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Jul 21, 2024
May 22, 2007
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Kingdom Keeper, from Let's see what you can do.

I have returned. Who wants the first stab? B | Mar 18, 2014

Deathsight44 was last seen:
Jul 21, 2024
    1. Kekeira
      true, but i bites u on neck....that's weird for a it not?
    2. Kekeira
      i still gots ur neck :P muhahahahah
    3. Kekeira
      seriously? the paralyzing point is in the ear? No way..........i thought it was on the neck.......ur insane..
      *jaw locks on your neck, befores u bite* =D i got u... :P
    4. Deathsight44
      oh really. thats some interesting fan service but I godda say, tempting :P

      Well ya, but Gigi indeed sounds like that of a whore. That dusn make u a whore or nothens though, so dun worries bouts it :P as for larxene though, her extreme skinniness and eggheadedness (oh cmon, her head DOES look like an egg in it) is simply bothersome and slightly scary to look at :P

      ya, ik it does. Its nothing compared to Pavarini. Really, can you picture walking around with my last name? Tell me that wouldn't be a freaken gift to have :P

      they try using 'yahoo answers'. they always have the best answers :P

      Nuh! You answered it an hour before I woke up! This is unnacceptable! You young lady are staying up much to early. DO you need to break out the spray bottle? :P
    5. *TwilightNight*
      Ooooooh, Mike, you dog, you o:. Lol xD. I am so going to give out fanservice by her taking a hot bath in the RP ;P. And describe it.

      And, you think a lot of things fits into whores, rofl xDD The name "Gigi", and now, poor Larxene. I think she looks adorable =3.

      And as for your full name, I didn't know! o.O Damn, I didn't think of it, I was just going along the lines that you just made a random name, cause...well, that's a very pristine type of name. Sounds like royalty. Italian royalty xP. And no one can beat "Vinas" >3. Mine doesn't sound like a spaghetti brand *crowd on the side: "Ohhhhhhhhh!"*.

      And it's kind of bad to look at the internet for how to make waffles >.>. I just learned by myself. It always doesn't come out right the first time.

      And, if you think about my terrible sleeping habits, you won't be happy at the time I answered this VM D:.
    6. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Should I save the Castle or get Xengla, Toxyn, and Ravix?
    7. Asterisk
      take your time.
    8. Asterisk
      I said I 'may' quit as him.Since he and Larxene need to kick up drama and stuff still,I'm keeping him active.
    9. Kekeira
      *bites on neck* haha during this time u haz let go, and i let go of ur arm but now i haz ur neck!
    10. Asterisk
      Do you need Xeltic to do something or what..?
    11. *TwilightNight*
      Super super super super skinny? Have you seen her in the actual game? xD And it's just a manga drawing. However, I wouldn't call her a whore...D:. I would call her a whore in the manga, since it's full of fanservice concerning her even with her uniform D<.

      I don't know who is Lloid Pavarini, but thank you ^o^. Still, I don't want it to be my last week T-T.

      And I did make waffles again. AND SUCCEEDED >D. I don't need waffle making school, so...*sticks tongue out* The problem I have first was that it overflowed [didn't know how much to add], and the lack of non-stick cooking spray :P.
    12. *TwilightNight*
      She...she looks like a whore? o.O Rofl, how does she look like a whore? xD For one, she's wearing covering clothes ;P. Unlike in the RP recently...but that's the RP.

      Yep. Yep. Just enjoying the fine life of no school before it goes back to hell xD. Last week of freedom *sigh*.

      And I thought I told the story of how I didn't make waffles in my previous post in BYC D:. That's why I didn't make them. Well, I did make them, if you would call it that...
    13. *TwilightNight*
      WHAT SHAME? >:[ Honestly, if you don't tell me what you mean...and wait, now is my sig? o.o I don't get it. Stop confusing me T-T. *takes out metal bat*

      And no, break started in December 18 something, and I start back in January 23rd. So, technically, I'm still chillin' :D.

      And what do you mean, getting on early? D: I saw you on xD. And I wanted to make waffles >.>.
    14. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Chess! Thats what it was...... :sweatdrop:
    15. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      Got ya! And one question......whats "Checkmate"? It sounds so filmier but I can't of what it is >_<
    16. Akua WaterDragonKing
      Akua WaterDragonKing
      So whats the new plan?
    17. *TwilightNight*
      Noooo, I don't want to forget. I don't think I'll kill you or kick you where the sun don't shine if it's a compliment on Larxene. I'm a fangirl xD. If it's bad, then yeah, don't speak D<.

      But I'm on my break now! =3 I start next week, but I can get back to regular sleeping patterns in about two days, so I'm good.
    18. *TwilightNight*
      Is that suppose to be a good thing...or bad thing? I mean, who's going to kill you for not keeping your mouth shut? o.o But, thanks! [it's funny how this is a simple Larxene avie...]

      As for my early morningness...meh :D.
    19. *TwilightNight*
      For the last comment, I guess I will go wild, though I don't know with what xD.

      And as for the new avie is...flaming? o.O Or is that your way or saying you like it? >.> Would it scar me to know what you're thinking now? And if it is what I'm suspecting, maybe not, try not to read the reply I'm going to put in BYC now.
    20. Shadow_Rocks
      You know what most people lack on the show Most Shocking on True TV.........COMMON SENSE
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    Looking for change and people of interest. I like seeing what's beneath the mask. I'm disappointed by people that can't take theirs off.

