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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Doukuro
      Which ep you're on?
    2. Kekeira
      *eats chocolate axe* hahahaha i wins...anymore foods?
    3. Firekeyblade
      No kidding.....>_>......happy watching.
    4. Doukuro
      Yay. Thankies!~
    5. Doukuro
    6. Firekeyblade
      O_o.....this happened in episode EIGHT?!......>_>.....that's kind of fast.
    7. Firekeyblade
      .......yeah......just turned reeeeeeaaaallllly bad. >_>....artists and plot development must've gotten drunk one night.
    8. Firekeyblade
      ........>_> sounds like that anime just turned bad. Really bad.
    9. Firekeyblade
      Oh. I've seen an ad of the manga..........>_> the back of One Piece.....well....I suppose that's what makes it more....suspenseful and exciting.
    10. Firekeyblade
      ..........>_>......Elfen Lied?.......
    11. Firekeyblade
      ..........shock at what? >_> I have to call an ambulance?
    12. Firekeyblade
      Gah.....they ahd so much action and drama. -_-....I didn't bother reading it all.
    13. Deathsight44
      Oh well, it is not as if it matters. after all, depending on what would have happend, I am quite certain that it may have worked more so against u :P

      Ya, I probably will make more. Especially with Xeltics recent betrayal and me not knowing what Xaries will do. but I still like to think that Xeltic is a member of the orginization, for reasons of my own ^_^

      I can understand. You would wish that things could be more specific. I mean, idk, its harder for me to realize, since Icould take a simple power such as, for example, being able to use portals (to a more so extreme of course or what not), and turn it into something pretty deadly :P

      do not worry for that challange. Once things begin moving again, then it'll start working out better :P

      but I'm bigger then you! How does that make me a puppy ~_~

      ha, you admitted it! U think he's cute. I win :P

      lol, where do I go to listen to them again? XD
    14. *TwilightNight*
      Yeah, which is why I don't really care :P.

      And as I said, don't worry. In the words of Obama: I GOT THIS. You'll have your members back soon once Xemmas takes care of things first. Keeping them would be power playing too much. Xemnas is powerful, but I also don't want to abuse it to that level. Don't know whether you still want to create more characters to fill in the gaps, though. I have noticed that we have almost the full Organization XIII, and some of the less on yours. Point it's that some aren't even active. Think about it, I guess :/.

      Yeah, but at times, I doubt people will stay within their limitations. If they don't have their powers sorted out, then they can make up anything on the spot if they want to make it convenient to escape anything. And that's my problem. I don't have to worry about you, because you can have one power, and know how to use it to be resourceful in what it is. But at the same time, you don't abuse it. Remember Akua's five dragons? Yeah...>.>. I guess that's why I'm iffy on him.

      And LOL xD. Daww, you'll get some fangirls back xP. You're still my SQUISHY, though =3, and that means you're huggable and pettable. Like a puppy. And as for BYC, hope you're having a good time. I would like to provide you a challenge to let it be entertaining, but it's just that I'm not that great in plotting.

      Dx Oh come on! I can think Roxas is cute :D.

      I'm calm, lol =P. I'm just surprised you haven't clicked them by this point.
    15. *TwilightNight*
      I suppose. However, I am just keeping them there for awhile, and they'll be able to go free sooner or later once they all meet with Xemnas. Which won't be too long, actually. I think about two posts after [which is why KuaXa will be there for a limited time. And I told you, they are not in a dimension xD. Kind of], depending if Lexeaus and Xaldin behave and go back to headquarters :P. I'm not going to abuse it, and let them be kept imprisoned forever. I told you that, especially when I said that with this, they will be better off dead, which I'm not trying to do. I know my limits, and what to do or not to do with my characters. Just think that you're locked up [like Kairi], for the moment. And you'll get out in some way. Trust me, if Xemnas didn't hold such power in canon to the point where the rest of the other Organization members are weary, then I wouldn't have done so [it makes me wonder why no one EVER picks Xemnas in the RPs o.O. I mean, seriously. You have power, and you don't have any reasons to explain why as long as you keep from what was presented in the game. It's awesome]. But, this will all come together soon.

      Besides...don't you have company to talk to in that room, lol? xD Play cards with? ^^;

      Overall, I don't really care of how Akua made his reply. It's the same way Larxene, and other certain members, can make clones. What bothers me it's that I wish people said their powers beforehand [or at least to Hell in private], because then, they can make ANYTHING up. And by God, some people can abuse that fact to no end. I know you won't because you're smart xD.

      And back to the other reply, yeah, Dustix is obviously planning something =P. Yet, that's what makes it work, and what keeps the RP moving. And...>.>. Why do you want me to be your fangirl? o.o YOU'RE MY SQUISHY! Isn't that enough to make you happy? ^o^

      And no, I don't have a thing for younger men xD. I do know when one is pretty, however. Roxas is handsome. Think of a Aunt or Mother admiring how her son/nephew has grown. In that type of way =3.

      And darn you for being lazy! >[.....*ignores the fact that she hadn't posted in the RP for a while*
    16. Firekeyblade
      About the RP or you in general?
    17. Firekeyblade
      Sometimes the whole world is a bother. So it's okay. Just try and take it easy and relax for a bit to gather your thoughts together.
    18. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      What didn't make any since?
    19. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Well? You what I mean now?
    20. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      I'm PMing you from now on this matter okay? :D
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  • About

    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

