Nov 25, 2008
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    1. Zeonark
      I'm still deciding, another one of my choices is Moot xD

      Nah, you're loved moar :L
      Onee-chan that was hilarious!
      Hilarious: o.o
      Me: o.o RUN! D:

      Asch: Holy...
      Luke: Snap...
      Dist: With Pickle Juice...
      Everyone: WTF?
      Jade: DIE NAO. *Over 9000 Indignation*
      Luke: DragonBall Z couldn't even do that.
      Goku: Fo' Srs.

      Lol xD Did Mint spam Time Stop? I think Mint has Time stop on there ><
      I usually go headfirst and mashing my enemies to the ground xD Then I had to do what EVERYONE did, Run around untill Asch screwed up and then mashing 'em. Lol. Unknown he might slaughter me o-o
      Yuri: See you all in hell!
      Raven: Why are you running from someone that hot?
      *Epic Snipe*
      Flynn: PWN'T!
    2. Zeonark
      That sounds like a great name <3 But you need a hilarious one. How about "Banana_Heart"? xD

      Then you are loved <3
      It's almost stalking us o.o how hilarious.

      Asch: Was that a challenge?
      Jade: Maybe...
      Asch: Try me Four-eyes.
      Jade: *Double Indignation*
      Tear: ....o.o
      Luke: Holy hell SHE'S SHOCKED!
      Guy: That is NOT a good sign.

      I actually didn't fight them, I wanted to wait untill I got the strongest Mystic Artes.
      Lawl! xD Who did you kill first? I'm thinkin' about beating down Reid. Yet I have to spread my attacks and I'm not excatly excellent by myself mashing down someone. I lost to Asch on Normal Three times. O.o
      Sync: Goodbye World!
      Dist: You're all a bunch of queers. I'll do it.
      Everyone: Look who's talking you queer. >.>
      Dist: S-Shut u-
      Yuri: ...Idiots. *Shot*
    3. Zeonark
      xD It's one of the choices for my future name change too lol.

      Excatly <3 We're too awesome to be hated.
      Now that my sister, is hilarious.

      Tear: No.
      Luke: D:
      Guy: Thank the Tales Creator for Center <3
      Jade: *Indignation*
      Guy: Screw him for making Indignation.
      Jade: What was that?
      Asch: ...Ow.

      I'm fighting them on hard so they can spam their Divine Skills xD Watch, I'll die within seconds. Lol. How did you beat them?
      Me: ....NU! *Kills self*
      Sync: She seems to make ALOT of people kill herself.
      Largo: I hope I'm not next.
      Legretta: Largo!
      Largo: *Cuts own head off*
      Sync: O_o
    4. Zeonark
      Axel: No U!
      Axel: U!
      Zexion: *Eatting Banana*
      Axel/Roxas: HANDBANANA! *Tackle*

      I bet you even American would love us.
      Lawl xD We're so epic that we're funny before it's funny!...Wait, THAT'S FUNNY!

      Guy: Damn Jade, You got owned.
      Jade: Should I cast a Indignation?
      Luke/Guy: O.o
      Tear: *Epic Facepalm*

      FO' SRS! Especially it's extension. With it, I think I might be ready for the Cameo Battle when I get Indignation, Lost Fon Drive, and The Jewel Of Garidos x3
      Legretta: You were sloppy with your suicide.
      Sync: She is out of her mind.
      Asch: Fo' Srs.
    5. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Hello!!What's going on?
    6. Zeonark
      Icecream: Melting! What a creamy cream world!
      Me: *Lick Lick*
      Icecream: *Smack Smack* I'm melting. Don't lick me >:|

      Very. x3 I wish it was one of us.
      Someone should sig that XP

      Oh law'd xD Thanks.
      I didn't include Luke because he was too awesome for that list.

      Jade: I'm sorry, did you say he sucked too much for that list?
      Luke: ._.

      Yerp, Every God General will be playable <3 Even in Story Mode. Legretta would have the upper hand since, well...A single battle with her is suicide xD
    7. Zeonark
      *Glomps Icecream* Dammit, it melted. D8

      I swear, That dude almost made "Second Jesus" that day.
      FORKIN' GENIUSES! <3 After playing this game, We learn that;

      Tear knows EXCATLY how to hide her emotions
      Jade can be a ass and a awesome person sometimes
      Guy is a Best Friend for life. Period.
      Natalia is the best Princess of Baticul <3 Even though she's a abit of a nag.
      Anise cares for her parents enough to lie to the Fon Master himself
      Asch can be a huge pain in the ass yet a great person and also sad because he lost his future in a way.

      ...I so lol'd at this list.

      I wanna know, why purple and why did she have it? Lol. She did look odd.

      It's so sweet and innocent <3 Especially to cute things. *Shot* Although if you look at it Legretta might be the best for Verus Mod- OSHI- I spoiled gameplay for the God-Generals o_o;;
    8. Zeonark
      *UltraMegaLoverboyGlomp* <3333333 and a side of moar icecream 8D

      Now all we need is the shoe that almost won the internet by almost hitting Bush.
      Meh, I guess people except for us can't put together the simple things xD Plus Jade smiled, and I don't think he liked Asch to much to smile with his return...never mind, if he didn't smile that'd be kinda mean o-o
      I actually HATED how she looked with it D: But why only was it showed for that split second? O_o

      That's it, in Tales Of Crescent, I'm giving her a voice so close to her japanese voice it'll be awesome. I'm adding a Verus Mode too >D
    9. Zeonark
      *Megaglomp* <3

      And then we must gather the nukes! *Gets out nukes*
      I wonder though...if it was Asch wouldn't Natalia have ran up to hug him?
      Also, Did you notice she had lipstick at the ending for a minute? O_o Seemed like it to me.
    10. Zeonark
      I'mma transfer my AD skills to my third playthrough and be all liek;

      "TAKE TIS, RANDIN' SABAH!" *Pwn'd*
      Luke: That is so not like you.
    11. Zeonark
      D'aww.....Thankies <3 You'd probably help me out with the pain, even through the internet. x3

      Now all we need is matches for the perfect flame wa- *Boomstickz*
      I saw the ending on youtube and I still had to wait just to see it on my TV to notice xD Plus his "Promise" is to Tear, everyone knows that D:
    12. Zeonark
      Trust me, I take pain like a little girl xD

      *Gets Gasoline* Am I doing it rite?
      I can't believe although that at the end people believe it's Asch. It's so clear that it's Luke, There is MUCH more proof to support it. The only thing that keeps people saying it's Asch is probably his hand twich. Which at first, I never noticed xP

      I tried training SO hard to get Rending Saber but failed xD
    13. Zeonark
      Holy hell. You are my hero. I couldn't even survive with pain like that, healing or not.

      *Gets Anti-Water Helemet* DAMMIT, THIS IS WATER. >:
      Yerp. Nice scene too. It's so friggin obvious they love each other.

      ...I'm horrible with Asch. xD
    14. Zeonark
      I thought it was healed o-o I hope it gets better DX

      H-Sh-It didn't reply yet. *Shot*
      I missed Tear's Pendant Sidequest and I'm angry. Tear could've hugged him when she got it back or something >:
    15. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Hmph,being a premium member isn't so great.There really is nothing left here.Nova was right.He was thinking boaut leaving Kh-v when he was on the phone with me.There is no more to see,or learn.I now have a purpose to leave.
    16. Zeonark
      How come you can't do anything? D:

      Also I just called Star a Double-Sexual. xD *waits4flame*
    17. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Uhh,sure.I'll do my best.Uhh....These damn premiums are getting on my last and final nerve.They are a**holes.
    18. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      I dunno,I'm not feeling myself right now.
    19. Zeonark
      Personally that forum message is pissing me off. ._.

      Pretty well, Straightforward. Yours?
    20. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      I wasn't kidding baout that killing you thing.I am dead serious.I'm in a bad mood.Do not mess with me right now.No bull****.I'm sorry for my outburst,but I am in the worst mood I've been in for months.
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