Hi,I've calmed down.Some thigns were going on and I was pissed.Sorry if I've offended you in any way.
My homework is not very hard, though :3 I'm just very very lazy x'3 and there's lots of it ;_; at least I have brownies! >: D *triumph!*
Sorry to hear that luv. I hope you feel better. I might be able to call you tonight. OH! Did you get a pic of you?
awh :0 I was too, but I just got better :'3 My little mountain of homework is growing, though ;_; as soon as I'm done with one of them, two new ones seems to take its place! x'D
Yeah,sure.Now I'm using your line.Haha!*laughs*I gotta go.I'm gonna send you a PM letting you know something important about someone else.