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Dec 26, 2011
Nov 28, 2008
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April 2
Home Page:
Trolling Shizu-chan
That one ******bag who loves the huamn race.


Kingdom Keeper, from Trolling Shizu-chan

Zeonark was last seen:
Dec 26, 2011
    1. Kites
      Hi Otouto, you ok?
    2. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Zeo my boy.Check out this vid I made.It's my second.But I wanted you to see it.
    3. Zeonark
      Gah, I'm sorry for not replying earlier guys >_>
      Stuck on Tales Of The Abyss xD
      I'm gettin' tired though, so night guys ><
      Onee-chan Please, Please, PLEASE! Get better D:
      Yuki get photoshop, Force your sister to do it. THE FARCE! >D
      Dragon I'll learn your secret T_T
      Sonic, That is some tale you got there o.o
    4. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      You mean Link?He was this boy who saved a kingdom called Hyrule,he was a brave kid.He saved it from Ganondorf.And saved a princess.Her name was Zelda.And who knows what happened to the boy after all of that.I think he went home to where he lives.Then.Years later.Another hero rose up,me.I was a rookie fighter.I was nowhere near as powerful as I am now.I took Ganondorf down myself.And saved the kingdom again.Now,I'm just a supersonic hedgehog who is a super saiyan 19,and has a family.I was about 5 when I saved Hyrule.That place is in the UK.It's around there.Hahaha!
    5. Ice_Keyblade
      =P Ñ♪┼█Äτ haha, i'll tell you later
    6. Kites
      XD That would be hilarious.

      Yeah I throw pillows at my wall xD
      Now that just made my day :D Lol I wish I could say that but I would probably get five months not five weeks. I wish parents had warning lights that said "Warning don't approach me PMS alert!"
    7. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~
      uh huh I need photoshop from my sister the tech geek xD but she says it might not run on my PC not that it cant run bet she is just lazy >:@
    8. Dexnail
      thanks ill probolly need it
    9. Ice_Keyblade
      ☺☻♥♦♣♠•◘○ ha!
    10. Dexnail
      i managed to get that part but i still messed it up so ill have to try again
    11. Kites
      I mean seriously, without us the world would explode. We are the match to the unlit TNT, if we go bye-bye then the rest of the world does too xD
      You sure did, I was laughing so hard xD

      What do you break?
      Me coming home from school one day:
      Me: Hi mom!
      Mom: Go to your room!
      Ne: But why?
      Mom: Because I said so! And fir answering back you get grounded for a week!
      Me: O_o
    12. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Impressive son.You remind me of Link.He was so young,and did all of those things to save Hyrule.*shows you my closet*I have the outfit Link,and all the other heroes of Hyrule wear.I saved it a million times.See?*puts on the green outfit*I think it looks good on me.But,when the time comes,you shall wear it.
    13. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Hmm,you wanna go simple huh?Ok then my boy.*gives you the sword called,Aether*It's yours.A nice golden blade.
    14. Dexnail
      yep ebay or amazon and well i cut the sides to short and it would not spike up
    15. Kites
      And siblings<3 Epic siblings :3
      *laughs* clumsy is something I can agree with you on. No offence taken at all Otouto, it actually made me laugh :D

      I know! I wanted a reason, but before I could even ask why they slammed the door and left me alone. I was about to break something, but you know, it would only make matters WAYYYY worse. Parents have short tempers :P I don't know what their deal was, they're not this mean to me ever!

      (Nice rant by the way!)
    16. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~
      hahahah maybe onii-san it would be even better If I had photoshop I used paint to make those
    17. Dexnail
      well i was planning on buying the cloak and i tryed to style a demyx wig out of a punky wig but i screwed up and yes zexion is that awesome
    18. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Ok dude.Then you shall be a warrior.*gives you your first weapon*Here,is your training lightsaber.Use it well.You will learn about the force soon.It's a green lightsaber.I know you will grow up to be a great jedi my son.Then,you will have to be a super saiyan.We will work on that tomorrow.But right now.I'll teach you how to be a jedi.Ok?
    19. Dexnail
      i will but first i need an orgy cloak and style a demyx wig and i also i would cosplay as zexion cause hes cool
    20. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Well,I'm doing good.Your mother is out so,your dad is here to take care of you.Do you want me to train you to become a warrior?Or do you wanna be a scholar?
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    Trolling Shizu-chan
    That one ******bag who loves the huamn race.
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