Nov 25, 2008
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6:21 AM
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    1. Scott Pilgrim
      Scott Pilgrim
      Nah. Just homework.
    2. Scott Pilgrim
      Scott Pilgrim
      Not bad. I could be better.
    3. Scott Pilgrim
    4. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Yo Julia.Guess what happened in english?The teacher I told you that hated me isn't so bad anymore.She gave me advice on girls,and love in my writing paper about year around school.Interesting.
    5. Roxas81334
      uh huh.....
    6. Roxas81334
      Uh...I don't really know...Many ways to die are poping up in my head now...
    7. Roxas81334
      Yeah it's is but there is many other ways like jumping into lava or falling in quicksand...
    8. Roxas81334
      Yeah it's kinda like also forgot when things fall from the celing and try to crush you...
    9. Roxas81334
      yeah it' s really fun...
      My cousin got the game for the Wii for chistmas...
      He let me play the game and I got way past
      where he was in about four to five hours...
      He made a mistake and let me play it..
      Me and my sister finished the game about six months ago...
    10. Roxas81334
      The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess...
    11. Roxas81334
      I'm good...
      I'm playing my gamecube which just stoped working agian...
      Now I have to move out to the living room to play the game on the wii...
      Oh forget it I'm to lazy to move...
    12. Roxas81334
      hey...hw Are you?
    13. Roxas VII
      Roxas VII
      hey here my msn XD its so much faster than this convosation box =P
    14. Finale
      oh...umm okay
    15. Finale
      ...its the end now...nightowl, did you go to sleep?
    16. Finale
      that is your new nickname nightowl

      its boring :bored:
    17. Finale
      Finale at school Julia xD have caffiene?
    18. Finale
      what time is it?

      go to bed
    19. Zeonark
      Larry: *Eyebrow Raises*
      Me: Onee-chan..... o.o
      Luke: Like hell that's happening! Use Guy! He's so stupid as a AI controlled character he gets himself killed when he could spam center!
      ...Seriously, When I'm not controlling Guy he's a moron xD He keeps charging and attacking no matter what and dies soon after.
      Axel: I think he's gay for those flowers.
      Marluxia: *Sings* Oh pretty flowers, when you bloom you'll be my rape dolls <3
      *Record Stop Sound*
      Everyone: 0_o
      *Rushes to youtube*
      Guy: ...Luke don't be stingy.
      Luke: *Double Hiss*
      Jade: Oh no, he's angry.
      Asch: That was sarcaism wasn't it?
      Jade: Oh you can see through me like a book!
      Guy: In other words, also sarcaism.
      But the Grape Mods are even eviler D<
      NO WAI!

      Also, I'm thinking of making a few Kingdom Hearts characters Cameo(or whatever xD) battles in Tales Of Crescent, should I?
    20. Zeonark
      Those are angry lovers.
      :3 *More Hiss*
      Me: Angry friends?
      xD It's alright, I lol'd at that. I will scream it if my mother isn't home o_o
      Luke: What can do?
      Me: The usual, decoy, button mash slash, Radiant Howl and Ion extension
      Luke: Basiclly I'm the one who goes in front and gets himself killed?
      Me: EXCATLY! <3
      Well in that case I HAVE to see it. x3
      Axel: Pfffft, Water sucks.
      Roxas: ._.
      *Universe explodes*
      Me: I knew they were as evil as the blueberry admins here.
      96/69: We're even sexier than them.
      Xemnas: Oh yeah...

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