Catch the Rain
Last Activity:
Aug 2, 2011
Apr 2, 2007
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November 27
The Labyrinth

Catch the Rain

As the world falls down ♥, from The Labyrinth

Catch the Rain was last seen:
Aug 2, 2011
    1. Cia
      >: barbaric is my middle name.

      Higher Barbaric Being.

      Just call me HBB from now on.
    2. Roxas7234
      can u make me a coder plz

      so far this is the only code iv done and its for ar max pal
      Play as Backward Weild Roxas(Press R2 and go to a new room)
    3. Destined
      stupid are you?
    4. jettie
      WAIT! ah no! i did not want to do that! i didn't wanna make u sad! there was no happy face in that! feel bad. cuz i made u talk about it?! T_T i'm sorry. i will never bring it up again. don't go to bed sad. i'm sorry. u said it was okay. u said. T_T i'm really sorry. i feel horrible now. well bye. hope to cya tomorrow. but ur weekends are busey u said. i dun wanna end it like this *cries*

      EDIT: oh man i should never have read ur thread. i'm so sorry. god i'm sorry for u. i feel terrible. i'm actually crying. bye.
    5. jettie
      XD no. B| well ask the ice caps and brazil...was it brazil...i can't remember.
      understood. but what was it about?
      i've seen that smiey before but not the bouncing one.
      im fine! *hugs*
    6. jettie
      XD omg i just laughed at the smiley!
      i not good with advice. but i can try.
      what i was gunna say was ur mom dose not have an sccount on here...i guess. so what good is a rant? *ducks and covers for blow*
    7. jettie
      XD i just had water mellon. mmm. i had corn last night for dinner XD
      umm ur mom dose not have an. wait if i bring it up won't u get in a cruddy mood? i dun want u like that.
      i hate being jumpy. unless u mean my thoughts...he he.
    8. jettie
      we call it whatever. well B| okay not whatever. we don't call it pie. but anyways
      omg...i just forgot the rest of what i was. oh! well glad ur in a better mood. why make a ranting thread? makes u feel worse no? what about? XD my minds is every where at once...o.O
    9. jettie
      ohhhhh wait!!! clicked u said u clicked ur fingers. i thought u ment snapped. u mean popped don't u?!
      XD yes i'm in a great mood. how is ur mood? i keep forgetting to ask.
      uhh i forgot the other part...mmm i'll get back to that. :)
    10. jettie
      XD its okay. oh that reminds me! in geometry we had angle XD on out test. and i found it to be sooo funny. i need to get away from the internet...:} <XD
    11. jettie
      other than practice it was great! no lie i am sooo happy right now! i feel amazing!
      so u call something else english muffins there? there VERRy different from just muffins.
    12. Juicy
      I've yet to meet anyone else from Wales here O.O
      You're the closest person I know by me <3

      I have a sudden urge to go camping now.

      Oh, and *checks watch* good morning :3

      Im going to bed, I'm exhausted.
      Good luck and hope you sleep well tonight <3
    13. Juicy
      B-but it's cold outside O.o
      I'd bring you loads of blankets <3
      and cocoa <3

      I just realised you're like under an hours drive away.. I think O.o I'm not very good with distance :3

      Think happy thoughts <3
    14. jettie
      XD those are the only 2 subjects i'm good at!
      ohh i lol'd we call crumpets XD english muffins.
      and scoons? i for got the spelling. they look like muffins but i don't think they are.
    15. Juicy
      My problems seem so small compared to yours...

      Seriously, if I was old enough I'd offer for you to move out and stay with me even.. since you live pretty close <3

      I'll keep my fingers crossed for you

      *huggles some more and more*

    16. ArchVice
      We all wear them sometimes.
    17. ArchVice
      "Don't be fooled by me."

      - Charles C. Finn

      Don't be fooled by the mask I wear.
      For I wear a mask, a thousand masks,
      Masks that I'm afraid to take off,
      And none of them is me.

      Pretending is an art that's second nature with me,
      But don't be fooled.
      For God's sake don't be fooled.

      I give you the impression that I'm secure,
      That all is sunny and unruffled,
      Within me and without,
      That confidence is my name and coolness is my game,
      That the water's calm, and I'm in command,
      And that I need no one.
      But don't believe me.

      My surface may seem smooth
      But my surface is my mask,
      Ever changing, ever concealing.
      Beneath lies not complacence nor peace.
      Beneath lies confusion and fear and aloneness.
      But I hide this. I don't want anybody to know it.

      I panic at the thought of my weakness
      And fear being exposed.
      That's why I frantically create a mask
      To hide behind,
      A nonchalant sophisticated facade,
      To help me pretend,
      To shield me from the glance that knows.

      But such a glance is precisely my salvation;
      My only hope and I know it.
      That is, if it's followed by acceptance,
      If it's followed by love.

      It's the only thing that can liberate me from myself,
      From my own self-built prison walls,
      From the barriers I so painstakingly erect.

      It's the only thing that will assure me
      Of what I can't assure myself -
      That I'm really worth something
      - To someone.

      But I don't tell you this, I don't dare. I'm afraid to.

      I'm afraid your glance will not be followed by acceptance,
      Nor will it be followed by love.

      I'm afraid you will think less of me, that you'll laugh,
      And your laugh will hurt me deeply.

      I'm afraid that deep down I am nothing,
      That I'm just no good to anyone - even myself,
      And that you will see this and reject me.

      So I play my game, my desperate pretending game,
      With a facade of assurance without -
      And a trembling lonely child within.

      So begins the glittering but empty parade of masks,
      And my life becomes a front.

      I chatter to you in the idle tones of suave talk,
      I tell you everything that's really nothing,
      And nothing of what's crying within me.

      So when I'm going through my routine,
      Do not be fooled by what I am saying.
      Please listen carefully and try to hear what I am not saying,
      What I would like to say,
      What I need to say for survival,
      And what my fear won't allow me to say.

      I don't like to hide.
      I don't like to play superficial phony games.
      I want to stop playing them.
      I want to be genuine and spontaneous and myself,
      But you've got to help me.

      You've got to hold out your hand
      Even when it's the last thing I seem to want.

      Only you can wipe away from my eyes
      The blank stare of the breathing dead.

      Only you can call me into aliveness.

      Each time you're kind and gentle and encouraging,
      Each time you try to understand because you really care,
      My heart begins to grow wings,
      Very small wings,
      Very feeble wings - but real wings!

      Your power can touch me into feeling Ok.
      You can breathe new life into me,
      Where sorrow fills my soul,
      Where only emptiness has been.
      I want you to know that.

      I want you to know how important you are to me,
      How you can be a creator,
      An honest to God creator,
      Of the person that is me - if you choose to.

      Together we can break down the wall
      Behind which I tremble.
      You can help remove my mask,
      To release me from my shadow world of panic,
      Uncertainty, my very lonely prison -
      If you choose to.

      Please choose to. Do not pass me by,
      It will not be easy for you.

      A long conviction of worthlessness builds strong walls.
      The nearer you approach me
      The more regretfully I might strike back.

      It's irrational, but despite what the books say,
      I am often irrational.

      I fight against the very thing that I cry out for.
      But I am told that love is stronger than strong walls,
      And in this lies my hope.
      Please try to beat down these walls with firm hands,
      But with gentle hands,
      For a child is very sensitive.

      Who am I you may wonder?
      I am someone you know very well,
      For I am every man you meet
      And I am every woman you meet.
    18. Juicy
      I hope everything gets okay with you <3
      I'd have posted in your thread, but I'm afraid I'm not very good with advice for situations like that..
      *huggles some more*
    19. Korra
      CtR is the most awesome thing that ever awesomed. 8D
      *leaves brownies*
    20. ArchVice
      I would never get upset with you. That's not something friends do. You are supposed to be there for each other. It's not one-sided.
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    November 27
    The Labyrinth
    Relentless fire

    Fairies and Unicorns



    But she wants to see colours and I showed her grey

    ~You Have No Power Over Me~