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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. water mage
      water mage
      Good idea fire mage. What she is simply doing is trying to involve everyone that will make sense and is not just random so no one will be bored. I'm up for that if you guys are?
    2. fire mage
      fire mage
      Well that depends if you are going to keep Xaldin or Lexaeus out in watch duty or not. As for Xeltic I don't which side he truly is on. He is unpredictible which is cool, but he needs to side with some group.

      The leader- The tv screens from Dark City. They could be used for manipulation. It is just a thought that popped in one head out of no where.
    3. Asterisk
      Does it have to do with any of my four?..or is it really enough to interest me?
    4. fire mage
      fire mage
      I thought that the Nameless had more members. I am pretty sure they did. Oh well I guess you guys will have to recruit more clones or somehow trap...wait can Dustix only communicate with his other members through the use of mirrors? I just thought of something that you could use.... *shuts mouth*
    5. Asterisk
      All righty,I'll keep all my character for my other name,it was Tularim.
    6. Asterisk
      yeah,I was actually..forgot who I played..

      And we'll see..soon hopefully.
    7. water mage
      water mage
      Deathsight44, I need your opinion on this.
      You know how we've been asked to find songs for the characters we rpg as in Build Your Cages? Well besides the usual sitar song you hear all the time, I spent a lot of time finding this song for Demyx. I think it fits him so well since he's all about survival, deceives himself, sees the good in everyone pratically, depends on others sometimes, seems desperate for others to save him in certain situations, he's highspirted, naive, is blinded by the truth etc.
    8. Asterisk
      Plan even more yeah,colorful >.>
    9. Asterisk
      You haven't impressed me so I may as well doubt you, bud :P. So let's see what you've got soon,eh?
    10. Asterisk
      Well you'll be seeing Xeltic showering and using the bathroom, you've got some odd desires buddy :P.But you can spy, go ahead.Your side hasn't the power to do anything in the open.You can see I've already had KuaXa running off :P..or Xemnas, but either way he wouldn't have won it.

      I digress >.>..

      But our side has our own disadvantages..a couple idiots xD..but as I said, you don't have the strength to face the entire org on even ground with the current numbers.Better plan ahead bud.
    11. Asterisk
      Dang your worse than me lol.But anyway,better re-think that gameplan :P
    12. Asterisk
      Better edit those posts bud :P
    13. Doukuro
      Kay, I'll check it out.
    14. Asterisk
      No one, but you can't exactly help that can you? Better unoriginal and free than original and captured xD
    15. Asterisk
      Yeah, but Xeltic isn't the one in a jail cell, OOOOOOH!!! *sizzlin'*
    16. Crumpet
      and you still can't spell my name

      lol yes i was DxM
    17. Crumpet
      hi i'm bored ad re-joined BS's thread

    18. *TwilightNight*
      Tch xP.

      And...who knows about Xeltic. He's kind of the...damn, how you say that? On and off member? >.> By the way, what the hell happened to your castle or house? It should have fallen by now after all the long minutes you keep waiting without doing anything xD [as far as I know]. Seriously o.o.

      Well, it's not more wishing, but more control. That type of freedom can make anyone do anything with their character, whether they are aware of it or not. Apparently, the whole thing is top news on my profile or something *.*. It suddenly got from me and Akua to everyone else. Hell, lol, even water mage? Now, really. And I wasn't serious with that Dusk thing, by the way, since you commented on it. I can't have Xemnas really do that, because it's the same as killing your character. RP blocks you from doing many things xD. But I like to say it anyway :P.

      And I don't know...I mean, go do your thing. And it doesn't matter if you're bigger! >/. And you're a SQUISHY, not a puppy. I just used it for comparison about just how squishable you are.

      But, I already kind of admitted way before that's Roxas is handsome and pretty [darn bishies]. I'm just saying I don't have a thing for younger men, and it's more like a Mother's pride ^^.

      ....and you make me cry T-T *struts off*.
    19. water mage
      water mage
      I sent a visitor message to *TwilightNight*. You can read it if you want to.
    20. Doukuro
      xD If you find subbed eps for me past 111 please let me know <3 (My supplier stopped doing English subs so I've been only reading the manga in the last month or two)
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

