post what you want in the fight and unfortuntely you have to hurt the other user character to get your characater to do the stunt. If it just let the other character do whatever they want it would be a one sided battle without the other character even trying. So whenever I do get to fight again that would always be confusing to me, because you have to be fair to the other person. Compromising can be hard at times.
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    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

