Yerp, Found it though o_o I'm on 25 now, Ish hard leveling >< Pfft.....Luke ftw though. Lol, I would've though Luke or Asch xD Tear's hard for me to use for some reason. I'mma noming on your profile :E What about you? <3 OMNOMNOMN.
I'd die from it shoot.*dies from the thought of it*Uhh,I do'nt even wanna think about it anymore.If they do pull that crap on us.I'm gonna say. **** the f**k!!!!
Yeah,I would too.And some people actually want that to happen.But,I'm not gonna judge their opinion.I don't do that.But still,I do not want year around school gosh dangit.
School,I hate school.The teachers give you nothing but sh**ty schoolwork,and then homework.Like my english teacher that I told you that hates me,lots of homework every other feakin day!!Gym,can be a pain in the a**.Football,coach is too hard on everybody.Way too hard.But he's a good coach at times.And,so on.I may not like school,but I want it be be the best few years of my damn life.Also,before I'm done,I wanna say that,they are thinking of year around school.All year.2 weeks off after 6 weeks of school.That's bull****!! Rant over!
Well,I guess some aren't in that,have someone make them happy thing.Oh well.One of the reasons why you make me happy is that your funny.
It's alright, I'll catch up...If I stop getting lost x_x I can't find Belkind. OSHI- I'm only on 24! D: ...Well, I get to play as Asch more I guess ;_; Who do you mostly use?
its called flame of recca or rekka no honno^^btw I got a new favorite character his name is Kaoru koganei he is soo cute for a 13 year old kid!
O-o I just got up from a Sephiroth Tree in Yulia City x_x I need to catch up xD Also, What level do you learn Mystic Artes at? D:
Well,there are others I'd like.Fligt,strength,and so on.You know,to protect the world with.Supersonic.