I'm trying.But it's hard.I closed the thread I was getting flammed on.It's all over.*falls out on the floor*
Ah,ok then.This dude just went on flamming me like hell in this thread that's in the spamzone.I created it.
Hey,I'm so sorry.But,what if I didn't get punched in the face?What ya gonna do about it?Hahahaha!Ok,I'm gonna stop joking around.Am I pissing you off yet?
Julia,do not start that bull**** again.I'm serious.I'm not joking one bit,no more about Knuckles.*shakes paint off and pours coke with mentos down into your throat*Now,you are about to throw up.Mentos and coke,bad sign.
Yes,thank you.Now,I feel that I should do this.*gets a huge bag of flour and pours it over you*Hahahahaha!!Wow,I'm really being a evil premium today.I'm lovin it!
Oh,interesting buddy.I've just become a evil spamming premium.I've been reborn in Kh-v.So now,I am who I was suppoed to be.Dr.John has helped me see the spamming light.
I dunno, Dr. John, Mielly, and others seem to lol at it though. That's EpicBananas. <3 Me: 4 Srs! *Runrunrun* Xehanort: Darn! I'll catch those kids...but first for my sex slav- apprentice <3 Apprentice: O_o Over 9000 Indignation is almost as epic as us! o0 Luke: What about Lost Fon Drive? o: Jade: *ChantChant Indignation* Luke: *Own'd* I heard double jumping for some reason protects you O_o I've seen Reid's Auroa(SP?) Wall and it's too overpowered. The Cameo Battle ish very hard DX Yet Kratos in Vesperia seemed easy o-o Yuri: That's because I'm broken. I swear, He would barely let me get Devil's Inferno xD Me: Devil Infer- Asch: *Slash Slash Pwn Pwn* I'm almost surprised he didn't bust out a Rending Saber on me o_o Excatly xD Awesome Idea. Even though I can't imagine Legretta doing that o.o I'll give it to Duke! >D Duke: But my Brave Vesperia already rapes! D: Legretta: *Gunpoint* Duke: Fine. T_T