Nov 25, 2008
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    1. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Well,Meg just had our baby Zeo.He's born.yay!Go say hi to him.
    2. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      You didn't reply.I asked what's up?
    3. Zeonark
      No problem, Hope it helps. *Hugs Back*
      You can't call yourself a wimp if it hurt. It was dislocated and you put it back by yourself. That's pretty macho. >< I probably couldn't do that in the slightest bit ever.

      But they've only made it worse T_T When they get back, you should tell them that you really wanted to go and from now on you want to go, end of story.
    4. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~
      hhahahaha first one done I will try my best on one with lighting and noctis in it since my sis is being a meanie and wont give me photoshop
    5. Zeonark
      Trust me, As your little brother it's my turn to help you out. Sinc eGoogle is being a ass, I found one site with little information. All I can say for now is soak it in water for a hour or two, longer if needed.
      o_o That bad? Ouch, I couldn't even imagine bearing just dislocating it. You're amazing.

      They need to get pimp smack'd D: People should take others feelings into thought. It's not fair.
    6. ~_*_~Kairi-chan~_*_~
      hihi Julia-san wasup?Im working on your sig now just like zeo I will make three and you can choose which is your favorite :)
    7. Sonic the Hedgehog
      Sonic the Hedgehog
      Hey Julia!I've returned buddy.What's up?
    8. Arch
      Yeah...ah well. I usually like the sound of a nice acoustic more than an electric...which I'd need to learn how to use.
      How many/what kinds of guitars do you have?
    9. Arch
      Ah. Alright. I want an electric! Or at least a dreadnaught(can't spell it right...unless it's spelled right)! I don't have enough frets...I can barely get to 19th fret on the first string...
    10. Arch
      I figured as much. I mean...the resonance part. You don't need much effort to get it to "sound good" when using an electric. 8D Thanks.

      Heavier strings...? ><
    11. Zeonark
      Knowing the suckish google, it might take some time DX
      You disloacted it? O_o Oshi- I gotta find out how to heal your leg NOW! >< I wish I could came and cast Curaga if it was real.

      They need many kicks in the butt D:
    12. Arch
      Damn. >< You beat meh.

      Acoustic classical. you know why exactly playing an acoustic is harder than an electric? I know it's harder...but I haven't found a big reason as to why?
    13. Zeonark
      Me too DX There's gotta be something >.> *Rushes to Google*
      That's mean. You have a swollen ankle and they go off to watch a movie, they should've stayed behind to care and tend to the wound instead of leaving you alone.

      ARGH. *Rant Mode* People are just meanie heads! D:
    14. Arch
      D8 ; ; *sad* Lol. If you're more epic, then why am I prem and have a badass rep count? >8D

      Not even a year! Just a few months. T^T
    15. Zeonark
      I'm still worried D: But if you say you're okay.
      Why'd they do that? D<
    16. Arch
      8D I'm that epic, huh?

      Yes. I dunno if there are other types of tabs...unless you count bass...><
    17. Zeonark
      Aw man >< That doesn't sound good. The numbness wore off to soon? I hope your leg gets better. There has to be something that could fix that leg of yours...Think brain THINK! >_<
      Gah, I'm sad and worried now D:
    18. Arch
      Why meet me? 8D

      Just looking up tabliture. If ya know what that is...
    19. Zeonark
      Tis okay <3
      I'll make it tomorrow maybe, You get first preview. >D I'm in St. Binah.
      OSHI- Are you okay? D:
    20. Arch
      Uhhh...Hi. ;3
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