Nov 25, 2008
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7:19 AM
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    1. Bond of Flame
      Bond of Flame
      Hurray!!words in white
    2. Roxas81334
      Hoya how are you this fine day...
      i proable shouldn't start talk to people because I have to go to a basketball game.
    3. Roxas VII
      Roxas VII
      hehe exactly what i thought xD *shares box of cookies* khvids keeps going of 0.0 *takes out a bucket of paint and throws it over u* ^^
    4. Bond of Flame
      Bond of Flame
      A surgery? WoW.
      But I'm good, finally outta school lol!
    5. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~
      thankies nee-sama its my favourite character rite now Kaoru Koganei
    6. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Yeah,getting Rick Rolled is annoying as hell.But,do you have any sweets on you right now?I'm hungry.
    7. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Also.Have a look at this.You got rick rolled!Muahaha!
    8. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Well,I'm doing ok I guess.I'm so bored,and lonely.But,I have you to talk to so that makes me feel better.*hugs*
    9. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Yep.But I don't remember asking you a god damn thing.Mutha f**ka.That was funny as hell.Wanna see another vid?It may or may not be funny.Like this one.Or,I wont show another vid because I can't find one
      But,how are you doing?
    10. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Compared to Sonic they are 2000 pounds.Hahaha.
      Also,I have one that's funnier.
    11. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      No they aren't.Ike is just plain slow because that sword is so f**kin heavy.And Marht is quite fast.But,watch this.This is funny as hell.
    12. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Yeah,and Ike is like.I fight for my friends.And,you wont get any sympathy from me.But,I am a God with Marth.He has the best,and fastest sword attacks.I love playing with him.
    13. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Oh,but you don't know how I work.I've even mastered getting around every characters final smash.It's simple.But Marth's Final Smash is awsome.If your in Marth's path,your skrewed.But you can easily jump at the last second.
    14. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Ok,I am good with every character but king DeDeDe.He is powerful,but ya really gota know how to control him.I swear.But,anyway,just wait till I go supersonic on your ass!
    15. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      You underestimate my power Julia!I'm a supersonic Hedgehog.It's like Naruto v.s Sonic.Sonic would kill Naruto.What makes Shiek any better?
    16. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Damn you!!!Oh well.I can't kill you.Too bad.But,I do feel like saying.I'm a better fighter still.Alot better.And I'm a better Brawler,you can never beat me.I am the ultimate life form.
    17. Zeonark
      YOW! I can't imagine having stitches there myself O_o You're awesomer :L

      I don't even want to get close to here on Unknown. I'd be raped in a milli-second.
      11:30 AM? O_o How long were you awake? Boredom shall not PASS! D<

      Who doesn't laugh? xD The Deathnote is Light's, ALL LIGHT'S! MWUHAHAHA!
      Hell, I had to put BOTH on Normal! xD Their attacks rape! Especially Storm and Spark Wave! How far are you?
      I'm glad your leg is finally A-Okay <3 You aren't bored now are you? o-o KHV = Epic.

      That's it, I'm trying the Cameo Battle on my first Playthr- Never mind. I need ALL of the strongest Mystic Artes.
    18. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Oh really.Chaos Blast!!*releases all the chaos emeralds power and makes a huge explosion that kills on contact*Taste the ultimate power!!Hahahaha!
    19. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Oh f**k!Well.How about if I do this.*uses chaos emeralds and goes supersonic*Well,still.

      Witness the ultimate power of the chaos emeralds!
    20. Scott Pilgrim
      Scott Pilgrim
      I was MSNing you just now.


      Why 2 computers?
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