*turns black*You just unleashed my darkside. Look you!!Sonic is God,he's the best freakin guy out there,if I hear another word about this bull****,I'm gonna kill you!I swear to God!I'm not in a good mood!!!!
WTF?No way!Sonic is better.I'm better!Sonic kicks everyones a**.I don't wanna argue Julia.I'm serious!Sonic pwns and no more about you hear me?!!!!!
Well,I kicked his ass.But,that was a while ago.Hahaha!Also,did you know that Sonic's colors are red white and blue?
Nevermind about that last VM.And you know I fight all te time.I am the bada** of my school.I have no choice but to fight.I'm a warrior,and I never turn one down.Even if they may be my best friend.I even fought Kyle once.
Well,ok.It's the fact that I can't do nothin in my house.Or school.I wanna play fight with a friend, deans office.That' bull****!
What you saw before was my shadow side.Seriously,the guy you are talking to now is my normal happy side,but when I get really pissed.Darkness unleashed.But,skrew that.Anyway,ya know what's bull****?
Well,I must have a purpose.But,showing who I really am means nothing to me.Hmph.I'm gonna be who I was.This happy jolly guy who is friends with everyone.Hmph again.Just kidding.I'm a bright guy.All of that was a joke.Believe that!Hahaha!
Well,to show how I normally feel everyday. I feel like absolute **** for no reason at all.I don't know what purpose I have on Earth,I wanna die in a way,cut myself,I do not cry,and ssometimes I oculd care less about anything in the world.Plain and simple.Believe it.