God, the stuff some people do here is stupid. All R~M wants to do is pity herself by getting other people attention.
It's parents,they give you nothing but hell.That's bull****.What do you think?I say that was my best rant,it's the most hardcore rant in the world.Muahahaha!!
Hell yeah it is.I'm so pissed off.And in school,Kyle isn't talking to me that a**hole.He is pissed because this girl said to me that she hates him,like 2 weeks later,Kyle asks her about this,and she mislead him.So Kyle comes up to me and says. I'm gonna kick your f**kin a**!!!I was ready to fight him,but I questioned.Why,what happened?And he explained.Later on,I went to all my classes pissed off,I was punching lockers,and walls so hard,my knuckles still hurt like a bi***.I'm still pissed right now.And since I got grounded.I'm gonna explode.
Hahaha,yeah,I did.I see he got tha balls to actually ask you out.If I never found out that he liked you,I would have been asked you out.Haha,funny,but I let him have you.I'm a good guy,he was first.I don't bi*** and moan.So,how are you?