No problem, Hope it helps. *Hugs Back* You can't call yourself a wimp if it hurt. It was dislocated and you put it back by yourself. That's pretty macho. >< I probably couldn't do that in the slightest bit ever. But they've only made it worse T_T When they get back, you should tell them that you really wanted to go and from now on you want to go, end of story.
hhahahaha first one done I will try my best on one with lighting and noctis in it since my sis is being a meanie and wont give me photoshop
Trust me, As your little brother it's my turn to help you out. Sinc eGoogle is being a ass, I found one site with little information. All I can say for now is soak it in water for a hour or two, longer if needed. o_o That bad? Ouch, I couldn't even imagine bearing just dislocating it. You're amazing. They need to get pimp smack'd D: People should take others feelings into thought. It's not fair.
hihi Julia-san wasup?Im working on your sig now just like zeo I will make three and you can choose which is your favorite :)
Yeah...ah well. I usually like the sound of a nice acoustic more than an electric...which I'd need to learn how to use. How many/what kinds of guitars do you have?
Ah. Alright. I want an electric! Or at least a dreadnaught(can't spell it right...unless it's spelled right)! I don't have enough frets...I can barely get to 19th fret on the first string...
I figured as much. I mean...the resonance part. You don't need much effort to get it to "sound good" when using an electric. 8D Thanks. Heavier strings...? ><
Knowing the suckish google, it might take some time DX You disloacted it? O_o Oshi- I gotta find out how to heal your leg NOW! >< I wish I could came and cast Curaga if it was real. They need many kicks in the butt D:
Damn. >< You beat meh. Acoustic classical. you know why exactly playing an acoustic is harder than an electric? I know it's harder...but I haven't found a big reason as to why?
Me too DX There's gotta be something >.> *Rushes to Google* That's mean. You have a swollen ankle and they go off to watch a movie, they should've stayed behind to care and tend to the wound instead of leaving you alone. ARGH. *Rant Mode* People are just meanie heads! D:
D8 ; ; *sad* Lol. If you're more epic, then why am I prem and have a badass rep count? >8D Not even a year! Just a few months. T^T
Aw man >< That doesn't sound good. The numbness wore off to soon? I hope your leg gets better. There has to be something that could fix that leg of yours...Think brain THINK! >_< Gah, I'm sad and worried now D:
Tis okay <3 I'll make it tomorrow maybe, You get first preview. >D I'm in St. Binah. OSHI- Are you okay? D: