Not bad. I had a science test that I think I got a B on. Tell me 1 thing. Are you able to use the computer with MSN+?
Because I have midterms and he's only in 5th grade. He was rather pissed. It's awesome because one of the main characters has the same voice actor as Zim... God, that show was epic... Your school district must be epic, we never get snow days and we rarely get snow to begin with. It's like what the hell? D<
xD Epic. It was a freaking blizzard here, but my brother still had school. >D Destroy All Humans! 3. God I love that game, so much random destruction... it's beautiful... How was school? xD
Hey, it's pretty good. I'm kinda being a lazy ******* since I don't have school this week. Playing games, studying, playing moar games. Good stuff. How about you?