"OSHI- JULIA AND ZEO ARE DE-" *NUKE'D* Lol XP Nothing too serious. A few Clothes Hangers xD Me: But...WTF! D: Mom: Swearing? Two weeks! Me: Bu- Mom: Three! Me: ._. Mom: Want Four? Me: I'll take Five. You sorry jackass. *Doorslam*
Oh hell yes for siblings that are epic xD It did? O_o I'm funny without knowing it 99.9% of the time. That's why when my mother says it I ask "Why did you say so?" and then I get a "Shut up" comment ._. I usually break stuff to release my anger and have a good lulz at my mom's face xD But I don't do it too much. Parent's Tempers = 1 Millimeter. I think. All Parents got issues in their own sick twisted non-epic ways D: (Thanks o-o I didn't think I could do it.)
I'm just doing what I normally do for good friends <3 You're not unlucky, Maybe a bit clumsy, No offense, but stuff happens in which we can't control. I don't believe in luck much, I just use it as a term xD Trust me, Your days will get better. Now that's just plain mean. No reason what so ever? I'm sick of hearing parents say "Because we/I said so." Because we demand a ACTUAL reason with a ACTUAL explamation. I would've actually went mad and broke something if that happened to me DX I wonder what got them in the bad mood. If nothing happened...maybe it's just something they got mad at for no reason? Overall, Parents are overrated. Unfair, and downright mean. [/End Rant]
I looked on Zeo's profile.I know the story.I can't believe that happened to you.I'm sorry.They seemed mad,and stormed out the house.Slamming the door.And you have no clue what happened.God damn.
D'aww....I'm not awesome for that. I just do what's right to me >_> Ditto DX You gotta be more careful. They yelled at you, leaving you for more than two hours? Now that's cruel D:< What did they say?
Oh,ok then.I know what ya mean.*I hold baby Zeo at you,and he throws up on your shirt*Hahahahahaha!!Now that is funny!!