oh my god! i hope you get better soon. just keep your head up through this, god has something in store for you its when things go wrong you must not quit.
Heh, don't mention it. Here it is! http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=2442643&posted=1#post2442643
nee-san Im sleeping now so oyasumi desu mada ashita desu wa>.< plz get better btw (talking bout your ankle nee-san)
Also,did you like that song I showed you yesterday?The His World Instrumental?Did you even se it?Or do you want me to just give the link again?
So,that means nothing to me.You know what I feel like doing?Take this!*picks you up again and throws you into the air,gets the water sitar that Demyx uses,and plays it,water comes up from the ground and you bounce up and down on it* Like it?
I know where you live too.Maryland.Remember all the times you've called me?My caller ID says,Maryland call,muahahaha.And your welcome for that cookie I gave you.*hugs you*You need one.
Oh,do you?You said that to me once before.You don't know where I live either.Hahaha!:) Also,have a cookie.